
WAV audio files are a great way to preserve the complete and accurate quality of a recording in a truly lossless format on your computer. However, if you’re not an audiophile and are concerned about storage space, it might be time to convert them to a more manageable format like MP3.

WAV音频文件是在计算机上以真正无损的格式保留录制内容的完整和准确质量的好方法。 但是,如果您不是发烧友并且关注存储空间,则可能是时候将它们转换为更易管理的格式,例如MP3。

什么是WAV文件? (What Is a WAV File?)

A Waveform Audio File Format (WAV, pronounced “Wave”) is a raw audio format created by Microsoft and IBM. WAV files are uncompressed lossless audio, which can take up quite a bit of space, coming in around 10 MB per minute.

波形音频文件格式(WAV,发音为“ Wave”)是Microsoft和IBM创建的原始音频格式。 WAV文件是未压缩的无损音频 ,可能会占用相当多的空间,每分钟大约10 MB。

WAV file formats use containers to contain the audio in “chunks” using the Resource Interchange File Format. This is a common method Windows uses for storing audio and video files— like AVI— but can be used for arbitrary data as well.

WAV文件格式使用容器使用资源交换文件格式将音频包含在“块”中。 这是Windows用于存储音频和视频文件(如AVI)的常用方法,但也可以用于任意数据。

They’re mainly used in the professional music recording industry, however, more and more people are moving away from WAV and using FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), as it uses compression to make files smaller while maintaining the same level of quality.


如何将WAV转换为MP3 (How To Convert WAV to MP3)

If you have a majority of your audio files in WAV format, the chances are they’re eating up a lot of disk space. One way to reduce the impact they have on your storage without getting rid of them completely is to convert them into a smaller, more compressed format— like MP3.

如果您的大多数音频文件都是WAV格式,则很可能它们会占用大量磁盘空间。 减少它们对存储的影响而又不完全消除它们的一种方法是将它们转换为更小,更压缩的格式,例如MP3。

使用VLC转换文件 (Using VLC to Convert Your Files)

VLC is a free and open source media player that opens almost any file format, and it has an option for converting your audio files, and it’s a favorite here at How-to Geek.

VLC是一种免费且开源的媒体播放器,几乎可以打开任何文件格式,并且具有用于转换音频文件的选项,在How-to Geek中,它是最受欢迎的。

Open up VLC and click “Media” then on “Convert/Save.”


If you already had a file loaded into VLC, the tool doesn’t automatically load it into the converter. You will have to load the file again from this window. Click the “Add” button, located on the right side.

如果您已经将文件加载到VLC中,则该工具不会自动将其加载到转换器中。 您将不得不从此窗口再次加载文件。 单击右侧的“添加”按钮。

Now, navigate to the file and click “Open.”


Click “Convert/Save” to open up the next window.


From the “Profile” drop-down list below, select “MP3” and then click “Browse” to select a folder to which you want the file saved.

从下面的“配置文件”下拉列表中,选择“ MP3”,然后单击“浏览”以选择要将文件保存到的文件夹。

After you’ve selected a folder, you will have to change the file extension to “.mp3” and then click “Save.”

选择文件夹后,必须将文件扩展名更改为“ .mp3”,然后单击“保存”。

If you want to have a little more control over the encoding that happens during the conversion, click on the wrench button.


This brings up another window with some more advanced options with which you can tinker. The “Audio Codec” tab, in particular, is useful for changing things like bitrate, channels, and sample rate.

这将打开另一个窗口,其中包含一些您可以修改的更高级的选项。 尤其是“音频编解码器”选项卡,对于更改诸如比特率,通道和采样率之类的内容很有用。

Finally, click “Start” to begin the conversion process.


Depending on the size of the file and the bitrate selected, the conversion shouldn’t take too long to complete. Afterward, you can access the MP3 from the save folder you specified.

取决于文件的大小和所选的比特率,转换的时间不应太长。 之后,您可以从指定的保存文件夹访问MP3。

使用在线解决方案转换文件 (Using Online Solutions to Convert Your Files)

There are numerous websites out there that allow you to convert your files for free, but the one we keep going back to is Zamzar. You can convert up to 10 files at a time, and they don’t store any of your files on their servers for over 24 hours.

有许多网站可让您免费转换文件,但我们一直回头的是Zamzar 。 您一次最多可以转换10个文件,而且它们在超过24小时内不会在您的服务器上存储任何文件。

After over to Zamzar’s website, click on “Choose Files,” or you can drag and drop the files into your browser window to upload them to the site.


Next, from the drop-down menu, select “MP3” as the output file type.

接下来,从下拉菜单中选择“ MP3”作为输出文件类型。

Finally, enter a valid email address where you can receive a link to your converted files, and click “Convert.”


After the conversion is complete (which doesn’t take too long, unless you’re converting a lot of large files) you will receive an email with your file(s) ready to download.





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