If you’re a mobile engineer, during both development and testing you probably use some of the most common tools out there to debug, intercept or rewrite your network calls, like Charles Proxy or Fiddler.

如果您是移动工程师,则在开发和测试期间,您可能会使用一些最常用的工具来调试,拦截或重写您的网络呼叫,例如Charles Proxy或Fiddler 。

You will also probably find the process of setting up the proxy in your devices quite annoying: go to Settings > Network Settings > Select your WiFi network > Modify Network > Add proxy. Every. Single. Time. Phew!

您也可能会发现在设备中设置代理的过程非常烦人:转到“设置”>“网络设置”>“选择WiFi网络”>“修改网络”>“添加代理”。 每一个 单。 时间。

If you’re working with a set of different devices, you probably also noticed small differences between Android versions, manufacturers, etc., that might add or modify the steps you take for setting up the proxy.


There’s a small adb command you can run from your Terminal to enable a global proxy on your connected device:


adb shell settings put global http_proxy YOUR_IP:YOUR_PORT

But this won’t give you any visual indicator to know whether the device is using a proxy or not. It also requires the device to be connected to a computer with adb installed every single time you want to enable or disable the proxy… which probably makes using this workaround not the most ideal solution.

但这不会给您任何视觉指示器,以了解设备是否正在使用代理。 它还要求您每次要启用或禁用代理时都将设备连接到安装了adb的计算机……这可能使得使用此替代方法不是最理想的解决方案。

Well, I have good news for you.


代理切换简介 (Introducing Proxy Toggle)

Proxy Toggle is a small utility application compatible with Android 5.0 and above that will allow you to quickly enable and disable your proxy settings, as well as unifying and simplifying the process across platform versions, devices, manufacturers, etc.

Proxy Toggle是与Android 5.0及更高版本兼容的小型实用程序,可让您快速启用和禁用代理设置,以及统一和简化跨平台版本,设备,制造商等的过程。

Easy setup: just add your desired IP and port, enable the proxy and voilà! all done, your whole device will be proxied.

设置简单:只需添加所需的IP和端口,即可启用代理和功能 完成所有操作后,整个设备都会被代理。

使它变得更加容易 (Making it even easier)

I know this is all exciting news. But I also feel that having to open the app every time you want to enable the proxy might be also a long process… right?

我知道这都是令人振奋的消息。 但是我也觉得每次要启用代理都必须打开应用程序也可能是一个漫长的过程……对吗?

That’s why I also added two optional shortcuts for you to use: a home screen widget and a quick settings tile.


主屏幕小部件 (Home Screen Widget)

This shortcut’s very helpful for enabling and disabling your last used proxy quickly from your home screen.


To add the widget, you’d normally long-press your home screen (depending on your launcher), select Add Widget and scroll down on your app list until you see the Proxy Toggle widget.


The home screen widget will configure the last used proxy automatically

That’s it! Toggle your proxy on and off with a single tap!

而已! 轻按一下即可开启和关闭代理!

快速设置图块 (Quick Settings Tile)

If your device is running Android 7.0 or higher, you’ll have access to another amazing shortcut: a Quick Settings Tile. This shortcut will live inside your Notification Drawer, next to some other handy shortcuts like WiFi, Location, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, etc.

如果您的设备运行的是Android 7.0或更高版本,则可以访问另一个惊人的快捷方式:“快速设置”图块。 该快捷方式将位于通知抽屉中,紧随其他一些方便的快捷方式,如WiFi,位置,蓝牙,飞行模式等。

To enable it, simply expand your Navigation Drawer, click on the Edit icon and drag the Proxy Toggle icon wherever you want to place it.


Once enabled, the quick settings tile is a great shortcut for toggling your proxy

Done! You can toggle on and off your proxy without even leaving the current app!

做完了! 您甚至可以在不离开当前应用的情况下打开和关闭代理!

Note: if you have any ongoing network calls, they might take a few seconds to complete and update with the new setting.


