
* ConfigurationFile.java


* Created on 2009年4月15日, 下午1:36


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import java.io.BufferedReader;

import java.io.BufferedWriter;

import java.io.FileReader;

import java.io.FileWriter;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;


* 这是个配置文档操作类,用来读取和配置ini配置文档

* @author 由月

* @version 2004-08-18

* @修改 2008-05-22


public final class ConfigurationFile {


* 从ini配置文档中读取变量的值

* @param file 配置文档的路径

* @param section 要获取的变量所在段名称

* @param variable 要获取的变量名称

* @param defaultValue 变量名称不存在时的默认值

* @return 变量的值

* @throws IOException 抛出文档操作可能出现的io异常


public static String getProfileString(

String file,

String section,

String variable,

String defaultValue)

throws IOException {

String strLine, value = "";

BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

boolean isInSection = false;

try {

while ((strLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

strLine = strLine.trim();

//strLine = strLine.split("[;]")[0];

Pattern p;

Matcher m;

p = Pattern.compile("//["+section+"//]");

m = p.matcher((strLine));

if (m.matches()) {

p = Pattern.compile("//["+section+"//]");

m = p.matcher(strLine);

if (m.matches()) {

isInSection = true;

} else {

isInSection = false;



if (isInSection == true) {

strLine = strLine.trim();

String[] strArray = strLine.split("=");

if (strArray.length == 1) {

value = strArray[0].trim();

if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(variable)) {

value = "";

return value;


} else if (strArray.length == 2) {

value = strArray[0].trim();

if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(variable)) {

value = strArray[1].trim();

return value;


} else if (strArray.length > 2) {

value = strArray[0].trim();

if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(variable)) {

value = strLine.substring(strLine.indexOf("=") + 1).trim();

return value;





} finally {



return defaultValue;



* 修改ini配置文档中变量的值

* @param file 配置文档的路径

* @param section 要修改的变量所在段名称

* @param variable 要修改的变量名称

* @param value 变量的新值

* @throws IOException 抛出文档操作可能出现的io异常


public static boolean setProfileString(

String file,

String section,

String variable,

String value)

throws IOException {

String fileContent, allLine,strLine, newLine, remarkStr;

String getValue;

BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));

boolean isInSection = false;

fileContent = "";

try {

while ((allLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

allLine = allLine.trim();

System.out.println("allLine == "+allLine);

strLine = allLine;

Pattern p;

Matcher m;

p = Pattern.compile("//["+section+"//]");

m = p.matcher((strLine));

//System.out.println("+++++++ ");

if (m.matches()) {

System.out.println("+++++++ ");

p = Pattern.compile("//["+section+"//]");

m = p.matcher(strLine);

if (m.matches()) {

System.out.println("true ");

isInSection = true;

} else {

isInSection = false;

System.out.println("+++++++ ");



if (isInSection == true) {

strLine = strLine.trim();

String[] strArray = strLine.split("=");

getValue = strArray[0].trim();

if (getValue.equalsIgnoreCase(variable)) {

// newLine = getValue + " = " + value + " " + remarkStr;

newLine = getValue + " = " + value + " ";

fileContent += newLine + "/r/n";

while ((allLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

fileContent += allLine + "/r/n";



BufferedWriter bufferedWriter =

new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file, false));




return true;



fileContent += allLine + "/r/n";


}catch(IOException ex){

throw ex;

} finally {



return false;


public static void main(String[] args) {

//String value = Config.getProfileString("sysconfig.ini", "Option", "OracleDB", "default");


try {

System.out.println("值已经改变!... "+ConfigurationFile.setProfileString("E:/web5/h2_test/gamewww.ini", "TestSect1", "10012", "111111"));

System.out.println("值读取成功!... "+ConfigurationFile.getProfileString("E:/web5/h2_test/gamewww.ini", "TestSect1", "10012", ""));

} catch (IOException e) {

System.out.println("错误 ......"+e.toString());




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