在列表中查找numpy数组的索引(Find index of numpy array in list)

有人可以解释为什么发生以下情况? 我的用例是我有一个python列表,其元素都是numpy ndarray对象,我需要搜索列表以查找特定ndarray obj的索引。


>>> import numpy as np

>>> a,b = np.arange(0,5), np.arange(1,6)

>>> a

array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

>>> b

array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

>>> l = list()

>>> l.append(a)

>>> l.append(b)

>>> l.index(a)


>>> l.index(b)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

为什么我能找到a的索引,而不是b ?

Can someone explain why the following occurs? My use case is that I have a python list whose elements are all numpy ndarray objects and I need to search through the list to find the index of a particular ndarray obj.

Simplest Example:

>>> import numpy as np

>>> a,b = np.arange(0,5), np.arange(1,6)

>>> a

array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])

>>> b

array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

>>> l = list()

>>> l.append(a)

>>> l.append(b)

>>> l.index(a)


>>> l.index(b)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

Why can l find the index of a, but not b?


2019-11-16 20:11


[np.array_equal(b,x) for x in l].index(True)

应该更可靠。 它确保了正确的数组到阵列比较。

或者[id(b)==id(x) for x in l].index(True)如果你想确保它比较ids。

Applying the idea in https://stackoverflow.com/a/17703076/901925 (see the Related sidebare)

[np.array_equal(b,x) for x in l].index(True)

should be more reliable. It ensures a correct array to array comparison.

Or [id(b)==id(x) for x in l].index(True) if you want to ensure it compares ids.



一种替代方案是转换为线性指数,然后将np.take或index指数转换为其扁平版本 - np.take(a,np.ravel_multi_index(b, a.shape))

a.flat[np.ravel_multi_index(b, a.shape)]

自定义np.ravel_multi_index以提升性能 我们可以实现一个自定义版本来模拟np.ravel_multi_index的行为来提升性能,就像这样 - def ravel_index(b, shp):

return np.c...

这是一种基于differentiation化的矢量化方法 - import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

# Append zeros columns at either sides of counts

append1 = np.zeros((counts.shape[0],1),dtype=int)

counts_ext = np.column_stack((append1,counts,append1))

# Get start and stop ind...

嗯,很难说什么被问(这相当于文本的墙) filter_indices = [1,3,5]

print numpy.array([11,13,155,22,0xff,32,56,88])[filter_indices]

可能是你在问什么 ummmm Its hard to tell whats being asked (thats quite the wall of text) filter_indices = [1,3,5]

print numpy.array([11,13,155,22,0x...

以下是执行此查找的几种方法: In [36]: A=np.array([[2,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[0,2,0],[0,1,1],[0,0,2]])

In [37]: pattern = [0,2,0]

In [38]: np.where(np.all(pattern==A,1)) # Saullo's where

Out[38]: (array([3]),)

In [39]: A.tolist().index(pattern) # your list find


利用矢量化的可能性如下 coords = ((I[:, np.newaxis] == M) * np.arange(M.shape[1], 0, -1)[np.newaxis, :]).argmax(1)

any = (I[:, np.newaxis] == M).any(1)

coords = coords[any]

它通过将减少的计数器乘以每条线来消除同一行中感兴趣的值的几次出现之间的歧义,使得第一次出现具有最高值。 如果给定的行不包含指示的值,则从coords删除它。 其余的行(其中找到相...

请注意以下结果: M == a[:, None]

>>> array([[False, True, False],

[ True, False, False],

[False, True, False],

[False, False, True]], dtype=bool)

索引可以通过以下方式检索: yind, xind = numpy.where(M == a[:, None])

>>> (array([0, 1, 2,...

这是利用输入数据的排序特性的一种方法,利用非常有效的NumPy array-slicing和其他NumPy函数 - def start_stop_arr(initial_list):

a = np.asarray(initial_list)

mask = np.concatenate(([True], a[1:] != a[:-1], [True]))

idx = np.flatnonzero(mask)

l = np.diff(idx)

start = n...

在https://stackoverflow.com/a/17703076/901925中应用该想法(参见相关方面) [np.array_equal(b,x) for x in l].index(True)

应该更可靠。 它确保了正确的数组到阵列比较。 或者[id(b)==id(x) for x in l].index(True)如果你想确保它比较ids。 Applying the idea in https://stackoverflow.com/a/17703076/901925 (see ...

一种方法是避免循环 In [7]: fill = np.zeros(array_length) # array_length = 10

In [8]: fill[indexes] = 1 # indexes = [2,5,6]

In [9]: fill

Out[9]: array([ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.])

One way is to avoid the loop In [...

import numpy as np

list1 = [np.array([0,0,2]),np.array([0,5,6])]

list2 = [np.array([3,4,6]),np.array([1,7,8])]

final_list = np.hstack((list1, list2))

print final_list

import numpy as np

list1 = [np.array([0,0,2]),np.array([0,5,6])]

list2 = [np.arr...




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这是我在lucene in action 中看到的,本来想翻译一下,但是翻译成汉语就没有原来的味道了。


Mapping entities to the index structure 4.1. 映射一个实



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