SRTM数据主要是由美国太空总署(NASA)和国防部国家测绘局(NIMA)联合测量的,SRTM的全称是Shuttle Radar Topography Mission,即航天飞机雷达地形测绘使命。获取的雷达影像数据经过两年多的处理,制成了数字地形高程模型,该测量数据覆盖中国全境。SRTM数据每经纬度方格提供一个文件,精度有1 arc-second和3 arc-seconds两种,称作SRTM1和SRTM3,或者称作30M和90M数据,SRTM1的文件里面包含3601*3601个采样点的高度数据,SRTM3的文件里面包含1201*1201个采样点的高度数据。目前能够免费获取中国境内的RTM3文件,是90米的数据,每个90米的数据点是由 9个30米的数据点算术平均得来的。 SRTM数据下载的地址是: 。我国境内的数据在Eurasia目录下,每经纬度方格一个文件,文件命名方法是,X1是N或S表示南北,X2是下方纬度数,X3是E或W表示东西,X4是左方经度数。


电脑上需要先安装ArcGIS workstation。

1.打开cmd窗口,用“cd /d 路径”的格式进入hgt数据所存放的位置;

2.然后输入"arc",在ArcGIS workstation arc环境下进行命令行操作;

3.输入“&r srtmgrid.aml”,表示运行我们刚才复制粘贴生成的AML程序。可以看到这个命令的用法。这里提示我们在运行该程序时要输入两个参数:输入文件名和输出文件;

4.明白了第3步以后,让我们正式开始执行该程序。输入“&r srtmgrid.aml N39E114.hgt N39E114”。注意该空格的地方要空格。该命令表示运行(run)srtmgrid.aml程序,输入文件为N39E114.hgt,输出文件为N39E114文件。由文件名我们也能看到:该文件的经纬度方格的范围是北纬39东经114.点击回车,即可执行。


6.输入“grid”,进入GRID 环境。我们要将第4、5步转换的GRID文件拼接(mosaic)成一个文件。输入“mosaic”,回车,就能看到mosaic命令的用法。我们要指定一个输出文件名,再将第4、5步生成的GRID文件名依次输进去,就行了。我们输入“bjdem = mosaic(N39E114,N39E115,N39E116,N39E117,N40E114,N40E115,N40E116,N40E117,N41E114,N41E115,N41E116,N41E117,N42E114,N42E115,N42E116,N42E117)”,回车,就把这些GRID文件全都拼接成一张图了。



