Function Reference?Alphabetical List?Class Reference

File I/O

Data file input/output

Data Organization

Data arrays and groups

Descriptive Statistics

Data summaries

Statistical Visualization

Data patterns and trends

Probability Distributions

Modeling data frequency

Hypothesis Tests

Inferences from data

Analysis of Variance

Modeling data variance

Parametric Regression Analysis

Continuous data models

Multivariate Methods

Visualization and reduction

Cluster Analysis

Identifying data categories

Model Assessment

Identifying data categories

Parametric Classification

Categorical data models

Nonparametric Supervised Learning

Classification and regression via trees, bagging, boosting, and more

Hidden Markov Models

Stochastic data models

Design of Experiments

Systematic data collection

Statistical Process Control

Production monitoring


Interactive tools


General purpose

File I/O

casereadRead case names from filecasewriteWrite case names to filetblreadRead tabular data from filetblwriteWrite tabular data to filetdfreadRead tab-delimited filexptreadCreate dataset array from data stored in SAS XPORT format fileData Organization

Categorical Arrays

Dataset Arrays

Grouped Data

Categorical Arrays

addlevels (categorical)Add levels to categorical arraycat (categorical)Concatenate categorical arrayscategoricalCreate categorical arraycellstr (categorical)Convert categorical array to cell array of stringschar (categorical)Convert categorical array to character arraycircshift (categorical)Shift categorical array circularlyctranspose (categorical)Transpose categorical matrixdouble (categorical)Convert categorical array to double arraydroplevels (categorical)Drop levelsend (categorical)Last index in indexing expression for categorical arrayflipdim (categorical)Flip categorical array along specified dimensionfliplr (categorical)Flip categorical matrix in left/right direction


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