首先,解释下什么是V版S7 edge:即Verizon版的Samsung S7 edge,如果你不知道这个可能你买的不是这款手机,需要注意了,可能此文章不适合你的手机升级。







Software Upgrade Assistant Installation for Windows and Mac Users

  1. Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable and select Other USB options.

  1. On your device, select System update.

  1. Select Run_VZW_Software_Upgrade_Assistant.exe for Windows, or Verizon Mobile installer for Mac.
  1. Select NEXT to start the installation.

  1. Select NEXT to installation to the default location. To change the default location, select BROWSE. To install later, select CANCEL.

  1. During the installation, you can select CANCEL if you want to install later.

  1. After the installation completes, select FINISH to launch the Software Upgrade Assistant.

  1. Once your device is detected, NEXT will be highlighted. Select NEXT to proceed with the upgrade.

  1. NEXT will be highlighted once your device is detected. Select NEXT to proceed with the upgrade.

  1. The Software Upgrade Assistant will check for new software. If there is, it'll be displayed on screen. Select START UPDATE to begin downloading the software.

    Note: If your device already has the latest software, you'll have the option of repairing your device. See the repair section below.

  1. The software will start downloading. The update starts once the download is complete.

  1. When the update completes, select FINISH to return to the welcome screen.

Software Repair

  1. If your device is already has the latest software version, you’ll have the option to repair your device.

  1. Select START REPAIR to proceed with the repair process. If not, select DON’T REPAIR.
  2. When the repair process is complete, you’ll need to enter your Google account info.

  1. Select NEXT to proceed with the repair and back up your device data. Select CANCEL if you don’t want to proceed with the repair process.
  2. If you don’t know your Google account info, select Click to learn what to do.

  1. Select either option, then select NEXT to start backing up your device data.

  1. You'll need to allow permissions on your device to complete the backup process. Select ALLOW. If you don't want to back up your data, select DENY.

    1. The following data can be backed up:

      • Contacts
      • Calendars
      • Call logs
      • Messages (SMS, MMS, EMS)
      • Photos
      • Videos
      • Music (MP3, AAC, WAV)
      • Documents (PDF, Text , etc)
      • Home Screen Layout
      • Saved Wi-Fi network information
      • Wallpapers (Home, Lock screen)
      • Alarms
      • Ringtones (3rd party)

  1. The software update tool will start backing up your data.

  1. After the download completes, the repair will begin.

    1. You'll see a notification to change the USB Mode. Select OK.

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device and restore your device content.

  1. After your device has been detected, select NEXT.

    1. Note: If you select CANCEL, your data won't be restored.

  1. You'll need to allow permissions on your device again in order to restore your data. Select ALLOW.

  1. The repair tool will start restoring your data. Don't disconnect your device during this process.

  1. Select EXIT when complete.


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