baaba cbbcd
问题 1
For the dimensions of big data growth, Veracity means ( ).
a. Streaming data, milliseconds to seconds to respond
b. Uncertainty from inconsistency ambiguities
c. Terabytes to exabytes of existing data to process
d. Structured, unstructured, text, multimedia
问题 2
The common types of RFID working model do NOT include ( ).
a. idle
b. active
c. semipassive
d. passive
问题 3
Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
==a. Big Data means unstructured Data. ==
b. Big Data is a new basis of competitive advantage for enterprises.
c. Data generated from IoT will grow exponentially as the number of connected nodes increases.
d. Big Data is similar to small data, but bigger in size.
问题 4
What may NOT be the Big Data growth drivers?
a. Both mega-IT-vendors and pure-play Big Data vendors took steps to better articulate their product & services roadmaps and larger visions for Big Data in the enterprise, creating greater confidence from enterprise buyers.
b. Continued “Big Data Washing” by legacy IT vendors leading to confusion among enterprise buyers and practitioners, as well as “political” factors that make it difficult for enterprise buyers to engage new vendors.
c. Big Data technologies took important steps towards greater enterprise-grade capabilities, critical for mass enterprise adoption. These steps included better privacy, security and governance capabilities, as well as improved backup & recovery and high-availability for Hadoop specifically.
d. Partnerships played an important role in maturing the Big Data landscape. Of particular importance are a number of reseller agreements and technical partnerships between Big Data vendors and non-Big Data vendors, the results of which that make it easier for practitioners to adopt and integrate Big Data technologies.
问题 5
Which one of the following statements may NOT be correct?
a. Big data is just a technology—it is not a business strategy for capitalizing on information resources
b. Organizations are using big data to target customer-centric outcomes, tap into internal data and build a better information ecosystem
c. Fast forward to the present and technologies like Hadoop give you the scale and flexibility to store data before you know how you are going to process it
d. Technologies such as MapReduce, Hive and Impala enable you to run queries without changing the data structures underneath
问题 6
Which may NOT be the direct impact on IT industry by Big Data?
a. Data storage has grown significantly, shifting market from analog to digital
b. Computation Capability is demanding to process huge amount of data with various formats
c. New business insights are generated from combining and analyzing data types in new ways
d. The foundation is built for future requirements by expanding into big data platform
问题 7
What could be the main benefit of using Big Data on Security/Intelligence Extension?
a. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by understanding what meaningful actions are needed
a. Increase customer loyalty and satisfaction by understanding what meaningful actions are needed
b. Track persons of interest (drug/sex traffickers, terrorists, illegal refugees/immigrants) and civil/border activity
c. Find, Visualize & Understand all big data to improve business knowledge
d. Log analytics, energy bill forecasting, energy consumption optimization, anomalous energy usage detection, presence-aware energy management
问题 8
What is NOT the feature of Hadoop?
a. Hadoop is an open source software project.
b. Hadoop is relying on high-end hardware.
c. Hadoop is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines, with very high degree of fault tolerance.
d. Hadoop enables distributed processing of large data sets across clusters.
问题 9
Which one of the following statements may NOT be corret?
a. Hadoop is designed to work best with a modest number of extremely large files.
b. Every data block stored in HDFS has its own metadata and needs to be tracked by a central server.
==c. Because of data locality principle, using a storage area network in a Hadoop environment is recommended. ==
d. All hadoop commands are invoked by the bin/hadoop script.
问题 10
Which one of the following statements may NOT be correct?
a. Spark is an implementation of Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) in Scala
b. In spark, MapReduce data flow can be expressed using RDD transformations
c. Spark Streaming extends the core API to allow high-throughput, fault-tolerant stream processing of live data streams
d. Spark cannot persist or cache a dataset in memory across operations

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