
This post is only loosely Python related and not at all Plone related.


This post is only loosely Python related and not at all Plone related, but I thought folks might enjoy hearing about Vagrant and Puppet because these tools may help you do your Plone and Python jobs better.


For the past couple weeks I’ve been working on creating a virtual machine to bootstrap a kitsune environment. Kitsune is the Django site that powers support.mozilla.com. I’ve now reached what I call the 2nd milestone.

在过去的几周中,我一直在致力于创建虚拟机来引导Kitsune环境。 Kitsune是支持support.mozilla.com的Django网站。 我现在已经达到了我所说的第二个里程碑

大事记 (Milestones)

The milestones are as follows:


  1. Get the VM running to the point where one can type ./manage.py and receive the help output (and not a traceback). This sounds trivial but there is actually a lot of work involved to get to this point. Namely, figuring out how to make Puppet execute each of the required steps successfully, together. (You would expect to be able to just define the steps in order, but those with this expectation will be disappointed. I assume Puppet has their reasons, and they are probably even good ones.)
  2. Get the VM running to the point where one can open from the host to see kitsune running. Once step #1 is done, this is actually easier than it sounds because I’m “cheating”. Test data has been imported and a syncdb has been run, but I’m using supervisor to manage the runserver process (for now).
  3. Get the VM running like it does in production. This will involve configuring Apacheand mod_wsgi as well as resolving any issues that remain with the app. I’ll rely on the kitsune team to help with this, as I’m still learning the app. This is the “exciting” part for me because I get to learn something new. While Vagrant and Puppet are also new to me, I consider these technologies part of my “past life” (as a system administrator) and Django sites part of my “future life” (as a web developer).
  1. 使VM运行到可以键入./manage.py并接收帮助输出(而不是回溯)的地步。 这听起来很琐碎,但要完成这一点实际上涉及很多工作。 即,弄清楚如何使Puppet一起成功执行每个必需的步骤。 (您希望能够按顺序定义步骤,但是那些期望如此的人会感到失望。我认为Puppet有他们的理由,甚至可能是很好的理由。)
  2. 使VM运行到可以从主机打开http://来查看kitsune运行的程度。 一旦完成了步骤1,实际上这比听起来容易,因为我在“作弊”。 测试数据已导入,并且已运行syncdb,但是我正在使用Supervisor管理Runserver进程(目前)。
  3. 使虚拟机像在生产环境中一样运行。 这将涉及配置Apachemod_wsgi以及解决应用程序中仍然存在的所有问题。 由于我仍在学习该应用程序,因此我将依靠kitsune团队来提供帮助。 这对我来说是“令人兴奋的”部分,因为我可以学习一些新知识。 尽管Vagrant和Puppet对我来说也是新手,但我认为这些技术是我“过去”(作为系统管理员)的一部分,而Django网站则是我“未来”(作为Web开发人员)的一部分。

Now about the technologies.


流浪汉 (Vagrant)

I had heard of Vagrant before, but never tried it. I am now sorry I waited so long because the “cool factor” is very high. It requires that Virtualbox be installed, which I also danced around for too long before committing (being a former Parallels user).

我以前听说过Vagrant ,但从未尝试过。 我很抱歉等了这么长时间,因为“酷系数”很高。 它要求安装Virtualbox ,在提交之前(以前是Parallels用户),我也跳舞了很长时间。

On OS X Lion[1], installing Vagrant is simply a matter of:

在OS X Lion [1]上,安装Vagrant只需解决以下问题:

$ gem install vagrant
$ gem install vagrant

Once you have `vagrant` installed you can do:

一旦安装了“ vagrant”,您可以执行以下操作:

inside some revision-controlled directory and you have the beginnings of a virtual machine you can share with the masses. This is how kitsune-vagrant was born. Hopefully this shared virtual machine will eventually make some new developer’s life much easier.

在受版本控制的目录中,您便拥有了可以与大众共享的虚拟机。 这就是Kitsune-vagrant的诞生方式。 希望这个共享的虚拟机最终将使新开发者的生活更加轻松。

We now arrive at a fork in the road; though Vagrant makes it easy to follow both paths: Chef or Puppet (it supports both). I don’t recall what made me choose Puppet over Chef, but it might have been that the Socorro folks were using it already.

现在,我们到达了道路上的叉子。 尽管Vagrant可以很容易地遵循这两种路径:Chef或Puppet(它同时支持这两种)。 我不记得是什么让我选择了Puppet而不是Chef,但可能是Socorro员工已经在使用它 。

Once you decide on Puppet (and assuming you do), it’s pretty easy to figure out that your next move is to create a manifest file for Puppet to apply[2].


