CIFS Proxy Service 介绍

CIFS Proxy Service

It is for this application realizing access to Windows file sharing (SMB/CIFS) using the intent function of Android. This application is used from another application corresponding to CIFS Proxy Service, calling. Therefore, it cannot perform in this application simple substance. The application supported now becomes the following. [File Join and Split] Since this application mounts Windows file sharing, it is using the JCIFS library ( Since a JCIFS library is a LGPL license, I also exhibit this application with a LGPL license, and it opens a source code to below.

来自应用汇: CIFS Proxy Service

CIFS Proxy Service 版本更新

2014-02-15Add function NbtAddress_getByName,NbtAddress_getAllByName,NbtAddress_getInetAddress,UniAddress_getByName,UniAddress_getHostAddress2013-09-08 ver.1.0.1Add instructions related File2013-09-01 ver.1.0.0Initial public offering

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