
这三个方法用于删除字符串首尾处指定的字符,默认删除空白符(包括'\n', '\r', '\t', ' ')。

s.strip(rm) 删除s字符串中开头、结尾处,位于 rm删除序列的字符

s.lstrip(rm) 删除s字符串中开头处,位于 rm删除序列的字符

s.rstrip(rm) 删除s字符串中结尾处,位于 rm删除序列的字符


>>> s='   abcdefg    ' #默认情况下删除空白符
>>> s.strip()
>>> s = 'and looking down on tomorrow'
>>> s.strip('awon')
'd looking down on tomorr'



    #define LEFTSTRIP 0#define RIGHTSTRIP 1#define BOTHSTRIP 2



    std::string do_strip(const std::string &str, int striptype, const std::string&chars){std::string::size_type strlen = str.size();std::string::size_type charslen = chars.size();std::string::size_type i, j;//默认情况下,去除空白符if (0 == charslen){i = 0;//去掉左边空白字符if (striptype != RIGHTSTRIP){while (i < strlen&&::isspace(str[i])){i++;}}j = strlen;//去掉右边空白字符if (striptype != LEFTSTRIP){j--;while (j >= i&&::isspace(str[j])){j--;}j++;}}else{//把删除序列转为c字符串const char*sep = chars.c_str();i = 0;if (striptype != RIGHTSTRIP){//memchr函数:从sep指向的内存区域的前charslen个字节查找str[i]while (i < strlen&&memchr(sep, str[i], charslen)){i++;}}j = strlen;if (striptype != LEFTSTRIP){j--;while (j >= i&&memchr(sep, str[j], charslen)){j--;}j++;}//如果无需要删除的字符if (0 == i&& j == strlen){return str;}else{return str.substr(i, j - i);}}}


    std::string strip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars=" " ){return do_strip( str, BOTHSTRIP, chars );}


    std::string lstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars=" " ){return do_strip( str, LEFTSTRIP, chars );}


   std::string rstrip( const std::string & str, const std::string & chars=" " ){return do_strip( str, RIGHTSTRIP, chars );}


int main()
{string str = "     abcdefg";string result;//不给定删除序列时默认删除空白字符串result = strip(str);cout << "默认删除空白符:" << result << endl;//指定删除序列result = strip(str, "gf");cout << "指定删除序列gf:" << result << endl;str = "abcdefg";string chars = "abfg";//只删除左边result = lstrip(str, chars);cout << "删除左边" << result << endl;//只删除右边result = rstrip(str, chars);cout << "删除右边" << result << endl;system("pause");return 0;




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