Drought indices(SPEI)

Drought indices()所属R语言包:SPEI

Calculation of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI).


译者:生物统计家园网 机器人LoveR


Given a time series of the climatic water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration), gives a time series of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI).



spei(data, scale, kernel = list(type = 'rectangular', shift = 0),

distribution = 'log-Logistic', fit = 'ub-pwm', na.rm = FALSE,

ref.start=NULL, ref.end=NULL, x=FALSE, ...)

spi(data, scale, kernel = list(type = 'rectangular', shift = 0),

distribution = 'Gamma', fit = 'ub-pwm', na.rm = FALSE,

ref.start=NULL, ref.end=NULL, x=FALSE, ...)



a vector, matrix or data frame with time ordered values of precipitation (for the SPI) or of the climatic balance precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration (for the SPEI).



an integer, representing the time scale at which the SPEI / SPI will be computed.

的整数,相当于在哪些SPEI / SPI将被计算的时间尺度。


optional, a list defining the type of kernel used for computing the SPEI / SPI at scales higher than one. Defaults to unshifted rectangular kernel.

可选的,一个列表定义类型的内核,用于计算SPEI / SPI高于一个尺度。默认非移动的矩形内核。


optional, name of the distribution function to be used for computing the SPEI / SPI (one of 'log-Logistic', 'Gamma' and 'PearsonIII'). Defaults to 'log-Logistic'.

可选的,要用于计算SPEI / SPI(之一log - MF的“,”伽马“和”PearsonIII)的分布函数的名称。默认的log - MF。


optional, name of the method used for computing the distribution function parameters (one of 'ub-pwm', 'pp-pwm' and 'max-lik'). Defaults to 'ub-pwm'.



optional, a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped from the computations. Defaults to FALSE, i.e. no NA are allowed in the data.



optional, starting point of the reference period used for computing the index. Defaults to NULL, indicating that the first value in data will be used as starting point.



optional, ending point of the reference period used for computing the index. Defaults to NULL, indicating that the last value in data will be used as ending point.



optional, a logical value indicating wether the data used for fitting the model should be kept. Defaults to FALSE.



other parameters to be passed.




The spei and spi functions allow computing the SPEI and the SPI indices. These are widely used for drought identification and monitoring. Both functions are identical (in fact, spi is just a wrapper for spei), but they are kept separated for clarity. Basically, the functions standardize a variable following a log-Logistic distribution function (i.e., they transform it to a standard Gaussian variate with zero mean and standard deviation of one). The input variable is a time ordered series of precipitation values for spi, and a series of the climate water balance (precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration) for spei. When used with the default options, they yield values of both indices as defined in the references given below.

spei和spi函数允许SPEI和SPI指数计算。这些被广泛用于干旱的识别和监控。这两个函数是相同的(其实,spi是只是一个包装spei),但他们分开为清晰。基本上,功能规范变量的log - MF分布函数(即,他们把它转换成一个标准的高斯变量的均值为零,标准偏差为1)。输入变量是一个时间顺序系列的降水值spi和一系列的气候水分平衡的(降水量减去潜在蒸散量)为spei。当使用默认的选项,他们得到的数值,这两个指数的定义在下面给出的参考。

The SPEI and the SPI were defined for monthly data. Since the PDFs of the data are not homogenous from month to month, the data is split into twelve series (one for each month) and independent PDFs are fit to each series. If data is a vector or a matrix it will be treated as a sequence of monthly values starting in January. If it is a (univariate or multivariate) time series then the function cycle will be used to determine the position of each observation within the year (month), allowing the data to start in a month other than January.


An important advantage of the SPEI and the SPI is that they can be computed at different time scales. This means that it is possible to incorporate the influence of the past values of the variable in its computation, enabling the index to adapt to the memory of the system under study. The magnitude of this memory is controlled by parameter scale: for example, a value of six would imply that data from the current month and of the past five months will be used for computing the SPEI or SPI value for a given month. By default all past data will have the same weight in computing the index, as it was originally proposed by the authors. Other kernels, however, are available through parameter kernel. The parameter kernel is a list defining the shape of the kernel and a time shift. For more details refer to  the function kern.


