
const enum MSGTYPE{TEXT = 'text',IMAGE = 'image',
// or
// type MSGTYPE = 'text' | 'image';export interface QywxSendMessage = {msg_id: number;msg_name: string;[key: MSGTYPE]: number;

显然会报错An index signature parameter type cannot be a union type. Consider using a mapped object type instead. ts(1337)


export interface QywxSendMessage = {msg_id: number;msg_name: string;[key in MSGTYPE]: number;


type MSGTYPE = 'text' | 'image';export interface QywxSendMessage = {msg_id: number;msg_name: string;[key: MSGTYPE]: number;// [key: 'text' | 'image']: number;

显然也会报错An index signature parameter type cannot be a union type. Consider using a mapped object type instead. ts(1337)


type MSGTYPE<T> = {'text': T } | {'image':T };export interface QywxSendMessageParams = {msg_id: number;msg_name: string;
}export type QywxSendMessage = QywxSendMessageParams & MSGTYPE<number>;

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