
IEEE 802.11 is designed for a limited geographical area (homes, offices, campuses, stations). Also known as Wi-Fi.

IEEEE 802.11 supports additional features(功能):

  • Power management.(电量管理)
  • Security mechanisms.(安全机制)

Original 802.11 standard defined two radio based physical layer standard(物理层标准):

  • Frequency hopping.(跳频)
  • Direct sequence.(11-bit chipping sequence, 切片序列)

Hidden node problem

Suppose both A and C want to communicate with B and so they each send it a frame.

  • But A and C are unaware of each other since their signals do not carry that far.
  • These two frames collide with each other at B.
    • But unlike an Ethernet, neither A nor C is aware of this collision.
  • A and C are said to hidden nodes with respect to(关于) each other.


Exposed node problem

Suppose B is sending to A. Node C is aware of this communication because it hears B’s transmission.

  • It would be a mistake for C to conclude that it cannot transmit to anyone just because it can hear B’s transmission.
  • Suppose C wants to transmit to node D.
  • This is not a problem since C’s transmission to D will not interfere(干扰) with A’s ability to receive from B.


Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA)

Key Idea:

  • Sender and receiver exchange control frames with each other before the sender actually transmits any data.
  • This exchange informs(通知) all nearby nodes that a transmission is about to begin.
  • Sender transmits a Request to Send (RTS) frame to the receiver.
    • The RTS frame includes a field that indicates how long the sender wants to hold the medium.
  • Receiver replies with a Clear to Send (CTS) frame.


Any node that sees the CTS frame:

  • is close to the receiver, therefore cannot transmit for the period of time specified in the CTS frame.

Any node that sees the RTS frame but not the CTS frame:

  • is not close enough to the receiver to interfere with it, so is free to transmit.

RTS frame collision:

If two or more nodes detect an idle link and try
to transmit an RTS frame at the same time:

  • Their RTS frame will collide with each other.
  • So the senders realize the collision has happened when they do not receive the CTS frame after a period of time.
  • Each sender waits a random amount of time before trying again.
  • The amount of time is defined by the same exponential backoff algorithm used on the Ethernet.

Frame Types:

Class 1 frames

  • Control Frames

    1. RTS
    2. CTS
    3. ACK(收到Data的回复)
    4. Poll(轮询)
  • Management Frames
    1. Probe Request/Response
    2. Beacon(信标)
    3. Authentication(认证)

Distributed System(分散式系统)

Nodes are free to move around, And directly reachable nodes may change dynamically. To deal with mobility and partial connectivity(移动性与部分连通性), 802.11 defines additional structures on a set of nodes:

  • some nodes are allowed to roam(漫游).
  • some are connected to a wired network infrastructure(有线网络基础设施) called Access Points (AP) and connected to each other by a so-called distribution system (DS).

A distribution system that connects many APs, And the distribution network runs at layer 2 of the ISO architecture.

The technique for selecting an AP is called scanning:

  • The node sends a Probe frame.
  • All APs within reach reply with a Probe Response frame.
  • The node selects one of the APs and sends that AP an Association Request frame.
  • The AP replies with an Association Response frame.
  • And a node runs this protocol whenever:
    • it joins the network, and
    • when it wants to change another AP (better signal).

Active scanning: As node moves, it sends Probe frames, which eventually result in Probe Responses from APs.

Passive Scanning: APs also periodically send a Beacon frame(信标帧) that advertises the capabilities of the AP; these include the transmission rate(传输速率) supported by the AP.

IEEE 802.11 Frame format

2 6 6 6 6 2 6 0-2312 4 bytes
Frame Control Duration(持续时间)/Conn ID Addr1 Addr2 Addr3 Sequence Control Addr4 Data FCS
  • Frame Control:
2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 bits
Protocol Version Type Subtype To DS From DS Last Flag Retry Power Mang. EP Rsvd

How these four addresses are interpreted(理解) depends on the settings of the ToDS and FromDS bits in the frame’s Control field:

To DS From DS Addr 1 Addr 2 Addr 3 Addr 4
  • BSSID: MAC address of an AP.
  • SA: Original Source address.
  • DA: Final Destination address.
  • TA: Transmitter address.
  • RA: Receiver address.

