Without a strong will, nothing can be achieved


Life is never plain sailing.To succeed, a strong will is indispensable.Life is like a marathon, many people can not reach the end.This is not due to physical exhaustion, but because the will is not strong enough.


Take quitting smoking for example. Some people think it’s a piece of cake.In the morning they were ambitious to quit, but in the evening they felt they were being seduced by the smell of cigarettes.Their throats were sore, their mouths dry, and their hands were shaking.After a painful struggle, they say to themselves, "one is enough, one is enough, and tomorrow I will stop smoking once and for all."In this way they surrendered to the weak will.Eventually, they quit “a hundred times” and never succeeded.

There is a widespread humorous saying that “Quitting smoking is theeasiest thing in the world. I’ve done it for hundreds of times.” 1. Funny as itis, the saying ironically reflects the fact that strong will is the mostessential quality for anyone who wants to achieve something, and it plays a vitalrole in our success.

Just like giving up smoking, you can’t do anything without a strong will.For a successful life, a strong will means that you know where you’re going and stick to the path you’ve chosen.There is no doubt that success belongs to those who overcome their own weak will and persist to the last minute.

Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which mayexhaust us. Therefore, we must have a strong will to meet the challenge. What’smore, there are many temptations waiting for us when we are striving forsuccess. For example, when we are doing our utmost to quit playing computergames, our friends just play with great satisfaction. Then how can we resistthe temptation? Obviously, only with a strong will can we conquer ourselvesand realize our goals.

The weak can only struggle, and the brave can overcome;A fool can only lament, but a wise man can go a thousand ways.

When you smile to yourself, there is no trouble in the world can pester you;When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can deceive you.Live in the applause of others, the most easily lost themselves;In the care of others, the most easily weakened themselves.People who dare to face difficulties, so life is strong;Those who dare to challenge adversity thrive.Thank the person who gave you advice, he made you mature;Be thankful to the one who made you strong.

Celebrities become famous because they keep climbing when their companions are having fun or resting.A man is mortal because he sleeps while others are busy climbing.No sweat, no tears of success;No hard work, no rich fruit;No hard training, no flash of gold.To transform the world, we must transform ourselves;To succeed in business, you must toil yourself;You have to work hard to reach the top successfully.

The road of life has both the road, and there is mud;There are both beauty and trap, only the firm faith and courage to reach the end of the victory.The crossroads of life is a difficult choice, careful choice to ensure the right direction, confused choice is easy to go astray, give up the choice will be lost.

The pioneer has his own way, the conservative follows the old ways, the explorer climbs to the top, and the persistent goes forward courageously.Look into the distance and you will pick up the pace.Watch the scenery, and you will walk lightly;Only when you walk in company can you sing and laugh;You can climb to the top only if you have to work hard.

In life, sometimes the best way is not necessarily the road, but the path;In reality, sometimes the easiest way is not necessarily a straight one, but a zigzag one.

Life is struggle, only the courage to climb to create brilliant;Life is innovation, only with The Times to keep up with The Times;Life is to pay, only hard sweat to achieve the ideal;Life is to enjoy, only taste life can feel the joy of life.

Approach the wilderness, to be satisfied with the beauty of spring;Into the river, to feel the gentle summer water;Pick the fruits, to taste the taste of autumn;Through the cold winter, to feel the warmth of spring!

Step forward, no matter how long the road is not under words;Stagnant, however short the road is difficult to reach.Travel is not only about speed, but also about whether you can continue;Moving forward is not only about speed, but also about staying in the right direction.

All in all, success only belongs to those who can suffer long yearsof toil and make constant efforts, just as the old popular saying goes, “Whenthere is a will, there is a way.”

(1) Although it is funny, the sayingironically reflects … 虽然很有趣,它反映了……

(2) Clearly, it appears to be funny, thesaying ironically reflects … 显然,他很有趣,反映了……

(1) No doubt, only when we have a strongwill can we conquer ourselves and realize our goals. 毫无疑问,只有我们拥有坚强的意志我们才能克服自己,实现自己的目标。

(3) Clearly, only with strong will can webe the master of ourselves and make our dreams come true. 显然,只有坚强的意志才能让我们成为自己的主人,让我们的梦想成真。

Finally, do not experience the wind and rain, how can the top of the computer mountain to see the rainbow!No matter how, I believe tomorrow will be better!!

最后,不经历风雨,怎能在计算机的大山之顶看见彩虹呢! 无论怎样,相信明天一定会更好!!!!!


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