
  • 1. 不规则变化练习
  • 2. 现在完成时的肯定或否定造句
  • 3. 疑问句构造
  • 4. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别
    • 4.1 选择合适的词
  • 5. 选词填空
  • 6. been to 与 gone to 区别
  • 7. a finish time
    • 7.1 现在完成时的时间状语
  • 8. 现在完成时核心用法
  • 9. 现在完成时核心用法 ④
  • 10. 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别
  • 11. Already
  • 12. Yet
  • 13. Already 、yet、just 造句
  • 14. since 和 for 的运用
    • 14.1 How long 造句
  • 15. 现在完成时与一般过去时强化训练
    • 15.1 最后的综合练习

1. 不规则变化练习

2. 现在完成时的肯定或否定造句

1.I have spoken to the boss.
2.They haven’t eaten anything.
3.She has forgotten my address.
4.I have made a mistake.
5.You haven’t shut the door.
6.Alan has worked very hard.

7.I haven’t heard from Mary.
8.John hasn’t learnt anything.
9.I have broken a cup.
10.We have bought a new car.
11.The rain has stopped.
12.I haven’t seen a newspaper today.

3. 疑问句构造

1.Has John left?
2.Why has Fiona gone home?
3.Where have you put the keys?
4.Have we paid?
5.Has Tim phoned?
6.Have you heard the news.

7.Have the dogs come back?
8.What has Barbara told the police?
9.Why have the Andy and Sarah brought the children?
10.What have you said to Mike?
11.Why has everybody stopped talking?
12.Have you seen Martin anywhere?
13.Who has taken my coat?(这句话 who 是主语,做单数)
14.What has happened?
15.Where has my brother gone?
16.Why has Peter closed the window?
17.Has Judith passed her exam?
18.Has the postman come?

4. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别

  • 一般过去时,表示过去做了,没了,现在有没有不知道,现在完成时,表示过去做了,现在也有,也可以探讨。




10.DON’T KNOW 11.NO 12.NO

4.1 选择合适的词

  • 注意现在完成时有一个现在的言外之意,与现在有联系

1.never travelled 2.studied 3.has lost 4.met 5.'ve bought

6.left 7.'ve told 8.'ve made 9.'ve forgotten 10.built

5. 选词填空

6. been to 与 gone to 区别

1.gone 2.been 3.been 4.gone 5.been 6.gone

7. a finish time

yesterday, a few days ago, last week, in 1990,then(那时)

7.1 现在完成时的时间状语

  • 注意下面现在完成时不能和过去时间连用,可以去掉过去时间改为完成时,或者改为过去时

2.F, Andy went to Scotland last week.
3.F, Look what Peter gave me yesterday!
4.F, I saw a great programme last night.

7.F, We bought a new car in April.
8.F, I met my wife when we were students.
10.F, Mary wrote to me three weeks ago.
12.F, I forgot Mike’s birthday last Tuesday.

13.F, Everybody went home at 10 o’clock.
15.Sally left school in 2006.
18.F, What have you done? (then 那时,表示过去的时间)

8. 现在完成时核心用法

1.Has Steven paid for this lessons?
2.Have you ever written a poam?
3.I have never climbed a mountain.
4.Have Charles spoken to you today?
5.Clara haven’t told me her new address.
6. Have you ever lose your memory?

7.We haven’t played footbll this year.
8.Alex have never written to me.
9.Have you seen Henry this week?
10.My father have never driven a car.
11.Has the cat had anything to eat today?
12.Have you finished those letters?

13.I haven’t paid for the lessons this month.
14.Sally has had a baby.
15.Lucy hasn’t phoned today
16.Has Corinne come back from India?
17.It has stopped raining.
18.Has the postman come this morning?
19.We have eaten everything in the house.

9. 现在完成时核心用法 ④

1.I have broken my arm three times.
2.Joe has changed his job twice this year.
3.How often has she asked you for money?
4.I have often tried to stop smoking 这里 often 强调频率,总是,经常。
5.Tom has phoned me six times this week.
6.My father has met the Prime Minister twice.

7.The police have questioned Annie more than once.
8.I have only played rugby(橄榄球) once in my life. 在我人生当中只做过一次
9.My brother has often helped me in my work.
10.Nobody has ever understood her.
11.I have never wanted to go to the moon

10. 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别

1.Have you ever been 2.have never read 3.has won 4.won 5.has never been to

6.this year 7.stayed 8.yesterday 9.have never seen
10.has John phoned. 过去式表示他过去什么时候打电话,现在完成时表示他什么时候打来电话,到现在还没打。

11. Already

1.already gone 2.have already paid 3.has already left. 4.has already got up. 5.have already cooked. 6.has already finished.

12. Yet

1.Has my sister phoned yet?
2.The postman hasn’t come yet.
3.Bill has not found a job jet.
4.Have you finished that book yet?
5.Have you had supper yet?

13. Already 、yet、just 造句

1.She has just has a cup of coffee
2.She has not got dressed yet.
3.She has already done a lot of work.
4.She has written 3 letters.
5.She has just telephoned her mother.
6.She has already cleaned the kitchen.
7.She has not read the newspaper yet.
8.She has just made some toast.
9.She has not listened to the radio yet.

14. since 和 for 的运用

1.for 2.since 3.since 4.for 5.since 6.since

7.for 8.for 9.since 10.since 11.for 12.since

14.1 How long 造句

  • 表示做某事持续多久了

1.How long have you been in this country?
2.How long has Ranchel had her job?
3.How long have you known Mike?
4.How long have you been a student?
5.How long has your brother been a doctor?
6.How long have David and Eliabeth been together?

15. 现在完成时与一般过去时强化训练







15.1 最后的综合练习

1.'ve told 2.'ve forgotten 3.'ve made coffee 4.'ve bought 5.left

6.has lost 7.has never reached 8.got 9.studied 10.built


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