
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.ylz.supervise.childmodule.sys.log.strategy.StrategyContext required a single bean, but 2 were found:- logBpService: defined in file [H:\item\radiate\radiate-supervise\target\classes\com\ylz\supervise\childmodule\sys\log\service\LogBpService.class]- logHsService: defined in file [H:\item\radiate\radiate-supervise\target\classes\com\ylz\supervise\childmodule\sys\log\service\LogHsService.class]Action:Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed




  1. 日志策略类

    package com.ylz.supervise.childmodule.sys.log.strategy;import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;/*** @ClassName: 日志策略* @author: Created by CCJ on 2020/5/7.**/
    public interface LogStrategy {/*** 日志保存方法*/void saveLog(Object... args) throws Exception;
  2. 实现类

    package com.ylz.supervise.childmodule.sys.log.strategy;import com.ylz.supervise.childmodule.sys.comm.CommService;/*** 策略类*/
    public class StrategyContext {private LogStrategy strategy;public StrategyContext(LogStrategy strategy) {this.strategy = strategy;}public void executeStrategy(Object... args) throws Exception {strategy.saveLog(args);}



异常:Parameter 0 of constructor in com.ylz.supervise.childmodule.sys.log.strategy.StrategyContext req记相关推荐

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