I am wondering if there is an elegant way to trim some text but while being HTML tag aware?


For example, I have this string:


$data = 'some title text here that could get very long';

And let's say I need to return/output this string on a page but would like it to be no more than X characters. Let's say 35 for this example.


Then I use:


$output = substr($data,0,20);

But now I end up with:


some title text here that

which as you can see the closing strong tags are discarded thus breaking the HTML display.


Is there a way around this? Also note that it is possible to have multiple tags in the string for example:


some text here and here

3 个解决方案



A few mounths ago I created a special function which is solution for your problem.


Here is a function:


function substr_close_tags($code, $limit = 300)


if ( strlen($code) <= $limit )


return $code;


$html = substr($code, 0, $limit);

preg_match_all ( "#

foreach($result[1] AS $key => $value)


if ( strtolower($value) == 'br' )





$openedtags = $result[1];

preg_match_all ( "#([a-zA-Z]+)>#iU", $html, $result );

$closedtags = $result[1];

foreach($closedtags AS $key => $value)


if ( ($k = array_search($value, $openedtags)) === FALSE )









if ( empty($openedtags) )


if ( strpos($code, ' ', $limit) == $limit )


return $html."...";




return substr($code, 0, strpos($code, ' ', $limit))."...";



$position = 0;

$close_tag = '';

foreach($openedtags AS $key => $value)


$p = strpos($code, (''.$value.'>'), $limit);

if ( $p === FALSE )


$code .= (''.$value.'>');


else if ( $p > $position )


$close_tag = ''.$value.'>';

$position = $p;



if ( $position == 0 )


return $code;


return substr($code, 0, $position).$close_tag."...";





Using @newbieuser his function, I had the same issue, like @pablo-pazos, that it was (not) breaking when $limit fell into an html tag (in my case
at the r)

使用@newbieuser他的功能,我遇到了同樣的問題,比如@ pablo-pazos,當$ limit落入html標簽時(在我的情況下,在r處)它是(不)破壞的

Fixed with some code


if ( strlen($code) <= $limit ){

return $code;


$html = substr($code, 0, $limit);

//We must find a . or > or space so we are sure not being in a html-tag!

//In my case there are only

//If you have more tags, or html formatted text, you must do a little more and also use something like http://htmlpurifier.org/demo.php

$_find_last_char = strrpos($html, ".")+1;

if($_find_last_char > $limit/3*2){

$html_break = $_find_last_char;


$_find_last_char = strrpos($html, ">")+1;

if($_find_last_char > $limit/3*2){

$html_break = $_find_last_char;


$html_break = strrpos($html, " ");



$html = substr($html, 0, $html_break);

preg_match_all ( "#




substr(strip_tags($content), 0, 100)

substr(strip_tags($ content),0,100)

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