



This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons.
If you're seeing this, you're accessing the property `nativeEvent` on a released/nullified synthetic event.
This is set to null.
If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist().
See https://fb.me/react-event-pooling for more information.


// 其他无关紧要部分省略了
<input onChange={event => {console.log(event.type)  // changesetTimeout(() => {console.log(event.type)  // null,并会出现以上警告})
}} />




如果要以异步方式访问事件属性,应该对事件调用 event.persist(),这将从池中删除合成事件,并允许用户代码保留对事件的引用。它会将当前的合成事件对象从对象池抽离出来,这样就不会再被调用并且其属性不会变为Null.

将 event事件对象传入方法,

<div onClick={(event) => this.mouseOut('关注QC班长',event)}><NavLink to="/largeScreen/fireworks/home" activeClassName={styles.activeNav}><SlackOutlined style={{ marginRight: '5px' }} />关注QC班长</NavLink>


 mouseOut = (menuName,event) => {this.setState({ visible: 'none' })this.setState({ isActive: true })if (menuName !== '') {event.persist()// 从事件池中移除该合成函数并允许对该合成事件的引用被保留下来。this.setState({ activeMenuName: menuName })}}


0、合成事件(SyntheticEvent) – React 中文文档 v16.6.3

1、react 合成事件关于event.persist()的报错_coderlin_的博客-CSDN博客


3、2020/09/20 React中获取target(报错信息Warning: This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons.)_六月要好好加油呀的博客-CSDN博客

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