
GSview is a graphical interface for Ghostscript. Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript page description language used by laser printers. For documents following the Adobe PostScript Document Structuring Conventions, GSview allows selected pages to be viewed or printed. GSview requires Ghostscript. GSview is available for Windows, OS/2 and Linux.

GSview was written by Russell Lang at Ghostgum Software Pty Ltd.
Ghostscript was originally written by Aladdin Enterprises and is now maintained by Artifex Software, Inc.

See Obtaining GSview 5.0 and Obtaining GPL Ghostscript.

GSview Software
GSview release v5.0 2012-01-17, for GPL Ghostscript 9.01 or later.
GSview release v4.9 2007-11-18, for GPL Ghostscript 8.64 or later.
Related Programs
RedMon redirects a printer port to a program. Use as a virtual PostScript printer or a PDF writer.
gsprint - A Ghostscript Win32 command line interface for printing to Windows printers, included with GSview 3.4 and later.
epstool - Add and remove EPS previews.
pstoedit - convert to vector format from GSview
Ghostview previewer for use under Unix/X11.

今天用了一个GSview 5.0可用注册码,特此分享。
GSview 5.0可用注册码:55555-24868




win7 64位下面,下载了64位的安装程序之后,
安装ghostscript 和GSview,
C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\gsview

C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\pstotext

Features include:

Display and print PostScript and PDF files.
View pages in arbitrary order (Next, Previous, Goto).
Page size and Orientation are automatically selected from DSC comments or can be selected using the menu.
Print selected pages using Ghostscript.
Convert pages to bitmap, PDF or PostScript.
Selectable display resolution, depth, alpha.
Single button zoom.
Extract selected pages to another file.
Copy display bitmap to clipboard.
Save clipboard bitmap as BMP file.
Add bitmap or user preview to EPS file (Interchange, TIFF or Windows Metafile)
Graphically select and show bounding box for EPS file.
Extract bitmap preview or PostScript from DOS EPS file.
Extract text or search for text.
Can read gzip and bzip2 compressed PostScript and PDF files.
On-line help.
Win32, OS/2 and GNU/Linux executables. Older versions support Win16.
Can be run directly off a CD-ROM or USB memory stick (Portable Application).
English, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Swedish languages.
Per user initialisation files for Windows.
Includes setup program.
Free (Aladdin Free Public Licence).
Works with Ghostscript 7.04 - 9.19 (GSview checks the Ghostscript version number). Older version of GSview will work with Ghostscript 4.03 - 6.99.

查看一下 125.pdf

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