

The Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE) is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of renewable and sustainable energy relevant to the physical science and engineering communities. The interdisciplinary approach of the publication ensures that the editors draw from researchers worldwide in a diverse range of fields.

Topics covered include:

Renewable energy economics and policy 可再生能源经济与政策
Renewable energy resource assessment 可再生能源资源评估
Solar energy: photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar energy for fuels 太阳能:光伏、太阳能热能、太阳能燃料
Wind energy: wind farms, rotors and blades, on- and offshore wind conditions, aerodynamics, fluid dynamics 风能:风电场、转子和叶片、陆上和海上风况、空气动力学、流体动力学
Bioenergy: biofuels, biomass conversion, artificial photosynthesis 生物能源:生物燃料、生物质转化、人工光合作用
Distributed energy generation: rooftop PV, distributed fuel cells, distributed wind, micro-hydrogen power generation 分布式能源发电:屋顶光伏发电、分布式燃料电池、分布式风力发电、微型氢发电
Power distribution & systems modeling: power electronics and controls, smart grid 配电与系统建模:电力电子与控制、智能电网
Energy efficient buildings: smart windows, PV, wind, power management 节能建筑:智能窗户、光伏、风能和电力管理
Energy conversion: flexoelectric, piezoelectric, thermoelectric, other technologies 能量转换:柔性电、压电、热电和其他技术
Energy storage: batteries, supercapacitors, hydrogen storage, other fuels 储能:电池、超级电容器、储氢和其他燃料
Fuel cells: proton exchange membrane cells, solid oxide cells, hybrid fuel cells, other 燃料电池:质子交换膜电池、固体氧化物电池、混合燃料电池等
Marine and hydroelectric energy: dams, tides, waves, other 海洋和水电能源:大坝、潮汐、波浪、其他
Transportation: alternative vehicle technologies, plug-in technologies, other 交通:替代车辆技术、插件技术、其他
Geothermal energy 地热能







Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy投稿指南

Guide for Authors

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