
  • 答案:
  • 习题:
    • Unit 1 Schooling
    • Unit 2 Music
    • Unit 3 Language
    • Unit 4 Entertainment
    • 单元互评作业一
    • Unit 5 The Internet
    • Unit 6 Dictionary
    • Unit 7 Elite Education
    • 单元互评作业二
    • Unit 8 Travel
    • Unit 9 Beauty




Unit 1 Schooling

1、In which group are these adjectives in the right order to describe clothes?

​ A、a brand-new black V-neck T-shirt a plain beige woolly jumper scruffy blue suede shoes

​ B、a black brand-new V-neck T-shirt a plain beige woolly jumper scruffy blue suede shoes

​ C、a brand-new black V-neck T-shirt a plain beige woolly jumper blue scruffy suede shoes

​ D、a brand-new black V-neck T-shirt a wolly plain beige jumper scruffy blue suede shoes


2、When do students in England and Wales usually take their gap year?

​ A、at age 16

​ B、at age 21

​ C、at age 18

​ D、at age 22


3、What are the forces behind the revolution in higher education?

​ A、climate change

​ B、Internet

​ C、rising cost

​ D、changing demand


4、GCSE stands for “General Certificate of Secondary Education” in British educational system.


5、In passage two, the writer thought that Mr.K’s methods was undeniably effective because it worked.


Unit 2 Music

1、Which one is NOT a classical composer ?

​ A、Bach

​ B、Shakespeare

​ C、Mozart

​ D、Beethoven


2、According to Don Campbell’s book The Mozart Effect, listening to Mozart can boost a person’s IQ

​ A、7 points

​ B、8 points

​ C、9 points

​ D、10 points


3、As a composer, Mozart completed many works including

​ A、Operas

​ B、Piano Concertos

​ C、Serenades

​ D、Symphonies


4、“Instead of using something general, like an IQ test, we tested eight specific domains of cognition,” Mehr said.


5、According to Howard Gardner’s Frames Of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. A person’s IQ test result may not be the only way to judge he or she is smart enough.


Unit 3 Language

1、Now, which language is the most spoken one in the world ?

​ A、English

​ B、French

​ C、Chinese

​ D、Spanish


2、Among the following factors, what are the reasons for the rise of Chinglish?

​ A、different thinking patterns and culture

​ B、rise of China as an influential economic force

​ C、Chinese interference

​ D、word-for-word translation from online dictionary


3、What measures have French taken to keep their mother tongue“pure”?

​ A、A law has been adopted for the purification of French.

​ B、French people are opposed to using English in their daily communication.

​ C、French people refuse to use English words in surfing the Internet.

​ D、The French Academy has been the watchdog over the French language for decades.


4、English, as the lingua franca of the world, is beneficial for the flourish of the world’s indigenous languages.


5、Rain garden can provide native plants habitats for wildlife.


Unit 4 Entertainment

1、A film that tells about exciting criminal activities with someone in danger or under threat is a (n) _____ .

​ A、detective film

​ B、thriller

​ C、action film

​ D、horror


2、What is Disney’s attitude toward money?

​ A、Money is an end.

​ B、Money excited him.

​ C、He tried to make money.

​ D、Money was only for financing new ideas.


3、Which of the following are the Academy Awards?

​ A、Best Picture

​ B、Best Actor

​ C、Best Foreign Film

​ D、Best Visual Effects


4、Nominalization is a distinctive feature of formal English style.


5、The film taken by the camera is called a rush or daily, which needs editing.



1、Translate the Following into English:



Unit 5 The Internet

1、When sth. goes_____, it means it spreads very quickly, it has become very popular on the Internet.

​ A、virus

​ B、viral

​ C、well

​ D、over


2、According to the author, what is good at serendipity compared with the Internet?

​ A、google

​ B、librarian

​ C、television viewing

​ D、search engine


3、What are the top social networking sites mentioned in this video?

