Every week we bring you a snapshot of the current week in the history of technological and geeky endeavors. This week we’re taking a look at the birth of YouTube, the death of the HD DVD format, and the first mega meme.

每周我们都会为您带来本周技术和令人讨厌的工作历史的快照。 本周,我们来看看YouTube的诞生,HD DVD格式的消亡以及第一个巨型模因。

YouTube.com上线 (YouTube.com Goes Live)

YouTube.com went online February 14th, 2005 and over the following months the service was beta tested and put through the paces. The first official video uploaded to YouTube was a short clip of one of the founders at the San Diego Zoo (see in the video above).  Since then YouTube has gone on to become synonymous with internet video sharing and streams over a billion videos a day. There is more video footage on YouTube than a single person could watch in a lifetime of even the most exceptional length.

YouTube.com于2005年2月14日上线,并在随后的几个月中对该服务进行了Beta测试,并逐步进行了测试。 上传到YouTube的第一个官方视频是圣地亚哥动物园一位创始人的简短剪辑 (请参见上面的视频)。 从那时起,YouTube逐渐成为互联网视频共享的代名词, 每天流式传输超过十亿个视频。 YouTube上的视频片段甚至超过了一个人的一生所能观看的时间。

蓝光与高清DVD (Blu-ray vs. HD DVD)



At some point in the early 2000s electronics companies must have had an informal meeting and at which someone said “You know what would be great? To recreate the BetaMax/VHS rift in all its glory all over again. What do you say guys? One for old times sake?” There would seem to be no other explanation for the format war that consumed disc-based media for over half a decade. When the consumer unrest became too great to ignore more and more studios began taking sides (siding almost exclusively with Blu-ray). In January of 2008 Warner Bros., the last major studio releasing titles for both formats, threw in the towel. In February of that year Toshiba announced they would be halting the production of HD DVD players. By that time next year HD DVDs had not only fallen out of production but off the public’s radar.

在2000年代初的某个时候,电子公司必须举行一次非正式会议,有人说:“您知道那会是什么吗? 重新创建BetaMax / VHS裂痕。 你们怎么说 一个为了旧时的缘故?” 对于格式战争而言,似乎已经没有其他解释,因为这场格式战争消耗了基于磁盘的媒体长达五年之久。 当消费者的不安情绪变得太大而无法忽视时,越来越多的制片厂开始采取行动(几乎只在Blu-ray上使用)。 在2008年1月,华纳兄弟 ( Warner Bros.) ,最后一家发行这两种格式的书名的制片厂投入使用。 同年2月,东芝宣布将停止高清DVD播放器的生产。 到明年那个时候,HD DVD不仅已经停产,而且已经脱离了公众的视野。

您所有的基地我们属于我们 (All Your Base Our Belong to Us)

极客历史上本周其他值得注意的时刻 (Other Notable Moments from This Week in Geek History)

Although we only shine the spotlight on three interesting facts a week in our Geek History column, that doesn’t mean we don’t have space to highlight a few more in passing. This week in Geek History:

尽管我们每周在《极客历史》专栏中仅关注三个有趣的事实,但这并不意味着我们没有足够的空间来强调更多的动态。 本周极客历史:

  • 1954 – Birth of Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama.1954年-《辛普森一家》和《未来飞船》的作者马特·格罗宁(Matt Groening)出生。
  • 1957 – Birth of LeVar Burton, best known as Geordie LaForge on Star Trek The Next Generation.1957年-勒瓦尔·伯顿(LeVar Burton)的诞辰,最著名的是《星际迷航:下一代》中的Geordie LaForge。
  • 1999 – Office Space released; brings us gems like the Red Stapler and TPS Reports.1999年–办公空间发布; 为我们带来了《红色订书机》和《 TPS报告》等瑰宝。
  • 2000 – Microsoft releases Windows 2000.2000年– Microsoft发布Windows 2000。

Have an interesting bit of geek trivia to share? Shoot us an email to

有一些有趣的怪胎琐事可以分享吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 tips@howtogeek.com with “history” in the subject line and we’ll be sure to add it to our list of trivia. tips@howtogeek.com ,主题行中包含“历史记录”,我们将确保将其添加到琐事列表中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/43828/this-week-in-geek-history-youtube-goes-public-blu-ray-vs.-hd-dvd-and-all-your-base-are-belong-to-us/


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