win10 乳白色风格

Author’s Note: I’m taking a break from writing about tech to write about


Australian Opals enjoying their Bronze Medal victory. Image courtesy of
澳大利亚蛋白石享受他们的铜牌胜利。 图片由London2012.com提供。

The 2012 Summer Olympics are coming to a close. As I write this article I’m sitting in a beautiful British sunset, drinking red wine and basking in the warm glow of having spent two weeks around my favourite international sporting event. As an Australian (even though I am an ex-pat), I have something of an inbuilt cultural love of sporting events of all kinds, and the Olympics is unquestionably the greatest of all the sporting stages.

2012年夏季奥运会即将结束。 当我写这篇文章时,我正坐在美丽的英国夕阳下,喝着红酒,享受着在我最喜欢的国际体育赛事上呆了两周的温暖光芒。 作为一个澳大利亚人(即使我是一名前派),我对各种体育赛事都有着内在的文化热爱,毫无疑问,奥运会是所有体育赛事中最伟大的。

There have been a great many things to love about this year’s games. Ignoring, for a moment, the fact that in very un-British fashion the entire event has worked out more-or-less without a hitch, the games have provided a wonderful quantity of drama and excitement. It is always a joy to watch the best athletes in the world all on the same stage, but I have a feeling that this has been the most exciting of all the games I’ve had the pleasure to see.

今年的比赛有很多值得一去的地方。 片刻,忽略了事实,即整个赛事以一种非常不英式的方式进行,或多或少顺利地进行了,这些游戏提供了很多精彩的戏剧性和刺激性。 在同一阶段观看世界上最好的运动员总是很高兴,但是我感觉这是我有幸看到的所有比赛中最激动人心的。

For me, the highlight has been a sport I’ve never really had the chance to watch before: women’s basketball. I’m a big fan of basketball: I played a bit as a teenager, and I’ve always thought that it is one of the best spectator sports around. However, and I suspect this is true of most people, I’ve only really ever watched men’s basketball. Women’s basketball, like most women’s sport, has really been something I was only aware of, rather than engaged in.

对我来说,最重要的是我从未真正有机会观看过的一项运动:女子篮球。 我是篮球的忠实拥护者:我十几岁时就踢球,而且我一直认为这是周围最好的观众运动之一。 但是,我怀疑大多数人都是如此,我只是真正看过男篮。 像大多数女子运动一样,女子篮球确实是我才意识到而不是从事的事情。

However, this Olympics I found myself hooked. I stumbled onto the first game of the Australian Opals campaign. The Opals, ranked 2nd in the world at the start of the Olympics, turned out to create the greatest spectator experience the Olympics had to offer. I ended up watching every game of their Bronze-medal-winning campaign.

但是,这次奥运会我迷上了自己。 我偶然发现了澳大利亚蛋白石运动的第一场比赛。 蛋白石,在奥运会开始时排名世界第二,原来是创造了奥运会所必须提供的最精彩的观众体验。 我最终观看了他们赢得铜牌战役的每场比赛。

While I was writing this post, I had written fully 2000 words on the reason people should be watching women’s basketball. However, in the interim, the Opals have registered an 83-74 victory over Russia in the bronze medal game. This is a team that, but for the juggernaut that is American basketball, played like gold-medallists, and through a bit of bad luck ended up meeting the United States in the semi-final instead of the final, leading to them walking away with bronze medals.

当我写这篇文章的时候,我写了整整2000句话,说明人们应该看女子篮球的原因。 然而,在此期间,蛋白石在铜牌比赛中取得了83-74的对俄罗斯的胜利 。 这支球队的实力不强,但对于像美国篮球这样的美国篮球巨头而言,他的表现就像金牌商人一样,并且由于运气不好而最终在半决赛而不是决赛中与美国会面,导致他们离开了铜牌。

These girls led me and everyone else who followed them on an emotional roller coaster. The team was an almost equal mix of veterans and rookies, and both groups of women played with heart and determination. They put their hearts, bodies and souls on the line in green and gold, and they have earned the gratitude and respect not just of me but of everyone they played for. They won bronze medals: I personally would have liked to see them win gold, but the fact that they didn’t is not their failing. I have no time for journalists and individuals who criticise athletes for failing to win gold medals, and I won’t do it. Instead, I congratulate them and thank them.