IEEE 802.11 MAC Architecture

  • Distributed Coordination Function (DCF, 分布式协调)

    • 竞争式服务,非同步传输!
    • The fundamental access method for the 802.11 MAC, known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA).
    • Shall be implemented in all stations and APs. And used within both configurations:
      • Ad hoc(随意连接网络,无APs).
      • Infrastructured(结构连接网络,APs+DS).
  • Point Coordination Function (PCF, 点协调)

    • 免竞争式服务,具时限传输!
    • An alternative access method, shall be implemented on top of the DCF through the use of an access priority mechanism(机制).
    • A point coordinator (polling master, 点协调器) is used to determine which station currently has the right to transmit.
    • Different accesses of traffic can be defined through the use of different values of IFS (Inter-Frame Space). (PCF轮询的频率更快)
  • Coexistence(共存) of DCF and PCF

    • Both the DCF and PCF shall coexist without interference.
    • Superframe : A contention-free burst(无争) occurs at the beginning, followed by a contention period.

Distributed Coordination Function (DCF)

Carrier Sense

Carrier Sense shall be performed both through physical and virtual mechanisms.

  • Physical Carrier Sense Mechanism

    • A physical carrier sense mechanism shall be provided by the PHY.
  • Virtual Carrier Sense Mechanism
    • Provided by the MAC, named Net Allocation Vector (NAV, 净分配向量), which maintains a prediction of future traffic based on duration information announced in RTS/CTS frames.

MAC-Level Ack (Positive Acknowledgment)

To allow detection of a lost or errored frame an ACK frame shall be returned immediately following a successfully received frame.

The gap between the received frame and ACK frame shall be SIFS.

Data, Poll, Request, Response should be acknowledged with an ACK frame. The lack of an ACK frame means that an error has occurred.

Priority levels: Inter-Frame Space (IFS)

  • Short-IFS (SIFS)

    • Used for: an ACK frame, a CTS frame, or by a station responding to any polling.

    • Used only by the PCF to send any of the Contention Free Period frames.

    • Used by the DCF to transmit asynchronous(非同步) MPDUs(MAC Protocol Data Unit, 协议数据单元).

DCF Access Procedure

In DCF, if busy, the STA shall defer until after a DIFS gap is detected, and then generate a random backoff period for an additional deferral time(延期时间) (resolve contention, 解决竞争).

Backoff time = INT(CW * Random()) * Slot time
  • CW(Contention Window): An integer between CWmin and CWmax, and doubled when retransmission.
  • Slot Time(网路最长传输时间) = Transmitter turn-on delay + medium propagation delay + medium busy detect response time.

Backoff Procedure

  • The Backoff Timer shall be frozen while the medium is sensed busy and shall decrement only when the medium is free (resume whenever free period > DIFS).
  • Transmission shall commence(开始) whenever the Backoff Timer reaches zero.

Control of the Channel

  • The IFS is used to provide an efficient MSDU delivery mechanism.
  • Once a station has contended for the channel, it will continue to send fragments until either: (The gap between last ack and following fragment is a SIFS)
    • all fragments of a MSDU have been sent,
    • an ack is not received, or
    • the station can not send any additional fragments due to a dwell time boundary.
  • If the source station does not receive an ack frame, it will attempt to retransmit the fragment at a later time (according to the backoff algorithm).

RTS/CTS Usage with Fragmentation

  • The RTS/CTS frames defines the duration of the first frame and ack.
  • The duration field in the data and ack frames specifies the total duration of the next fragment and ack.
  • The last Fragment and ACK will have the duration set to zero.
  • Each Fragment and ACK acts as a virtual RTS and CTS.
  • STA shall use an RTS/CTS exchange for directed frames only when the length of the MPDU is greater than the RTS_Threshold.

Point Coordination Function (PCF)

The PCF protocol is based on a polling scheme controlled by one special STA called the Point Coordinator (PC).

At the beginning of the SF, the PC shall
sense the medium. If it is free the PC shall wait a PIFS time and transmit a Data frame with the CF-Poll(contention-free) Subtype bit set, to the next station on the polling list, or a CF-End frame, if a null CF period is desired.

When a STA is being polling, it should send CF-Up frame within a SIFS, and following a CF-Down frame to poll next STA; or waits for a PIFS but no frame to send, directly poll next STA.


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