robotframework 是一个简单易用的关键字驱动自动化测试框架,我这里用dbank的python的sdk作为目标测试程序简单使用robotframework

Why Robot Framework?

  • Enables easy-to-use tabular syntax for creating test cases in a uniform way.
  • Provides ability to create reusable higher-level keywords from the existing keywords.
  • Provides easy-to-read result reports and logs in HTML format.
  • Is platform and application independent.
  • Provides a simple library API for creating customized test libraries which can be implemented natively with either Python or Java.
  • Provides a command line interface and XML based output files for integration into existing build infrastructure (continuous integration systems).
  • Provides support for Selenium for web testing, Java GUI testing, running processes, Telnet, SSH, and so on.
  • Supports creating data-driven test cases.
  • Has built-in support for variables, practical particularly for testing in different environments.
  • Provides tagging to categorize and select test cases to be executed.
  • Enables easy integration with source control: test suites are just files and directories that can be versioned with the production code.
  • Provides test-case and test-suite -level setup and teardown.
  • The modular architecture supports creating tests even for applications with several diverse interfaces.


pip install robotframework
ciaos@linux-53dr:~/Downloads/python-sdk-0.1> pybot --version
Robot Framework 2.7.6 (Python 2.7.3 on linux2)


#!/usr/bin/env pythonfrom nsp import NSPClient
import sys
import osdef helloworld(uname):nsp = NSPClient(****, '***********************');svc = nsp.service("nsp.demo")ret = svc.helloworld(uname)print retdef lsdir(path):nsp = NSPClient('iuTeAN9uaQ6xYuCt8f7uaL4Hwua5CgiU2J0kYJq01KtsA4DY', 'c94f61061b46668c25d377cead92f898');svc = nsp.service("nsp.vfs");ret = svc.lsdir(path)print retdef help():print 'Usage: %s { nsp.demo.helloworld | nsp.vfs.lsdir | help }' \% os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])if __name__ == '__main__':actions = {'nsp.demo.helloworld': helloworld, 'nsp.vfs.lsdir': lsdir,'help': help}try:action = sys.argv[1]except IndexError:action = 'help'args = sys.argv[2:]try:actions[action](*args)except (KeyError, TypeError):help()



#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport os
import sysclass NspLibrary:def __init__(self):self._nsp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'..', '.', '')self._status = ''def helloworld(self, name):self._run_command('nsp.demo.helloworld', name)def lsdir(self, path):self._run_command('nsp.vfs.lsdir',path)def status_should_be(self, expected_status):if expected_status != self._status:raise AssertionError("Expected status to be '%s' but was '%s'"% (expected_status, self._status))def _run_command(self, command, *args):command = '"%s" %s %s' % (self._nsp_path, command, ' '.join(args))process = os.popen(command)self._status =


*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
Library testLib/*** Variables ***
${NAME} "PJ!"
${RES1} "{'message': 'Hello:PJ!'}"
${LSDIR_RES}    "{'childList': {0: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': 'Netdisk'}, 1: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': 'Syncbox'}, 2: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': 'Recycle'}}}"*** Test Cases ***
Demo Test       [Tags]  nsp.demo[Documentation] Example testHelloworld      ${NAME}Status should be        ${RES1}Another TestShould Be Equal ${NAME} PJ!VFS Test        [Tags]  nsp.vfsLsdir   "/"Status should be        ${LSDIR_RES}Lsdir   "/Netdisk"Status should be        "Wrong results"

运行pybot nspTest.tsv,结果如下

ciaos@linux-53dr:~/Downloads/python-sdk-0.1> pybot nspTest.tsv
Demo Test :: Example test                                             | PASS |
Another Test                                                          | PASS |
VFS Test                                                              | FAIL |
Expected status to be 'Wrong results' but was '{'childList': {0: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': 'zhujhdir'}, 1: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': '\xe7\x85\xa7\xe7\x89\x87'}, 2: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': '\xe6\x96\x87\xe6\xa1\xa3'}, 3: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': '\xe6\x88\x91\xe6\x94\xb6\xe5\x88\xb0\xe7\x9a\x84\xe6\x96\x87\xe4\xbb\xb6'}, 4: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': '\xe6\x88\x91\xe7\x9a\x84\xe6\x96\x87\xe4\xbb\xb6'}, 5: {'type': 'Directory', 'name': '\xe8\xbd\xaf\xe4\xbb\xb6'}, 6: {'type': 'File', 'name': '\xe6\x88\x91\xe7\x9a\x84\xe6\xb5\x8b\xe8\xaf\x95.php'}, 7: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'data.txt'}, 8: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'test.thrift'}, 9: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'acds4.txt'}, 10: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'nsp_sdk.log'}, 11: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'data.rar'}, 12: {'type': 'File', 'name': 'test.rar'}}}'
nspTest                                                               | FAIL |
3 critical tests, 2 passed, 1 failed
3 tests total, 2 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /home/ciaos/Downloads/python-sdk-0.1/output.xml
Log:     /home/ciaos/Downloads/python-sdk-0.1/log.html
Report:  /home/ciaos/Downloads/python-sdk-0.1/report.html




pip install -U requests==0.9.0

pip install -U robotframework-requests


WEB TEST        [Tags]  web.testCreate Session  vmall${resp}=        GET     vmall   /rest.phpShould Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}     200log     ${resp.content}Should Contain  ${resp.content} "param"${json}=        To JSON ${resp.content}Dictionary Should Contain Value ${json} "param error"


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