

  • 下面是一个官方的例子
class Counter : public QObject
{Q_OBJECTint m_value;
public:int value() const { return m_value; }
public slots:void setValue(int value);
signals:void valueChanged(int newValue);
};// 在cpp文件我们实现了setValue()
void Counter::setValue(int value)
{if (value != m_value) {m_value = value;emit valueChanged(value);}
}// 下面是hi调用方式
Counter a, b;
QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),&b, SLOT(setValue(int)));a.setValue(12);  // a.value() == 12, b.value() == 12// ps: 这种原始的信号和槽连接方式自1992年就没变过了。。org
MOC,the meta Object Compiler
  • Qt的signal/slots和属性系统是基于此功能在运行时反射objects。反射意味着可以去列举一个对象的方法和属性,并且可以知道它的所有相关信息,比如参数类型。
  • QtScript和QML就是依靠这种能力的
  • C++没有原生的实现反射,所以qt为此提供了工具。这个工具就是MOC。这是一个代码生成器。
  • MOC解析头文件,并且生成额外的c++file,这个文件作为这个项目的一部分参与编译。这个生成的C++文件包含反射所需要的所有信息。
// Qt有一些关键字作为C++的扩展,这些关键字是定义在qobjectdefs.h
#define signals public
#define slots /* nothing */
// 这些宏是很简单的,唯一的目的就是让moc看见它// Q_OBJECT定义了一簇函数和一个静态成员变量,这些函数是实现在moc生成的文件中。
#define Q_OBJECT \
public: \static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject; \virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const; \virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *); \virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **); \QT_TR_FUNCTIONS /* translations helper */ \
private: \Q_DECL_HIDDEN static void qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);
///emit 是一个空的宏,无需moc解析,换句话说emit是一个可选的,没有任何含义。就是一个提示
#define emit /*nothing*/// 这个宏是将参数转换成字符串Q_CORE_EXPORT const char *qFlagLocation(const char *method);
#ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG
# define QLOCATION "\0" __FILE__ ":" QTOSTRING(__LINE__)
# define SLOT(a)     qFlagLocation("1"#a QLOCATION)
# define SIGNAL(a)   qFlagLocation("2"#a QLOCATION)
# define SLOT(a)     "1"#a
# define SIGNAL(a)   "2"#a
const QMetaObject Counter::staticMetaObject = {{ &QObject::staticMetaObject, qt_meta_stringdata_Counter.data,qt_meta_data_Counter,  qt_static_metacall, Q_NULLPTR, Q_NULLPTR}
};// QObject::d_ptr->metaObject 是仅仅用于动态元目标(QML Object)
const QMetaObject *Counter::metaObject() const
{return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->dynamicMetaObject() : &staticMetaObject;
}// staticMetaObject是被构造为只读数据,QMetaObject是定义在qobjectdefs.h文件中
// 这个d间接的象征,所有的成员都应该是私有的,这里没有私有,是为了保持POD并且允许静态初始化。
struct QMetaObject
{/* ... Skiped all the public functions ... */enum Call { InvokeMetaMethod, ReadProperty, WriteProperty, /*...*/ };struct { // private dataconst QMetaObject *superdata;const QByteArrayData *stringdata;const uint *data;typedef void (*StaticMetacallFunction)(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **);StaticMetacallFunction static_metacall;const QMetaObject **relatedMetaObjects;void *extradata; //reserved for future use} d;
static const uint qt_meta_data_Counter[] = {// content:7,       // revision0,       // classname0,    0, // classinfo2,   14, // methods          // 有多少个信号和槽方法,索引位置在哪0,    0, // properties0,    0, // enums/sets0,    0, // constructors0,       // flags1,       // signalCount      // 有多少个信号// signals: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags1,    1,   24,    2, 0x06 /* Public */,// slots: name, argc, parameters, tag, flags4,    1,   27,    2, 0x0a /* Public */,// signals: parametersQMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Int,    3,// slots: parametersQMetaType::Void, QMetaType::Int,    5,0        // eod// 前面13个int构成了文件头,当那里有两列数据时,第一列是数量,第二列是
// description 开始的位置