​ A、Facebook

​ B、Twitter

​ C、YouTube

​ D、LinkedIn


4、According to Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, the Internet’s disruptive impact has only just began.


5、Although we don’t know the exact future, it is quite evident that interacting with AI will soon become an everyday activity. These interactions will clearly help our society evolve, particularly in regards to automated transportation, handling dangerous duties, solving climate change and improving the care of our elders.


Unit 6 Dictionary

1、Which one is not one of the Big Five ?

​ A、Longman

​ B、Macmillan

​ C、Cambridge

​ D、Merriam-Webster


2、What ways can we use to make new words in English?

​ A、borrowing

​ B、compounding

​ C、functional shift

​ D、back-formation


3、Modern lexicographers tend to

​ A、focus on obscure words.

​ B、examine instances of a word in corpora and then work out what it means.

​ C、provide simple indexes or menus to the longer entries.

​ D、choose examples carefully to give extra information about the way a word is used.


4、Editors in the old days made great efforts to read slips and write definitions while editors today can examine instances of a word in a large corpus and then work out its definitions. But both stick to the similar principles of making definitions.


5、If we want to search for synonyms of a word, we use “chart display” of the Corpus of Contemporary American English.


Unit 7 Elite Education

1、Which one is not the feature of an elite education?

​ A、Engagement

​ B、Entitlement

​ C、Exclusion

​ D、Elite


2、What are etiquettes for job interviews?

​ A、Dress properly.

​ B、Do not appear to be pushy or overly anxious to get a job.

​ C、Shake hands with the interviewer before he extends his hand.

​ D、Make eye contact with the interviewer during the interview.


3、What are the disadvantages of an elite education?

​ A、It makes you incapable to talk to people who are not like you.

​ B、It inculcates a false sense of self-worth.

​ C、It offers temptations to mediocrity and security.

​ D、It is anti-intellectual.


4、Literal translation means conveying the meaning of the source text disregarding the form of the original text.


5、In a good resume, your strengths and weakness should be included.




Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace in the future. Others think the true function of a university is to provide access to knowledge for its own sake. What do you think are the main functions of a university?


Unit 8 Travel

1、Human beings need to be close to nature because _______.

​ A、man is a part of nature

​ B、nature needs man

​ C、man is what nature is

​ D、man does not need nature


2、The phrase “the call of the wild”_____________.

​ A、is the name of a novel by Jack London

​ B、is an essay by Jonathan Lorrie

​ C、means returning to nature(天性,野性)

​ D、means getting close to nature(自然)


3、It is the ________ and _____ that make Kaikoura, New Zealand the famous “wale-watch station”, thus attracting more and more tourists.

​ A、crayfish food

​ B、tree houses

​ C、eco-friendly policy

​ D、environment consciousness of local people


4、The relationship between tourism and nature is not complicated and many human activities do have good effects on environment, both natural and man-made.


5、Man needs transport engineering because mobility is a basic human need and there is a strong tie between the living standard and transport facilities quality.


Unit 9 Beauty

1、Which one of the following intends to make psychology literature more accessible to the general public?

​ A、Extreme Makeover

​ B、The Swan

​ C、Psychology Today



2、Among the cities, which belongs to the four fashion capitals?

​ A、New York

​ B、London

​ C、Milan

​ D、Paris


3、What do you think may be the possible risks of cosmetic surgery?

​ A、Warnings of side effects rarely appear in the surgery advertisements

​ B、Few normal rules are applied in the cosmetic industry

​ C、Cosmetic surgeons make full and proper records of each surgery

​ D、The silicon implants can leak and interfere with the body’s immune system


4、What is a e-palette concept vehicle like?

​ A、It is a flexible, purpose-built vehicle

​ B、It is fully electric and autonomous

​ C、It has different sizes

​ D、It can be reconfigured to various solutions as required in a course of a day


5、Critics who turn back to cosmetic surgery think personal fulfillment should not be closed linked to physical perfection.


The End.


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