


January 17, is thirty. This morning, I just get up, ran to the kitchen to ask grandma: "grandma, what time do breakfast?" Grandmother replied, "don't worry, I just started to do, wait another twenty minutes." Then, I went back to the room watching TV.

Have waited a long time is New Year's eve finally came. At eight to ten, and there were firecrackers, continually atmosphere absolutely no less than any year this year. After we finish firecrackers, family reunion dinner is ready. I walked to the front of the table a look, wow, today's food can be really big ah! Have bean curd stick, cabbage, duck, chicken, fish cake... So much food, want to eat, let a person look at really sweet!

After eating dinner, we'll put the fireworks out. At once, the fireworks are put out. Today, I am very happy.

On February 9, is on the first day. Good morning, I wear a new dress, he ran in front of the elder sister-in-law said: "the elder sister-in-law, congratulation, red envelopes. Elder sister-in-law said: "you this little avarice, together to want money!" After breakfast, we began to adults happy New Year. After take a red envelope, we will go shopping. The adults to take us, not completely is our three brothers to himself. We went to the dong yuan, see many people in the water boating, we also follow. Zoned for a while, we went ashore.

We play here, there, in a twinkling, playing for three hours. We bought a lot of food in the supermarket, with French fries, potato chips, shrimp, shrimp, jelly and chicken nuggets. After that, we ate and walk on the road, went home happily.


Want to talk about this winter holiday fun, that is to say a laundry list. What can be the most interesting or grandpa's dog and near the dog.

Big grandpa has a guard dog, because looks, habits are very fierce, so I call it the "mark". And grandpa's house and there is a gentle little "dog" is called "the ball ball". So a "Star Wars" of the dog.

"The ball ball" is a gentle and lovely dog, so our family all like it. The "mark" is too fierce, it is being tied down a big dog, so it is "cold". Looked at in a day, drink hot "the ball ball", it is "jealousy".

So we just give "the ball ball" a delicious, it's "gas" "an auf, auf here..." Barked. So every time we have to "steal" inside the fed "the ball ball" to eat. For this matter, "mark" are three chain broke free.

In order to "blow" and "ball" ball, "mark" "gather" overnight "associates" - "jianghu dog" (stray dogs) to advise. Come up with a "lousy" idea to...

That day I in front of the "mark" feed "the ball ball". See "wants" to cry out: "wang" is not called. But far groups come the "river lake dog", I was surprised, "mark" will come to this. Dogs, after all, is, however, dozen however, after 70 seconds of "struggle", they are being chased away by success.


This year's winter vacation, I do not know is who angered god, children shut up the snow. Until the day, my hometown yancheng, sparking the snow started to fall. The children in the neighborhood and I dozen the snow battle.

We were playing excitedly when dad came back riding a storage battery. I saw, and ran to her daddy, he asked: "dad, what were you up to?" He didn't say anything, smiled, and then quickly take out from behind a new skateboard. I am too agitated almost cried: skateboard! The skateboard! I dream of a skateboard! Dad clearing the field quickly, and I can't wait to open box, take out the skateboard, on the ground, jumped up, want to natural and unrestrained "slip", while the skateboard like make fun of me, it's head, a body twist, threw me a sprawling. I rubbed a bottom, turn up. Look at the others slip up pretty easily, how to get to me here also played a strength? Little thing, I can't believe this is driving you.

I hold the wall first, carefully on the skateboard, learn to others slip touch kind: feet twist twist, the body in balance. I hold the wall slip for a moment, can yourself straight and smooth. Turn here I began to learn, my right foot twisted quickly, left foot controls the direction, although a lot of fall, but still learned. I take it, learn to show myself to dad, though it is not too skilled, but still a satisfied smile on his face.

As the saying goes: where there is a will there is a way. As long as kung fu deep, iron pestle into a needle. As long as we take pains, we will be able to succeed in doing what you want to do.


Then suddenly winter vacation is nearly the past think of the interesting things, I will keep smile.

That is the annual lunar calendar, we will to the public to have a meal. Go to, I also brought a brain teasers.

Ten more minutes, aunt they didn't come, so I said to them: "aunt, let's play the game of brain teasers?" Aunt nodded without any hesitation, promised to me. So I said, "the title out by me, you guess, I give you, but I will not give the answer. Wrong to stick a piece of white, guess the prize for something to eat. Everyone has to guess, if you don't guess who, also want to stick to white." The game started, my first question is the "what cannot eat" see aunt, aunt, brother and sister are sitting in a chair, frowned, you look at me, I look at you, silently say something.

At this moment, I saw my brother stood up from his chair, said to me: "the nature is the broken rice oh." I came to him, his brother's shoulder, and said to his brother: "congratulations, answer wrong" I put a note posted on my brother's face, immediately, brother long out of a white beard. Others see brother, think again, and for a long time, also have no answer, I said: "now give you a hint, a unit of length." At this time, the elder brother stood up again, said: "I know that is contributing."

I say: "true cleverness, right!" Brother said: "that my white pick." I smiled and said: "amends, line."

This winter holiday, I had a great time, especially the game.


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