// 方法的描述是由5个int组成的,第一个是name,在string table的index。
// 第二个是参数的数量,第三个是描述参数的索引。后面2个值暂时忽略。
下面将介绍string table
struct qt_meta_stringdata_Counter_t {QByteArrayData data[6];char stringdata0[46];
#define QT_MOC_LITERAL(idx, ofs, len) \Q_STATIC_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_HEADER_INITIALIZER_WITH_OFFSET(len, \qptrdiff(offsetof(qt_meta_stringdata_Counter_t, stringdata0) + ofs \- idx * sizeof(QByteArrayData)) \)
static const qt_meta_stringdata_Counter_t qt_meta_stringdata_Counter = {{
QT_MOC_LITERAL(0, 0, 7), // "Counter"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(1, 8, 12), // "valueChanged"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(2, 21, 0), // ""
QT_MOC_LITERAL(3, 22, 8), // "newValue"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(4, 31, 8), // "setValue"
QT_MOC_LITERAL(5, 40, 5) // "value"},"Counter\0valueChanged\0\0newValue\0setValue\0""value"
void Counter::valueChanged(int _t1)
{void *_a[] = { Q_NULLPTR, const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&_t1)) };QMetaObject::activate(this, &staticMetaObject, 0, _a);
// 数组a的第一个元素是返回值。因为返回值是void,所以是0
// 传递给activate的第三个参数是信号的索引
void Counter::qt_static_metacall(QObject *_o, QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
{if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {Q_ASSERT(staticMetaObject.cast(_o));Counter *_t = static_cast<Counter *>(_o);Q_UNUSED(_t)switch (_id) {case 0: _t->valueChanged((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;case 1: _t->setValue((*reinterpret_cast< int(*)>(_a[1]))); break;default: ;}
  • 对于每一个QMetaObject,槽和信号、其他回调方法都会被提供一个index。从0开始,它们是按照信号在前、随后是槽以及其他的回调方法来排序的。不包含父类的index。
  • 但是通常我们不想去知道全局索引,包含继承链的所有方法。我们为相对偏移增加一个offset来得到绝对index。
  • 这个索引是在public API中使用,通过函数QMetaObject::indexof{Signal, SLOT, Method}方法得到。
Connecting 是如何工作的?
  • Qt建立一个链接首先要做的事情是:查找信号和槽的索引,Qt将遍历meta object的string table去查找对应的索引。
  • 随后一个QObjectPrivate::Connection object是被创建和增加到内部list的。
  • 这个connection的设计要求
    • 通过给予的signal index快速访问这个connection
    • 一个信号可以链接多个槽,所以一个信号都需要一个连接到槽的list
    • 每一个connection必须要包含receiver object。和槽的索引
    • 当receiver object 摧毁时,希望connect也能被摧毁。因此每一个receiver object 需要知道谁被链接了。
  • 每一个Object都有一个connection vector,这个vector存储了每一个信号的connect list
  • 每一个object还有链表来存储,这个object 的槽被链接的connection。这是便于删除。
  • 这个linked list的实现是通过connection类里面的prev和next nodes来实现的。
  • note: prev 是指向指针的指针。这是因为我们不是真正的指向上一个节点,而是上一个节点中指向下一个节点的指针(自己?)
struct QObjectPrivate::Connection
{QObject *sender;QObject *receiver;union {StaticMetaCallFunction callFunction;QtPrivate::QSlotObjectBase *slotObj;};// The next pointer for the singly-linked ConnectionListConnection *nextConnectionList;//senders linked listConnection *next;Connection **prev;QAtomicPointer<const int> argumentTypes;QAtomicInt ref_;ushort method_offset;ushort method_relative;uint signal_index : 27; // In signal range (see QObjectPrivate::signalIndex())ushort connectionType : 3; // 0 == auto, 1 == direct, 2 == queued, 4 == blockingushort isSlotObject : 1;ushort ownArgumentTypes : 1;Connection() : nextConnectionList(0), ref_(2), ownArgumentTypes(true) {//ref_ is 2 for the use in the internal lists, and for the use in QMetaObject::Connection}~Connection();int method() const { return method_offset + method_relative; }void ref() { ref_.ref(); }void deref() {if (!ref_.deref()) {Q_ASSERT(!receiver);delete this;}}
|————————————————|       _________________________....... QObjectConnectionListVector
|connectionList  |------>|__1__|__2__|__3__|__4__|......
