
git push chucklu zhCN_v0.13.1 zhCN_v0.13.1


git push chucklu zhCN_v0.13.1

或者 git push chucklu zhCN_v0.13.1:zhCN_v0.13.1


error: dst ref refs/heads/zhCN_v0.13.1 receives from more than one src.相关推荐

  1. error: dst ref refs/heads/dev receives from more than one src.

    使用git push origin a:a 提示一下错误: error: dst ref refs/heads/dev receives from more than one src. error: ...

  2. error: dst ref refs/heads/master receives from more than one src

    使用git push origin a:a 提示一下错误: error: dst ref refs/heads/master receives from more than one src error ...

  3. remote: error: cannot lock ref ‘refs/heads/dev/mz/dev‘: ‘refs/heads/dev‘ exists; cannot create ‘refs

    remote: error: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/dev/mz/dev': 'refs/heads/dev' exists; cannot create 'refs ...

  4. fatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/cm-13.0

    repo init -u -b cm-13.0 repo sync -j5 -f fatal: Couldn't ...

  5. 【Debug日记】fatal: cannot lock ref ‘refs/heads/feature/CXX_Config‘: ‘refs/heads/feature‘ exists;

    针对已有项目进行GitFlow管理时,容易出现如下BUG: fatal: cannot lock ref'refs/heads/feature/CXX_Config': 'refs/heads/fea ...

  6. Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/heads/develop‘from the remote, but no such

    git pull的时候报错: Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'refs/heads/develop' from the remo ...

  7. git提交报configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘’refs/heads/master‘

    问题 建立新的分支,当咱们执行git pull,出现以下错误git configuration specifies to merge with the ref ''refs/heads/master' ...

  8. 【Git】创建分支报错(cannot lock ref ‘refs/heads/***/***‘)

    本周刚遇到的问题,创建新分支的时候,报错信息如下: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/***/***': 'refs/heads/***' exists; cannot crea ...

  9. 【Git删除大文件失败,提示WARNING: Ref ‘refs/heads/master‘ is unchanged的解决思路】

    1. 问题描述 最近使用Gitee一直在独立开发某个项目,某次因为某个测试文件比较大,超过了100MB,gitee无法接受,上传失败.但是当时我没有发现上传失败,就没有处理,等到今天发现的时候,已经提 ...

  10. 【git】Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/heads/xxx

    执行一下 git status,会发现 On branch xxx Your branch is based on 'origin/yyy', but the upstream is gone. (u ...


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