
%moduler  program
radius = readRadius;area = calclearea(radius);printfarea(radius,area);function  radius=readRadius()disp('Please enter the  radius  in inches.');radius=input('Enter  the radius: ');while radius<0disp('Please enter the  radius  in inches.');radius=input('The number is wrong .please enter  the radius again: ');endfprintf('Ok! \n');
endfunction area = calclearea(radius)area=pi*radius^2;
endfunction printfarea(radius,area)fprintf('For a circle  with  a radius  of %.2f  inches \n',radius);fprintf('The circle  area  of %.2f  \n',area);


% Call  a  function eoption  to display the  menu  and return   the uses  choice% Call a function  explaine to print an  expanation  of e .% Call  a function  expfn  that  will prompt  the  user for x   and print
% both   value  of built  in  exp(x)  and an aproximnae value  for  exp(x)choice=eoption()while coice~=4switch  choicecase 1explaine;case 2 limite;case 3expfn;endchoice=eoption();endfunction choice=eoption()peintChoices;choice =input('choice  :\n')while  ~ismember(choice,1:4)peintChoices;choice=input('chioce input  again  \n');endfunction peintChoices()fprintf('explane 1  explanation \n');fprintf('explane 2  limit \n');fprintf('explane 3  Exponential  function   \n');fprintf('explane 4 Exit program  \n');endend function explaine()fprintf('explane 1\n');
fprintf('explane 2\n');
fprintf('explane 3\n');
fprintf('explane 4\n');
endfunction limite()posum=input('enter a number : \n');while posum<=0fprintf('wrong ,again \n');posum=input('enter a number : \n');endfprintf('An approximation  of  e  with  n=  %.2f is  %.2f    \n',posum,(1+1/posum)^posum);
endfunction  expfn()x=input('e  x : \n');
fprintf('The exact value  exp(x)  = %.6f\n',exp(x));endfunction  y=appExp(x)y=sum(x^(0:(n-1))./factorial(0:(n-1)));

persistent 定义变量如何使用:只有在函数里面可以使用这个关键字

function myfunc3()persistent  count;if isempty(count)count=0;endcount=count+1;fprintf('The  value of  count si %d  \n',count);

>> myfunc3
The  value of  count si 1  
>> myfunc3
The  value of  count si 2  
>> myfunc3
The  value of  count si 3  
>> myfunc3
The  value of  count si 4

>>  clear myfunc3
>> myfunc3
The  value of  count si 1

全局变量: global

>> global g
>> g=19g =19>> myfunc_global
The global value g is 19.000000
>> // 函数function  myfunc_global()
global  g;
fprintf('The global value g is %f \n',g);

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