

Navigation Options

Property: Function:
Navigation The Navigation options refers to how the navigation of UI
elements in play mode will be controlled.
None No keyboard navigation. Also ensures that it does not receive focus from clicking/tapping on it.
Horizontal Navigates Horizontally.
Vertical Navigates Vertically.
Automatic Automatic Navigation.
Explicit In this mode you can explicitly specify where the control navigates to for different arrow keys.
Visualize Selecting Visualize gives you a visual representation of the navigation you have set up in the scene
window. See below.

Scene window showing the visualized navigation connections

In the above visualization mode, the arrows indicate how the change of focus is set up for the collection of controls as a group. That means - for each individual UI control - you can see which UI control will get focus next, if the user presses an arrow key when the given control has focus. So in the example shown above, If the “button” has focus and the user presses the right arrow key, the first (left-hand) vertical slider will then become focused. Note that the vertical sliders can’t be focused-away-from using up or down keys, because they control the value of the slider. The same is true of the horizontal sliders and the left/right arrow keys.


Navigation Options

Property: Function:



None 没有键盘导航。还可以确保它不会因为点击/轻击而获得焦点。
Horizontal 横向导航
Vertical 纵向导航
Automatic 自动导航
Explicit 在此模式下,可以显式指定控件导航到不同箭头键的位置。







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