1,Sametime Server

  A、Sametime includes many server applications, which collectively provide the capabilities of the Sametime server. All client-to-client communication such as instant messaging passes through the Sametime server.

  B、Users who log onto the Sametime server from different clients can communicate.

  C、Once the client is logged on to the Sametime server, it has access to all Sametime services and can communicate with any other Sametime client logged onto the Sametime server。

  D、The Sametime server consists of three servers that interact with one another:Community server、Meeting server、Domino DNA

2、The Sametime Developer Toolkits

Developers use the toolkits to embed real-time capabilities, such as chat and real-time help features, into e-business applications.The toolkits can also be used to expand Sametime’s native functionality, for example building plug-ins to incorporate your company’s internal directory with Sametime.

Client Toolkits:The client toolkits are intended to be used by client or browser-based applications。

        Sametime Connect Toolkit:Build Eclipse plug-ins to integrate with or extend the Sametime Connect client

                      Sametime Browser IM Toolkit:Add Sametime features to Web pages using Javascript and HTML

        Sametime Java Toolkit:Add Sametime features to Java applications.

        Sametime Helper Toolkit:Invoke features in the Sametime Connect client from custom Microsoft Windows applications.

        Sametime Connect Web API Toolkit:Invoke Sametime features (livename presence,chat, etc.) in the Sametime Connect client from web pages.

Server Toolkits:The server toolkits are to be used by applications that work in conjunction with the Sametime server.

        Community Server Toolkit:Build Java components that add or extend services on the Sametime server.

        Directory and Database Access Toolkit:Build C++ or Java components for the Sametime server that provide directory integration, chat logging, or                              virus scanning services.

        Sametime Monitoring and Statistics Toolkit:Access Sametime server statistics in XML format via HTTP.

        Online Meeting Toolkit:Schedule and manage online meetings via HTTP. Integrate third party tools with MRC

        Meeting Room Client JavaScript Extensibility API

        Sametime Gateway Toolkit:Build plug-ins and event consumers to extend policy compliance and logging requirements between a local Sametime                         community and one or many external communities.

Telephony Toolkit:The telephony toolkit consolidates the Telephony Conferencing Service Provider Interface (TCSPI) toolkit with the client telephony APIs.

         Client Telephony APIs Toolkit

        Telephony Conferencing Service Provider Interface (TCSPI) Toolkit

3、Sametime Connect Toolkit

The Sametime Connect Toolkit can be used to develop plug-ins that customize the Sametime Connect client.For example, the Quick Response plug-in adds an icon to an existing toolbar。

DOC:Integration Guide

4、Browser IM Toolkit

The Browser IM toolkit is a collection of APIs that can be used to build web enabled communication enabled business (CEBP) processes by embedding presence, instant messaging and other real-time capabilities inside a web application.

The browser client API is divided into three distinct parts:At the lowest level is a REST API,The next layer up is the API referred to as the Base Components, The top level API is the User Interface API.

DOC:Developer’s Guide

6、Sametime Java Toolkit

The Sametime Java Toolkit is a collection of building blocks or components that developers use to build applications that leverage the functionality and services provided by IBM Sametime。

The Sametime Java Toolkit provides you with access to core Sametime services, such as awareness and chat. 

The toolkit has a layered architecture composed of two main layers: 

• Transport

• Services 

The Transport Layer provides the communication link between the application and the Sametime server, while the Services Layer provides the application with the Sametime Community and Meeting services.

7、Sametime Helper Toolkit

The Sametime Helper Toolkit is an API that provides an external interface to basic functionality of the IBM Sametime Client

This toolkit differs from other Sametime client toolkits by providing an external interface to basic functionality exposed in the locally running desktop IBM Sametime Client application



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