这些女孩带领我和跟随他们的所有其他人乘坐过山车。 这支队伍几乎都是老兵和新手的混合体,两组女性都充满了毅力和决心。 他们用绿色和金色的线条将自己的心灵,身体和灵魂排成一线,不仅赢得了我的感谢,也赢得了他们所敬拜的每个人的尊重。 他们获得了铜牌:我个人很希望看到他们获得金牌,但事实并非如此,这并不是他们的失败。 对于那些批评运动员未能获得金牌的记者和个人,我没有时间,我也不会这样做。 相反,我向他们表示祝贺并感谢他们。

I’m not a journalist, a celebrity or someone with a great platform from which to shout my praise, so instead I devote a page on my blog. I would like to thank the following women, in the order of their squad number:

我不是新闻工作者,名人,也不是拥有一个赞美我的好平台的人,所以我在自己的博客上专门写了一个页面。 我要感谢以下女士,按照其小队人数的顺序排列:

  • Jenna O’Hea (4) – Age 25, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Samantha Richards (5) – Age 29, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Jennifer Screen (6) – Age 30, two Olympics (one Silver Medal, one Bronze Medal).
  • Abby Bishop (7) – Age 23, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Suzy Batkovic (8) – Age 31, three Olympics (two Silver Medals, one Bronze Medal).
  • Kathleen MacLeod (9) – Age 25, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Kristi Harrower (10) – Age 37, four Olympics (three Silver Medals, one Bronze Medal).
  • Laura Summerton (11) – Age 28, two Olympics (one Silver Medal, one Bronze Medal).
  • Belinda Snell (12) – Age 31, three Olympics (two Silver Medals, one Bronze Medal).
  • Rachel Jarry (13) – Age 20, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Liz Cambage (14) – Age 20, one Olympics (Bronze Medal).
  • Lauren Jackson (15) – Age 31, four Olympics (three Silver Medals, one Bronze Medal), all-time high scorer in Women’s Olympic Basketball.
  • 珍娜·奥希 ( Jenna O'Hea) (4 岁 )– 25岁,一届奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 萨曼莎·理查兹 ( Samantha Richards) (5岁)– 29岁,一届奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 詹妮弗·筛选 (6)– 30岁,两次奥运会(一枚银牌,一枚铜牌)。
  • 艾比·毕晓普 ( Abby Bishop) (7岁)– 23岁,一届奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 苏兹·巴特科维奇 (8 岁 )– 31 岁 ,三届奥运会(两枚银牌,一枚铜牌)。
  • 凯瑟琳·麦克劳德(Kathleen MacLeod)(9岁)– 25岁,一届奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 克里斯蒂·哈罗(Kristi Harrower)(10岁)– 37岁,四届奥运会(三枚银牌,一枚铜牌)。
  • 劳拉·萨默顿 ( Laura Summerton) (11岁)– 28岁,两次奥运会(一枚银牌,一枚铜牌)。
  • 贝琳达·斯内尔(Belinda Snell,12岁)– 31岁,三届奥运会(两枚银牌,一枚铜牌)。
  • 雷切尔·贾里 ( Rachel Jarry) (13岁)– 20岁,一场奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 莉兹·康巴奇 ( Liz Cambage) (14岁)– 20岁,一届奥运会(铜牌)。
  • 劳伦·杰克逊 ( Lauren Jackson) (15 岁 )– 31岁,四届奥运会(三枚银牌,一枚铜牌),女子篮球史上最高得分手。

Each one had court time, and each one gave everything they had for the team while on the court. They conducted themselves with grace, dignity and good-humour while producing performances as good as or better than any other athlete Australia sent to the Olympics.

每个人都有上场时间,每个人都在场上为球队付出了一切。 他们表现出优雅,尊严和幽默感,同时表现出比澳大利亚派往奥运会的其他运动员更好或更好的表现。

Particular praise should be singled out for Kristi Harrower. Today represented the last Olympic game she will ever compete in, and she went out with a bang (21 points).

对于克里斯蒂·哈罗格(Kristi Harrower),应该特别赞扬。 今天代表了她将参加的最后一场奥林匹克运动会,她大获全胜(21分)。


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