A character string is said to have period k if it can be formed by concatenating one or more repetitionsof another string of length k. For example, the string ”abcabcabcabc” has period 3, since it is formedby 4 repetitions of the string ”abc”. It also has periods 6 (two repetitions of ”abcabc”) and 12 (onerepetition of ”abcabcabcabc”).

Write a program to read a character string and determine its smallest period.


The first line oif the input file will contain a single integer N indicating how many test case that yourprogram will test followed by a blank line. Each test case will contain a single character string of upto 80 non-blank characters. Two consecutive input will separated by a blank line.


An integer denoting the smallest period of the input string for each input. Two consecutive output areseparated by a blank line.

Sample Input



Sample Output


问题链接:UVA455 Periodic Strings






  另外,输出格式上需要注意。题中有“Two consecutive output are separated by a blank line.”,需要小心处理。


/* UVA455 Periodic Strings */#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>#define MAXN 80int strcmplen(char a[], int s, int t, int len)
{int i;for(i=1; i<=len; i++) {if(a[s] != a[t])return a[s] - a[t];s++;t++;}return 0;
}int main(void)
{int n, len, i, j;char s[MAXN+1];scanf("%d", &n);while(n--) {scanf("%s", s);len = strlen(s);for(i=1; i<len; i++) {if(len % i)continue;for(j=i; j<len; j+=i)if(strcmplen(s, 0, j, i) != 0)break;if(j == len)break;}printf("%d\n", i);if(n)printf("\n");}return 0;

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