木偶 (Puppet)

My knowledge of Puppet is currently quite limited. Specifically, I only know how to create a manifest file. (Vagrant does the rest!) I imagine there is much more to Puppet, especially with regard to doing actual configuration management on production servers. But I have not explored any of that yet.

我对Puppet的知识目前非常有限。 具体来说,我只知道如何创建清单文件。 (剩下的工作由流浪者完成!)我想Puppet还有很多其他功能,尤其是在生产服务器上进行实际配置管理方面。 但是我还没有探索过任何一个。

However, I did learn quite a bit about Puppet just from writing the manifest. The first most important thing I learned is this: Puppet is in charge. It does things the way it wants to and you need to follow its rules. The first and biggest challenge is to achieve a linear execution of tasks.

但是,我只是从编写清单中就学到了很多有关Puppet的知识。 我学到的第一件最重要的事情是: 人偶负责 。 它以它想要的方式执行操作,您需要遵循其规则。 第一个也是最大的挑战是实现任务的线性执行。

You cannot write rules in order and hope for the best. This will fail spectacularly when something executes before something else was supposed to. The way around this is via `require =>` statements.

您不能按顺序编写规则,也不能期望最好。 当某个东西在其他东西本应执行之前执行时,这将严重失败。 解决这个问题的方法是通过`require =>`语句。

A grep through kitsune.pp reveals:


require => Exec['git_clone'],
require => Exec['db_sync'],
require => Exec['packages_upgrade'],
require => Exec['packages_update'],
require => Package[$packages_native],
require => Exec['git_clone'],
require => Exec['chown_kitsune'],
require => Exec['packages_compiled'],
require => Exec['packages_vendor'],
require => Exec['db_create'],
require => Exec['db_import'],
require => file['/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf'],
require => Exec['supervisor_stop'],
require => Exec['git_clone'],
require => Exec['db_sync'],
require => Exec['packages_upgrade'],
require => Exec['packages_update'],
require => Package[$packages_native],
require => Exec['git_clone'],
require => Exec['chown_kitsune'],
require => Exec['packages_compiled'],
require => Exec['packages_vendor'],
require => Exec['db_create'],
require => Exec['db_import'],
require => file['/etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf'],
require => Exec['supervisor_stop'],

This roughly translates to the following workflow logic:


  • Ensure that `aptitude -y update; aptitude -y upgrade` have been run before you try to install the list of packages we require.
  • Ensure the list of packages we require is installed before we checkout the code.
  • Ensure the code has been checked out (and pip install / git submodule have been run) before you try to syncdb and run the application.
  • 确保`aptitude -y更新; 在尝试安装我们需要的软件包列表之前,已运行aptitude -y upgrade`。
  • 在签出代码之前,请确保已安装所需的软件包列表。
  • 在尝试同步并运行应用程序之前,请确保代码已签出(并且pip install / git子模块已运行)。

There is a bit more to it, but with that knowledge you should be able to read and understand kitsune.pp in full. I learned most of the remaining required puppeteering from this site:http://www.puppetcookbook.com/.

还有更多内容,但是有了这些知识,您应该可以完整阅读和理解kitsune.pp 。 我从该站点http://www.puppetcookbook.com/上了解了剩余的大多数必需的伪装。

Mozilla (Mozilla)

Oh my! This Mozilla work is a ton of fun[3]; I attribute this in part due to the structure of their organization: I was invited immediately to collaborate in IRC with the kitsune team and as a result, we all have something to show for it[4]. Next I will be working on the 3rd milestone! Hope to finish by the end of this week.

天啊! Mozilla的这项工作充满乐趣[3]; 我之所以将其归因于其组织结构:我被立即邀请与Kitsune团队在IRC中进行合作,结果,我们所有人都有所需要展示的东西[4]。 接下来,我将致力于第三个里程碑! 希望在本周末结束。

笔记 (Notes)

[1] This did not work on Snow Leopard, because `gem` is too old. However if you `brew install ruby` and try again, it should work.

[1]这在Snow Leopard上无效,因为`gem'太旧了。 但是,如果您“稍微安装ruby”并重试,它应该可以工作。

[2] I didn’t bother to investigate Chef, but I am curious about it.


[3] And I hope this is only the beginning.


[4] I hope to get a Mozilla gig but even if I don’t, being able to do this type of work is very rewarding (which is why you will often hear people in open source say that to get paid for the type of work they do is a dream come true).


翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2011/10/vagrant-puppet-and-mozilla-oh-my/



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