所有闪光的不都是金子 (All that glitters is not gold)

Although the app perfectly accomplishes its goal and makes our life easier, there’s a couple of caveats that I want to highlight about this shiny app.


使用系统限制的权限 (Using system restricted permissions)

The app will make use of Settings.Global. Since this is a system setting, it’s normally a read-only setting. This small inconvenience is bypassed by granting the app WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS restricted permission.

该应用程序将使用Settings.Global 。 由于这是系统设置,因此通常是只读设置。 通过为应用程序WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS授予受限权限,可以绕过这一小麻烦。

Note: this is a protected permission that only System apps should be granted. Be extra careful when you grant this permission for apps from unknown sources.

注意:这是受保护的权限,仅应授予系统应用程序。 当您为来自未知来源的应用授予此权限时,请格外小心。

I know this might raise some concerns, and I understand them. That’s why I decided to open-source the project: to prove that it’s completely safe to grant this permission, as you will have complete control and knowledge of what’s going on behind the scenes.

我知道这可能会引起一些担忧,并且我理解它们。 这就是为什么我决定开源该项目:证明授予此权限是完全安全的,因为您将完全控制和了解幕后发生的事情。

授予系统受限权限 (Granting system restricted permissions)

Since this is a restricted permission, we can’t request it on runtime as we would normally do, so you’ll need to manually grant it from our computer.


If you just want to install the app without building it from Android Studio, there’s a small script that will be bundled with the app. Just download the zip file and execute the installAndGrantPermission.sh script.Alternatively, you can manually install the app by running adb install -g App.apk on your Terminal.

如果您只想安装应用程序而不从Android Studio进行构建,则该应用程序将捆绑有一个小脚本。 只需下载zip文件并执行installAndGrantPermission.sh即可。或者,您可以通过在终端上运行adb install -g App.apk来手动安装该应用程序。

To grant this permission once the app is already installed, connect the device to your computer and execute the following command on your Terminal:


adb shell pm grant com.kinandcarta.create.proxytoggle android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

卸载应用程序时请小心 (Be careful when uninstalling the app)

Sadly, as developers, we can’t run any code when the app is being uninstalled. Therefore, uninstalling the app with the proxy enabled will permanently leave your device with this setup (as it’s a Settings.Global configuration!).

遗憾的是,作为开发人员,在卸载应用程序时我们无法运行任何代码。 因此,在启用了代理的情况下卸载应用程序将使设备永久保留此设置(因为它是Settings.Global配置!)。

You should make sure the proxy is disabled before uninstalling the app. Since we can’t guarantee this is going to happen, there’s also the uninstallAndCleanUp.sh script for making sure everything is in a clean state after uninstalling the app.

您应先确保已禁用代理,然后再卸载应用。 由于我们不能保证会发生这种情况,因此还有一个uninstallAndCleanUp.sh脚本,用于确保在卸载应用程序后一切都处于干净状态。

Alternatively, you could run the following commands on your Terminal to clean up the proxy setting:


adb shell settings delete global http_proxyadb shell settings delete global global_http_proxy_hostadb shell settings delete global global_http_proxy_port

触手可及的便利 (Convenience at your fingertips)

Proxy Toggle makes it easier to set up a global proxy on any Android phone, as well as providing different shortcuts for enabling and disabling the proxy with a single tap on the screen. I hope this tool will be as useful to your team as it’s been to our internal apps team, both developers and testers!

Proxy Toggle使您可以更轻松地在任何Android手机上设置全局代理,并提供不同的快捷方式,只需单击屏幕即可启用和禁用代理。 希望该工具对您的团队像对我们内部应用程序团队(包括开发人员和测试人员)一样有用!

You can download the latest version from here, or clone the project from Github.


Many thanks to the unique and amazing Flor Novello for her invaluable help with the app design!

非常感谢独特而惊人的弗洛尔·诺韦罗(Flor Novello)对应用程序设计的宝贵帮助!

翻译自: https://medium.com/kinandcartacreated/how-to-easily-proxy-your-android-device-e2ba907de4d9



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