
File manipulation function

File on / off

FILE, *infile, =fopen ("ride? in〃,〃W〃);

Fclose (inf订e);

File read:


Format: int fgetc (FILE ^stream);

Reads a character from the file pointing to the file pointer stream?

The return value of this function is a byte that returns the read. Returns EOF (-1) if it is read at the end of the file or when the error is read.


The prototype is char *f gets (char, *s, int, N, FILE, * stream);


*s: character pointer to the data address that will be stored.

N: integer data, which reads n - 1 characters from the stream.

^stream: pointer data, the stream to read.


Read nT characters from the file pointer stream, save in the space where s is the starting address, until you have completed a row, and if successful, return the pointer to s, or else return NULL.


Function name: fscanf

Function: performs formatted input from a stream, fscanf ends with spaces and line breaks, and ends with spaces? This is different from fgets, where fgets encounters spaces that do not end.

Usage: int, fscanf (FILE, ^stream, char, ^format,

[argument ,???);

Int fscanf (file pointer, format string, input list);

Example:fscanf (FP,%s%d%lf, a, &b, &c)

Return value: integer, value equal to the number of [argument??? _


Function prototypes: size_t, FREAD (void, ^buffer, size_t, size, size_t, count, FILE, ^stream);

Function: read data from a file stream, read count elements, each element size bytes? If the call succeeds, return count?? If the call is successful, the actual read size*count bytes are read


Buffer: is used to receive data memory addresses, at least size*count bytes in size

Size: the size of a single element, in bytes

The number of count: elements, each of which is size bytes? Stream: input stream

Return value: the number of elements actually read. If the return value is not the same as count (not count*size), the end or error of the file may occur

Gets the error information from f err or and f


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