/* Program: SRTMGRID.AML
/* Purpose: Convert raw prelminary SRTM elevation data files
/* (.hgt extension) to ESRI GRID format. Many thanks to
/* Arthur Tarr, USGS, ( for figuring out how
/* to convert SRTM image files to ArcInfo GRID format.
/* The georeferencing and grid-cell resolution
/* for the output grid is determined from the file
/* name and the size of the file.
/* Usage: &r srtmgrid <dat_file> <out_grid>
/* Arguments:
/* <dat_file> *.hgt binary file of elevation data
/* File must be named according to convention
/* on FTP site, e.g. N45W103.hgt
/* <out_grid> Output grid name (must conform to ArcInfo naming
/* conventions)
/* Calls: *none*
/* History:
/* 01/28/02 Curtis Price, USGS,
/* Original coding. Thanks to Arthur Tarr for figuring
/* out the integer data transformation in GRID.
/* 08/28/02 cprice
/* Updated to work with newer data
/* posted at
/* Also fixed header to match documentation
/* 11/19/03 cprice
/* Updated to work with global data (all dd quadrants)
/* **********************************************************************
/* Although this program has been used by the U.S. Geological
/* Survey, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS as to
/* the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program
/* material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such
/* warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection
/* therewith.
&args datfile outgrid
&s os [extract 1 [show &os]]
&if [null %outgrid%] &then &do
&type Usage: &r srtmgrid <dat_file> <out_grid>
&type Example: &r srtmgrid N45W122.hgt srtm1g
&if %:program%_ eq ARC_ &then grid
&if %:program%_ ne GRID_ &then
&return This program must be run from ARC or GRID.
&if %os%_ nc Windows_NT &then &do
&s uxname %datfile%
&s datfile [locase %datfile%]
&if %datfile% ne %uxname% &then &sys mv %uxname% %datfile%
&if ^ [exists %datfile% -file] &then
&return *** Data file %datfile% not found
&if [exists %outgrid% -dir] &then
&return *** %outgrid% exists. Cannot create a grid with that name.
/* extract image parameters from filename
&s fn [locase %datfile%]
&s xxll [unquote [translate %fn% ' ' nsew.hgt]]
&s xxlat [extract 1 %xxll%]
&s xxlon [extract 2 %xxll%]
&if [type %xxlat%] ge 0 &then &s badfn
&if [type %xxlon%] ge 0 &then &s badfn
&if [variable badfn] &then &do
&type Bad filename: %datfile%
&type This AML requires that the original SRTM filename be used.
&type For example: N44W103.hgt
/* determine lat long sign
&if [substr %fn% 1 1]_ eq s_ &then &s xxlat %xxlat% * -1
&if [substr %fn% 4 1]_ eq w_ &then &s xxlon %xxlon% * -1
/* calculate upper left corner of tile
&s xxlat [calc %xxlat% + 1]
/* determine arc-second resolution from filesize
&s tmpfil [scratchname -suf .dat]
&if %os% cn 'Windows_NT' &then &do
&sys dir %datfile% /l /-c > %tmpfil%
&s ch [open %tmpfil% st -r]
&s rec [read %ch% st]
&do &while %st% eq 0 and %rec% nc [locase %datfile%]
&s rec [read %ch% st]
&s st [close %ch%]
&s xfn [unquote %rec%]
&s filesize = [extract [calc [token %xfn% -count] - 1] %xfn%]
&else &do
&sys ls -l %datfile% > %tmpfil%
&s ch [open %tmpfil% st -r]
&s rec [read %ch% st]
&s st [close %ch%]
&s filesize [extract 5 [unquote %rec%]]
&s st [delete %tmpfil%]
&if [type %filesize%] > 0 &then &return ** ERROR problem determining file size
&if %filesize% gt 5e6 &then &s arcsec 1
&else &s arcsec 3
/* calculate image size
&s ncells [calc 3600 / %arcsec% + 1]
&s cellsize [calc %arcsec% / 3600]
&type Reading %datfile% as %arcsec%-arc-second DEM ...
&type Copying image file ...
/* create bil file
&s tmpimg [scratchname -file -suf .bil]
&s st [copy %datfile% %tmpimg%]
/* write hdr file
&s tmphdr [before %tmpimg% .bil].hdr
&s ch [open %tmphdr% st -w]
&s st [write %ch% 'BYTEORDER M']
&s st [write %ch% 'LAYOUT BIL']
&s st [write %ch% [quote NROWS %ncells%]]
&s st [write %ch% [quote NCOLS %ncells%]]
&s st [write %ch% 'NBITS 16']
&s st [write %ch% [quote ULXMAP %xxlon%]]
&s st [write %ch% [quote ULYMAP %xxlat%]]
&s st [write %ch% [quote XDIM %cellsize%]]
&s st [write %ch% [quote YDIM %cellsize%]]
&s st [close %ch%]
&type Image parameters:
&s ch [open %tmphdr% st -r]
&s rec [read %ch% st]
&do &while %st% eq 0
&type %rec%
&s rec [read %ch% st]
&s st [close %ch%]
/* read into data file into grid format
&s tmpgrid [scratchname -dir -suf g]
arc imagegrid %tmpimg% %tmpgrid%
/* convert image values as read to signed integer
/* (imagegrid does not support signed integers)
/* (Thanks to Arthur Tarr, USGS)
%outgrid% = con(~
%tmpgrid% gt 32768, %tmpgrid% - 65536, ~
%tmpgrid% lt 32768, %tmpgrid%)
/* Document projection for ArcInfo applications
arc projectdefine grid %outgrid%
projection geographic
units dd
zunits meters
datum wgs84
log %outgrid% add
Created from SRTM input file %datfile%
listoutput %tmphdr% init
&format 6
describe %outgrid%
&format 3
listoutput screen
&s ch [open %tmphdr% st -r]
&lv st ch
&do &until %st% ne 0
&type [read %ch% st]
&s st [close %ch%]
kill %tmpgrid% all
&s st [delete %tmpimg% -file]
&s st [delete %tmphdr% -file]
&if %os% nc 'Windows_NT' &then
&if %datfile% ne %uxname% &then &sys mv %datfile% %uxname%
&return Processing completed.

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