

unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,Dialogs, DIB, StdCtrls;typeTForm1 = class(TForm)DXPaintBox1: TDXPaintBox;Button1: TButton;procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);end;varForm1: TForm1;implementation{$R *.dfm}uses TypInfo;vardib: TDIB;f: Integer;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
constclr = clRed;
varw,h,a,b: Integer;
beginDXPaintBox1.DIB.Assign(dib);w := DXPaintBox1.ClientWidth;h := DXPaintBox1.ClientHeight;a := w div 7;b := h div 7;DXPaintBox1.DIB.FilterLine(0, b, w, b, clr, TFilterMode(f));DXPaintBox1.DIB.FilterLine(0, h-b, w, h-b, clr, TFilterMode(f));DXPaintBox1.DIB.FilterLine(a, 0, a, h, clr, TFilterMode(f));DXPaintBox1.DIB.FilterLine(w-a, 0, w-a, h, clr, TFilterMode(f));DXPaintBox1.DIB.FilterRect(w div 5, h div 5, w div 5*3, h div 5*3, clr, TFilterMode(f));DXPaintBox1.Repaint;Text := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TFilterMode), f);Inc(f); f := f and 3;
end;procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
constImgPath1 = 'C:\Temp\DX.jpg';
begindib := TDIB.Create;dib.LoadFromFile(ImgPath1);DXPaintBox1.DIB.Assign(dib);DXPaintBox1.Width := dib.Width;DXPaintBox1.Height := dib.Height;DXPaintBox1.Repaint;
end;procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);


object Form1: TForm1Left = 0Top = 0Caption = 'Form1'ClientHeight = 142ClientWidth = 226Color = clBtnFaceFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSETFont.Color = clWindowTextFont.Height = -11Font.Name = 'Tahoma'Font.Style = []OldCreateOrder = FalseOnCreate = FormCreateOnDestroy = FormDestroyPixelsPerInch = 96TextHeight = 13object DXPaintBox1: TDXPaintBoxLeft = 8Top = 8Width = 81Height = 73AutoStretch = FalseCenter = FalseKeepAspect = FalseStretch = FalseViewWidth = 0ViewHeight = 0endobject Button1: TButtonLeft = 143Top = 101Width = 75Height = 25Caption = 'Button1'TabOrder = 0OnClick = Button1Clickend

Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(83): TDIB.FilterLine()、FilterRect();相关推荐

  1. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(25): TDIB.Blur();

    DelphiX 的组件面板上, 第二个就是 TDXDIB; TDXDIB.DIB 是 TDXDIB 的唯一属性(其他是 TComponent 固有的); TDXDIB.DIB 属性是一个 TDIB 对 ...

  2. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(89): TDIB.DrawAlphaMask();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  3. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(95): TDIB.x

    //让 TDIB 的这些特效烦透了: 多.还重复.又不完善; 还没有测试或测试失败的方法: procedure DrawShadow(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height ...

  4. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(33): TDIB.SmoothRotateWrap();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  5. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(93): TDIB.DrawDarken();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  6. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(77): TDIB.Distort();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  7. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(52): TDIB.DoSaturation();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  8. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(35): TDIB.Saturation();

    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Contr ...

  9. Delphi 与 DirectX 之 DelphiX(72): TDIB.SephiaEffect();

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    本例效果图: 代码文件: unit Unit1;interfaceusesWindows, Messages, SysUtils, V ...


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