
If you use a recent version of Outlook, you’ve probably noticed a Junk Email folder, a Clutter folder, and something called Focused Inbox. All of these seem to affect where your mail ends up, but it might not be obvious why or when this happens. Here’s how they work and how to turn them off if you don’t like them.

如果您使用的是最新版本的Outlook,则可能会注意到“垃圾邮件”文件夹,“混乱”文件夹和名为“焦点收件箱”的文件夹。 所有这些似乎都会影响您的邮件的最终发送位置,但原因或何时发生的可能并不明显。 这是它们的工作方式,以及如果您不喜欢它们,如何将其关闭。

Note: These features are available in the Outlook web app, Outlook 365, Outlook 2016, and Outlook 2019. If you’re using an older version of Outlook, you won’t see them.

注意 :这些功能在Outlook Web App,Outlook 365,Outlook 2016和Outlook 2019中可用。如果使用的是较旧版本的Outlook,则看不到它们。

什么是垃圾电子邮件? (What’s Junk Email For?)

Junk Email is the simplest to explain: It’s the folder where Outlook sends mail it thinks is spam. This works just like the spam folders in other email clients, like Gmail’s Spam category.

垃圾电子邮件最容易解释:这是Outlook发送它认为是垃圾邮件的文件夹。 就像其他电子邮件客户端中的垃圾邮件文件夹一样,例如Gmail的“垃圾邮件”类别。

If you work in a corporate environment, you might not see much in here, because a lot of companies apply filters to stop spam before it ever gets to your mailbox. If you’re using Outlook to access a web account from the likes of Google or Yahoo! then you also might not see much in here, as spam isn’t normally downloaded to your client.

如果您在公司环境中工作,在这里可能看不到太多信息,因为许多公司都应用了过滤器来阻止垃圾邮件进入垃圾邮件。 如果您使用Outlook从Google或Yahoo!等网站访问网络帐户, 那么您在这里可能也看不到太多内容,因为通常不会将垃圾邮件下载到您的客户端。

If you do see messages in your Junk Email folder, you should follow your company’s policies on junk email. If you’ve got junk email in your personal Outlook then follow the usual precautions: don’t open any attachments, only open the mail if you recognize the sender’s email address, and if you’re in any doubt delete the mail (Shift+Delete will delete the mail completely, bypassing your Deleted Items folder).

如果确实在“垃圾邮件”文件夹中看到邮件,则应遵循公司对垃圾邮件的政策。 如果您的个人Outlook中有垃圾邮件,请遵循通常的预防措施:不要打开任何附件,只有在识别出发件人的电子邮件地址后才打开邮件,如果有疑问请删除该邮件(Shift +删除将完全删除邮件,绕过您的“已删除邮件”文件夹)。

什么是混乱的? (What’s Clutter For?)

Clutter is a separate folder where Outlook sends messages that it doesn’t think are spam, but also doesn’t think are important enough to clutter up your inbox. This includes things like regular newsletters, coupon emails, and so on.

混乱是一个单独的文件夹,Outlook在其中发送它认为不是垃圾邮件,但认为不够重要的邮件却无法使收件箱变得混乱。 其中包括常规新闻通讯,优惠券电子邮件等。

Clutter aims to cut down on the “noise” in your inbox by automatically sending unimportant messages to the Clutter folder. It never sends messages from your management chain or direct reports, but it will learn over time what messages you read and respond to. If Outlook detects that you regularly ignore messages from certain senders, for example, it might start moving them to the Clutter folder for you.

Clutter旨在通过自动将不重要的消息发送到Clutter文件夹来减少收件箱中的“噪音”。 它从不发送来自管理链或直接报告的消息,但是它将随着时间的推移了解您阅读和响应的消息。 例如,如果Outlook检测到您定期忽略来自某些发件人的邮件,则它可能会开始为您将邮件移动到Clutter文件夹中。

收件箱的重点是什么? (What’s Focused Inbox For?)

Focused Inbox is a way of viewing your inbox. Unlike Junk Email and Clutter, it’s not a new or separate folder. Instead, it split your view of your inbox into messages it thinks are important to you (the “Focused” view) and messages that it thinks aren’t that important to you (the “Other” view). You can turn Focused Inbox on by going to the View tab and toggling the “Show Focused Inbox” option on or off.

