这是关于3D基本元素的第三篇教程也是最后一篇。在这篇里要介绍的是我们不常用到的。GridPlane和LineSegment用于调试,然而Cone, Torus 和SeaTurtle更是“非必备品”了。




教程里的一部分例子会用到“纹理”。关于纹理与材质我们会在后边教程详细介绍,如果要让代码在flash cs3里工作, 读这个教程.

The Cone


Swf:点击观看as: Basic08_cone.as


The Cylinder


Swf:点击观看as: Basic08_cylinder.as


The GeodesicSphere

A Geodesic sphere is most commonly referred to as a Geodesic Dome. It's been used in building construction (see Spaceship Earth at Epcot) and has some unique properties when compared to a traditional Sphere primitive. In Away3D the Geodesic Sphere starts off with a basic shape that looks like 2 pyramids combined. This shape is then refined by triangulating each of the triangles in the basic shape to approximate a sphere.

The higher amount of triangulation, the more round the sphere will appear. In the image below, the fracture setting is noted next to each sphere so you can see how this affects the roundness of the sphere.

as: Basic08_geodesicsphere_refine.as

As you see from the image, this is a quite different way to build the sphere than with a normal sphere primitive. The triangles are almost the same size across the object and this makes a GeodesicSphere more round than a sphere, given the same number of triangles. Mouse over the example below to see how the two compare.

Swf:点击观看as: Basic08_geodesicsphere.as

It is also possible to create a Geodesic sphere based on other primitives as this code shows.

The RoundedCube


点此去浏览Fabrice Closier的博客。FabriceAway3D开发团队里核心成员。


The SeaTurtle

This was the first output of the as3 exporter, a class that can generate a compact AS3 class based on any loaded model. This class has since been updated a lot and it's very powerful. If you want a compact 3D project, you should consider testing how the AS3 exporter can improve both file size and load times. While not really a primitive, the Sea Turtle was a fun addition and a bit of a mascot in the early days of Away3D. Since it's kind of complex and has a lot of faces, it is also useful for testing lighting. The texture for the turtle is located in the "/techdemos/images/" folder that you can download from the Away3D subversion repository. You'll see it in use in the next primitive - the GridPlane.

The GridPlane


Swf:点击观看 as: Basic08_gridplane.as image: seaturtle.jpg


The Torus


Swf:点击观看 movie: Basic08_torus.as, images: doughnut.jpg mandelbrot.jpg marble.jpg

注意圆环不用segmentsW 和segmentsH设置,取而代之的是segmentsR 和 segmentsT:

torus.segmentsR = 20;torus.segmentsT = 10;

The LineSegment


Swf:点击观看as:Basic08_linesegment.as, image: seaturtle.jpg

The Wire primitives

Several of the primitives are also available in Wireframe version. They have no surface so you can see the mesh they consist of.

A final note

As said initially, these primitives have very limited use and some of them even contain bugs. While working on this tutorial, I've added these bugs to the issue list for Away3D. Most notably - the cone and geodesic sphere has texture issues, the cylinder becomes too long if you use more than one segment. The issues are reported to the team and will probably be fixed swiftly, but I'm adding it here as a "nice to know" thing.


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