
If you’re using Safari on a Mac and you’d like to save a local copy of a web page for later viewing, it’s easy to export the page to a PDF file. Here’s how to do it.

如果您在Mac上使用Safari,并且想要保存网页的本地副本以供以后查看,则可以轻松地将该页面导出为PDF文件 。 这是操作方法。

First, open Safari and navigate to the web page you’d like to save as a PDF file.


In the menu bar at the top of the screen, select File > Export as PDF.


A Save window will pop up. Type a file name (or leave the default name) and choose the location where you’d like to save the PDF file. When you’re ready, click “Save.”

将会弹出一个保存窗口。 输入文件名(或保留默认名称),然后选择要保存PDF文件的位置。 准备好后,点击“保存”。

After that, the web page will be saved as a PDF in the location you chose. It’s that easy!

之后,该网页将以PDF格式保存在您选择的位置。 就这么简单!

You can save other documents as PDF files on Macs, too. Just use macOS’s built-in “Save To PDF” abilities in any app with a print option.

您也可以在Mac上将其他文档另存为PDF文件 。 只需在具有打印选项的任何应用程序中使用macOS内置的“保存到PDF”功能。




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