转: vim E576: viminfo: Missing ‘>’ in line: 19^I0^

E576: viminfo: Missing ‘>’ in line: 19^I0^@
E576: viminfo: Missing ‘>’ in line: ^I+^I24^I73^@
E576: viminfo: Missing ‘>’ in line: ^I+^I42^I74^@
E576: viminfo: Missing ‘>’ in line: ^I+^I43^I0^@
Hit ENTER or type command to continue


Linux 下是删除 ~/.viminfo 。

Windows 下是删除 C:\Users\Administrator_viminfo

This means there is an error in the viminfo file, maybe due to a bug. Whatever the reason be, you can try to delete the file $HOME/.viminfo and start vim again. You will lose some information about recent history and usage, anyway. More details, here.


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