【What's achieved?】

★[see Appendix for picture] Passed the Tech-Assessment for Senior level in spite of my title Software Engineer (without Senior). It means not much. Maybe, it can only prove that I am having a wide knowledge with solid basis. I know, this is only a Chinese style exam.

★[see Appendix for picture] Joined the mandatory English training called EBP, and won the first prize with our group. I can extend lots of details, for teamwork for presentation. But, in short, thanks our group members. And thanks my leader (real leader for work) for her silent support. She just kept one eye on for my spending too much time on non-business. And, we did it, to win the first place, in reward.

★Played the important role for 3 Production Releases(deliver the code to server). Though I am keen on development(coding), I am now mainly working on deployment. In hesitate, I admitted such arrangement tacitly. It is the situation of this company that you can learn more from delivery than from coding. Anyway, just need to keep our heart studying as we are still young.

★Tried different kinds of games: FPS and RPG. Getting out from RTS game WarCraft, I tried FPS-"Call of Duty 4" and RPG-"Dragon Age:Origin". I just wanted to make change to myself. And also, I learnt something from them. From FPS, I learnt to aim enemy precisely and improved my sence of "which direction are the bullets from". From RPG, I learnt how to invest my avatar according his talent (improve warrior mainly in strenth, improve thief mainly in swift, improve mage mainly in magic, sth like that). ----Yes... Guys, don't laugh at me~ I know these are outdated games already~ But you know that, if we want to play fation games, we need to pay much to upgrade our PC hardware~

★Tech-reading: keep a reading habit for cnblogs, CSDN and iFanr. Here I am, writing blog in cnblogs.

★Non-tech-reading: 《李光定的突击》《大脑训练法》《圈子圈套》《心灵游戏》 and some other not-that-famous books...

★Others: [tour]: went to ShangHai and took some photos... [surgery]: remove my impacted-wisdom-teeth... Well, I can write a guide for that. Lacking strategy, it took me the whole afternoon for queueing and waiting... and... 300RMB for each tooth... no comment to the politics...

【What should have done?】

★Some professional books... You know, it's hard to get start...

★I once made up my mind to study cooking... but... you know... nothing then...

★not much... seems I don't have special goal for 2012...

【What's the goal for the new year?】

[3]★Clear the bookcase! 《PMP考试指南》《创业论语》《漫步华尔街》《孙子兵法与三十六计》 @_@

[2]★Improvement at work.

[1]★Write a complete application independently, and it should be useful.

[4]★Do some investment if possible.


The only thing I can show off... >_<


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