



Drop Shipment, that is a process that you can receive orders for items that you do not stock or for which you

lack sufficient inventory, and have a supplier provide the items directly to your customer.

Drop Shipment order flow in :


A.There is a field namely 'Source Type' to differentiate normal orders(internal source) and drop-ship orders(external source)

C.You need to do a logical receiving of drop-ship items even if they are not transactable. This creates inbound and outbound material transactions in your system for accounting purposes.

D.All the same as normal invoicing.


it is third party business model, SAP have provide a standard solution for this model,maybe you can study it ^^






First, redgrass, can you give us a detail example?

Secondary, Pls see the following to understand what the end-users are concerning with:


We have been presented with this situation for years and have dealt with, but not solved, the same issues.

We request notice of shipments from our vendors and receive them most of the time. In many cases this is an 'exceptional' circumstance for our vendors, and therefore they may not perform as well in this function as they normally do. We decided, however, that our customers should not have to do anything special, such as notify us of receipt, in these cases. It was better to live with the fallout of non-notification than place an added burden on our customers.

The puchase orders we create for these situations contain instructions to our receiving people to see that this material is for a particular sales order and is 'shipped' in our computer system when received at customer. These instructions do not print on the PO, so our vendors never see them. Sales orders and purchase orders are cross referenced in these circumstances. Ensuring that all relevant information is on all documents is a continuing challenge. Our receiving people notify our shipping people that Sales Order# ?????? needs to be 'shipped' . Any discrepencies between the sales order and the receipt at customer is then dealt with by the shipping people in whatever manner the shippers deem appropriate for the circumstance.

Our invoicing procedure automatically reduces our inventory, so it is imperative that this material be placed in inventory at some point. Also, our costing programs work with actual quantities received, freight charged, amounts invoiced, discounts taken, etc., as opposed to PO data. We would be manually making adjustments to numbers if we did not receive this material into inventory.

Our ERP system is home-grown and we have the ability to modify it to match our practices, rather than modify our practices to match the system. Perhaps this gives us flexibility that purchased systems do not have. ???

-----Original Message-----

From: bounce-cpim-22316@lists.apics.org [mailto:bounce-cpim-22316@lists.apics.org]On Behalf Of Heimdal, Jan

Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:38 AM

To: Certified in Production and Inventory Management

Subject: [cpim] Procedural question

For those of you who implement/administer/support ERP systems, I have a procedural question regarding how to handle the direct shipment of a component from our supplier to our customer-i.e. we never touch the component, but we will bill our customer for it. It is no problem to specify the customer's shipping address on our PO to the supplier, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to account for customer receipt and billing.

I currently have our users receive the component on the PO and then dispatch and invoice the sales order for that component, so that it is only briefly in our system stock. A challenge occurs in two areas:

1. Performing the receipt in a timely manner. We don't really know when the customer takes receipt of the component, and we don't want our invoice to reach the customer before the component arrives from the supplier. The component may or may not be in stock at the supplier, or it may be a non-stocked custom manufacture item.

2. If the PO does get received, the component will sometimes linger in our system stock before someone notices that it should be allocated to the customer's sales order, then dispatched and invoiced. This is due to the fact that we have different personnel performing PO receipt and SO dispatch functions,. We have attempted to address this by cross-training a few users in different functional areas of the software so that they can create & receive the PO as well as allocate the component to a back-ordered sales order.

We're getting by, but there seems to be room for improvement. I guess we could request notification from the supplier once they ship the component to our customer-that would help. How are other list members handling this situation? Is there a way to by-pass receipt of the component into stock, and if so, is that desirable? Just curious.

Please state responses in generic terms-i.e. not specific to a particular software package. Thanks.

Jan Heimdal

TMI Systems Design Corp.

50 South Third Avenue W.

Dickinson, ND 58601

Phone: 701-456-6716

Fax: 701-456-6700




在IMG设置上,可以设置新的Sales order type,新的schedule line item(注意对PP run MRP的影响,在此可以设置让其自动产生PR等系统动作),新的PO type,新的PO Item category,新的accounting assignment category,然后把这些东西串联起来,当然还少不了在FI中设置新的General modification,并给它新的商品类的会计科目(或是中介科目-我们的做法-月底手工清到AR-other或是符合实际需要的会计科目去).


我们对客户的Billing数量是根据对客户SO的数量开,还是根据供货商实际的送货数量开,是在对供货商IV之前Billing,或是在IV之后才能Billing,都可以在IMG->中的Billing document去设置.IV也是.




redgrass, 多交流!多交流!

那一大串英文来源于APICS的CPIM论坛,我今天早上刚收到这一则讨论drop shippment的邮件,里面特别谈到有2点:

1. we don't want our invoice to reach the customer before the component arrives from the supplier.

2. If the PO does get received, the component will sometimes linger in our system stock before someone notices that it should be allocated to the customer's sales order, then dispatched and invoiced.

Do u have any idea?



1. we don't want our invoice to reach the customer before the component arrives from the supplier.




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