B1L1 Excuse me!
B1L3 Sorry, sir.
B1L5 Nice to meet you!
B1L7 Are you a teacher?
B1L9 How are you today?
B1L11 Is this your shirt?
B1L13 A new dress
B1L15 Your passports, please.
B1L17 How do you do?
B1L19 Tired and thirsty
B1L21 Which book?
B1L23 Which glasses?
B1L25 Mrs. Smith's Kitchen
B1L27 Mrs. Smith's living room
B1L29 Come in, Amy.
B1L31 Where's Sally?
B1L33 A fine day
B1L35 Our village
B1L37 Making a bookcase
B1L39 Don't drop it!
B1L41 Penny's bag
B1L43 Hurry up!
B1L45 The boss's letter
B1L47 A cup of coffee
B1L49 At the butcher's
B1L51 A pleasant climate
B1L53 An interesting climate
B1L55 The Sawyer family
B1L57 An unusual day
B1L59 Is that all?
B1L61 A bad cold
B1L63 Thank you, doctor
B1L65 Not a baby
B1L67 The weekend
B1L69 The car race
B1L71 He's awful!
B1L73 The way to King Street
B1L75 Uncomfortable shoes
B1L77 Terrible toothache
B1L79 Carol's shopping list
B1L81 Roast beef and potatoes
B1L83 Going on holiday
B1L85 Pairs in the spring
B1L87 A car crash
B1L89 For sale
B1L91 Poor Ian!
B1L93 Our new neighbour
B1L95 Tickets, please.
B1L97 A small blue case
B1L99 Ow!
B1L101 A card from Jimmy
B1L103 The French test
B1L105 Full of mistakes
B1L107 Its too small
B1L109 A good idea
B1L111 The most expensive model
B1L113 Small change
B1L115 Knock, knock!
B1L117 Tommys breakfast
B1L119 A true story
B1L121 The man in a hat
B1L123 A trip to Australia
B1L125 Tea for two
B1L127 A famous actress
B1L129 Seventy miles an hour
B1L131 Don't be so sure!
B1L133 Sensational News!
B1L135 The latest report
B1L137 A pleasant dream
B1L139 Is that you, John?
B1L141 Sally's first train ride
B1L143 A walk through the woods


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    注:这里只列出旧版中未包含的文章. Lesson 10(New Version) - Silicon Valley Technology trends may push Silicon Valley ...

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    Lesson 58 - Hobbies A gifted American psychologist has said, "Worry is a spasm of the emotion; ...

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    Lesson 33 - The Rising of 'Vasa' From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galle ...

  5. 新概念英语(第三册)复习(原文)——Lesson 21 - Lesson 30

    Lesson 21 - Daniel Mendoza Lesson 22 - By heart Lesson 23 - One man's meat is another man's poison L ...

  6. 新概念一册电子书课本_新概念英语第二册完整版:音频+动画视频+课本图文讲解...

    新概念英语 <新概念英语>是一经典得已经无需多做解释的英语学习好教材.它采用和人们生活.学习密切相关的语言材料,遵循语言习得的科学性及渐进性,可全面提升学生的听.说.读.写能力,使语言能力 ...

  7. 新概念英语第二册课文电子版_如何正确使用《新概念英语》(New Concept English)提高英语水平?...

    要记住:没有哪一本书,或哪一套教材,是你英语的"救世主". 换言之,如果你英语不好,不要指望读上一本书,学个什么教材,就能让英语到达一个多么高的层次. 英语的学习是长期积累的过程, ...

  8. 新概念英语第二册(视频 )在线下载

    新概念英语第二册(视频 )在线下载(2008-08-31 20:16:59) 标签:编辑/水木雨林 教育  分类:综合英语 新概念英语第二册(视频 )在线下载 东田<新概念英语>视频RM教 ...

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    一.新概念选择英音还是美音? 答:在书店购买的<新概念>配套磁带就是英音版,由外研社出版.一般我们说的经典语音就是这个版本.但是,对于第一册来说,偶数课,这个版本的录音是没有的.只有美语版 ...

  10. 新概念英语学习方法--摘自net130

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