重点收件箱是查看收件箱的一种方法。 与“垃圾邮件”和“混乱”不同,它不是新文件夹也不是单独的文件夹。 相反,它将您对收件箱的视图分为它认为对您重要的消息(“关注”视图)和它认为对您不那么重要的消息(“其他”视图)。 您可以通过以下方式打开“焦点收件箱”:转到“查看”标签,然后打开或关闭“显示焦点收件箱”选项。

Focused Inbox is a replacement for Clutter, which wasn’t particularly popular. A lot of users didn’t like going to a different folder to find messages that Outlook thought weren’t important, especially because Clutter only got accurate if you “trained” it by manually moving messages between Inbox and Clutter. Some users assumed that Clutter was just a different way of filtering spam, so they never looked in the folder or just deleted the contents without reading anything that was there.

重点收件箱是杂物的替代品,杂物并不是特别受欢迎。 许多用户不喜欢转到其他文件夹来查找Outlook认为不重要的邮件,尤其是因为只有当您通过在Inbox和Clutter之间手动移动邮件来“训练”它时,Clutter才能变得准确。 一些用户认为Clutter只是过滤垃圾邮件的另一种方式,因此他们从不查看文件夹或只是删除内容而不读取其中的任何内容。

Microsoft recognised that Clutter wasn’t working and pretty quickly replaced it with Focused Inbox. Clutter and Focused Inbox share code, so you can only turn on one or the other, but not both at the same time. Clutter is currently slated for removal from Outlook in January 2020, at which point you’ll just have Junk Email and Focused Inbox.

微软意识到Clutter无法正常工作,很快就用Focused Inbox取代了它。 杂物箱和聚焦收件箱共享代码,因此您只能打开一个或另一个,而不能同时打开两者。 目前,Clutter计划于2020年1月从Outlook中删除,届时您将只有垃圾邮件和重点收件箱。

您如何关闭这些? (How Do You Turn These Off?)

If you’re the kind of person who likes to have absolute control over their mail, you might want to turn all of these features off. Here’s how.

如果您是那种绝对控制其邮件的人,则可能需要关闭所有这些功能。 这是如何做。

如何关闭垃圾邮件 (How to Turn Off Junk Email)

We don’t recommend turning off Junk Email because it provides an extra layer of protection against phishing and malware attacks. But if you’re determined to do it, you’ll need to log into the Outlook web app. Once you’ve logged in, click the Settings cog at the top right of the page and scroll down to, and click, the “Mail” option.

我们不建议您关闭“垃圾邮件”,因为它提供了额外的防护,可防止网络钓鱼和恶意软件攻击。 但是,如果确定要这样做,则需要登录Outlook Web应用程序。 登录后,单击页面右上角的“设置”齿轮,然后向下滚动到“邮件”选项,然后单击。

The Options open up on the left, so scroll down to Accounts > Block and Allow, and choose the “Don’t move email to my Junk Email folder” option.


Click “Save” at the top of the page to store the setting change. You can come back at any time and turn Junk Email back on again.

单击页面顶部的“保存”以存储设置更改。 您可以随时回来,然后重新打开“垃圾邮件”。

如何关闭杂波 (How to Turn Off Clutter)

If you’re on Office 365, then you’ve got both Clutter and Focused Inbox. As you can’t have both turned on, the quick way to turn off Clutter is to turn Focused Inbox on. This won’t turn Clutter off, but it will bypass it and use Focused Inbox instead.

如果您使用的是Office 365,那么您将同时拥有“混乱”和“重点收件箱”。 由于无法同时打开两者,因此关闭“混乱”功能的快速方法是打开“聚焦收件箱”。 这不会关闭杂波,但会绕过杂波并改用“焦点收件箱”。

But if you don’t want to use Focused Inbox or Clutter, you’ll need to log into the Outlook web app. Once you’ve logged in, click the Settings cog at the top right of the page. Scroll down a bit on the page and click the “Mail” option.

但是,如果您不想使用“焦点收件箱”或“杂物箱”,则需要登录Outlook Web应用程序。 登录后,单击页面右上方的“设置”齿轮。 在页面上向下滚动并单击“邮件”选项。

The Options open up on the left, so scroll down to Automatic Processing > Clutter and switch off the “Separate items identified as clutter” option.


Click “Save” at the top of the page to store the setting change. You can come back at any time and turn Clutter back on again.

单击页面顶部的“保存”以存储设置更改。 您可以随时回来,然后再次打开“杂波”。

如何关闭重点收件箱 (How to Turn Off Focused Inbox)

Focused Inbox is much easier to turn off. Switch to the View tab in Outlook and toggle the “View Focused Inbox” option off.

重点收件箱更容易关闭。 切换到Outlook中的“查看”选项卡,然后关闭“查看焦点收件箱”选项。

You can turn it back on at any time.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/369807/whats-the-difference-between-junk-email-clutter-and-focused-inbox-in-outlook/



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