|________________|              _______|  |____________ ___|__________       ||__________________|      ||first            |last
Receiver                ________|__________       |     ____________________
|            |          |                  |      |     |                   |
| senderList |--------->| connection *next |----------->|connection *next   |-----> null
|____________|<---------| connection **prev|<-----------|connection **prev  ||__________________|      |     |___________________|                 |                 |________|___________<------        |__________________|
void QMetaObject::activate(QObject *sender, const QMetaObject *m, int local_signal_index,void **argv)
{activate(sender, QMetaObjectPrivate::signalOffset(m), local_signal_index, argv);/* We just forward to the next function here. We pass the signal offset of* the meta object rather than the QMetaObject itself* It is split into two functions because QML internals will call the later. */
}void QMetaObject::activate(QObject *sender, int signalOffset, int local_signal_index, void **argv)
{int signal_index = signalOffset + local_signal_index;/* The first thing we do is quickly check a bit-mask of 64 bits. If it is 0,* we are sure there is nothing connected to this signal, and we can return* quickly, which means emitting a signal connected to no slot is extremely* fast. */if (!sender->d_func()->isSignalConnected(signal_index))return; // nothing connected to these signals, and no spy/* ... Skipped some debugging and QML hooks, and some sanity check ... *//* We lock a mutex because all operations in the connectionLists are thread safe */QMutexLocker locker(signalSlotLock(sender));/* Get the ConnectionList for this signal.  I simplified a bit here. The real code* also refcount the list and do sanity checks */QObjectConnectionListVector *connectionLists = sender->d_func()->connectionLists;const QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList *list =&connectionLists->at(signal_index);QObjectPrivate::Connection *c = list->first;if (!c) continue;// We need to check against last here to ensure that signals added// during the signal emission are not emitted in this emission.QObjectPrivate::Connection *last = list->last;/* Now iterates, for each slot */do {if (!c->receiver)continue;QObject * const receiver = c->receiver;const bool receiverInSameThread = QThread::currentThreadId() == receiver->d_func()->threadData->threadId;// determine if this connection should be sent immediately or// put into the event queueif ((c->connectionType == Qt::AutoConnection && !receiverInSameThread)|| (c->connectionType == Qt::QueuedConnection)) {/* Will basically copy the argument and post an event */queued_activate(sender, signal_index, c, argv);continue;} else if (c->connectionType == Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection) {/* ... Skipped ... */continue;}/* Helper struct that sets the sender() (and reset it backs when it* goes out of scope */QConnectionSenderSwitcher sw;if (receiverInSameThread)sw.switchSender(receiver, sender, signal_index);const QObjectPrivate::StaticMetaCallFunction callFunction = c->callFunction;const int method_relative = c->method_relative;if (c->isSlotObject) {/* ... Skipped....  Qt5-style connection to function pointer */} else if (callFunction && c->method_offset <= receiver->metaObject()->methodOffset()) {/* If we have a callFunction (a pointer to the qt_static_metacall* generated by moc) we will call it. We also need to check the* saved metodOffset is still valid (we could be called from the* destructor) */locker.unlock(); // We must not keep the lock while calling use codecallFunction(receiver, QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, method_relative, argv);locker.relock();} else {/* Fallback for dynamic objects */const int method = method_relative + c->method_offset;locker.unlock();metacall(receiver, QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, method, argv);locker.relock();}// Check if the object was not deleted by the slotif (connectionLists->orphaned) break;} while (c != last && (c = c->nextConnectionList) != 0);


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