Following the original definitions spei uses a log-Logistic distribution by default, and spi uses a Gamma distribution. This behaviour can be modified, however, through parameter distribution.

的原始定义spei使用默认的log - MF配送,和spi采用了伽玛分布。然而,这种行为可以被修改,通过参数distribution。

The default method for parameter fitting is based on unbiased Probability Weighted Moments ('ub-pwm'), but other methods can be used through parameter fit. Valid aleternatives are the plotting-position PWM ('pp-pwm') and the maximum likelihood method ('max-lik').


The default behaviour of the functions is using all the values provided in data for parameter fitting. However, this can be modified with help of parameters ref.start and ref.end. These parameters allow defining a subset of values that will be used for parameter fitting, i.e. a reference period. The functions, however, will compute the values of the indices for the whole data set. For these options to work it is necessary that data will be a time series object. The starting and ending points of the reference period will then be defined as pairs of year and month values, e.g. c(1900,1).



Functions spei and spi return an object of class spei. The generic functions print and summary can be used to obtain summaries of the results. The generic accessor functions coefficients and fitted extract useful features of the object.


An object of class spei is a list containing at least the following components:


call: the call to spei or spi used to generate the object.


fitted: time series with the values of the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) or the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). If data consists of several columns the function will treat each column as independent data, and the result will be a multivariate time series. The names of the columns in data will be used as column names in fitted.

装:时间序列的标准化降水的蒸散指数(SPEI)或标准化降水指数(SPI)的值。如果数据由多个列,该函数将治疗作为独立的数据的每一列,和的结果将是一个多变量时间序列。 data中的列的名称将用作列名在装。

coefficients: an array with the values of the coefficients of the distribution function fitted to the data. The first dimension of the array contains the three (or two) coefficients, the second dimension will typically consist of twelve values corresponding to each month, and the third dimension will be equal to the number of columns (series) in data. If a time scale greater than one has been used then the first elements will have NA value since the kernel can not be applied. The first element with valid data will be the one corresponding to the time scale chosen.

系数:一个数组与嵌合的数据的分布函数的值的系数。阵列的第一维中包含的三个(或两个)系数,第二个维度将通常由12值对应每月,和第三个维度将是相等的列数(系列)在data 。如果大于一的时间尺度已被使用,则在第一个元素将有因为内核不能应用于NA值。有效的数据的第一个元素将是一个对应于所选择的时间尺度。

scale: the scale parameter used to generate the object.


kernel: the parameters and values of the kernel used to generate the object.


distribution: the distribution function used to generate the object.


fit: the fitting method used to generate the object.


na.action: the value of the na.action parameter used.


data: if requested, the input data used.



Dependencies: the spei function depends on the library lmomco.



Santiago Beguer铆a and Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano. Maintainer: Santiago Beguer铆a


参见----------See Also----------

kern for different kernel functions available. thornthwaite, hargreaves and penman for ways of calculating potential evapotranspiration. summary.spei and print.spei for summaries of spei objects. plot.spei for plotting spei objects.

kern不同的内核函数。 thornthwaite,hargreaves和penman潜在蒸散量的计算方法。 summary.spei和print.speispei对象的摘要。 plot.spei:策划spei对象的。


# Load data[数据加载]


# One and tvelwe-months SPEI[和tvelwe个月SPEI]




# not executed[不执行]







# One and tvelwe-months SPI[一,tvelwe个月的SPI]






# Define the properties of the time series with ts()[与日ts()定义的属性的时间序列]


# Time series not starting in January[时间序列年1月开始]


# Using a particular reference period[使用一个特定参考期]


ref.start=c(1980,1), ref.end=c(2000,1)))

# Different kernels[不同的内核]




plot(spei24,'Rectangular kernel')

plot(spei24_gau,'Gaussian kernel')

# Several time series at a time[在时间的几个时间序列]








转载请注明:出自 生物统计家园网(http://www.biostatistic.net)。

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