
Are you looking for a CV or Resume theme for WordPress? Building an online resume with your CV can help promote your personal brand, find a job, and make new contacts.

您是否正在寻找WordPress的简历或简历主题? 用简历制作在线简历有助于提升个人品牌,找到工作并建立新的联系。

WordPress is an ideal platform to build a professional online presence. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress resume themes that you can use to make a powerful impression.

WordPress是建立专业在线形象的理想平台。 在本文中,我们精心挑选了一些最佳的WordPress简历主题,您可以使用它们来给人留下深刻的印象。

在线简历网站入门 (Getting Started with Your Online Resume Website)

In order to create your online CV or Resume website with WordPress, first, you will need a domain name and hosting.


We recommend using Bluehost because they are an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, and they are offering WPBeginner users an exclusive 60% off + a free domain name.


For more recommendations, you may want to check out our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting.

有关更多建议,您可能需要查看我们的指南, 了解如何选择最佳的WordPress托管 。

Tips on choosing a domain name for resume websites


First, take a look at our general tips on choosing the best domain name for a website. The basic tips will remain the same but you need to think of them from the perspective of a personal brand.

首先,看看我们为网站选择最佳域名的一般技巧。 基本技巧将保持不变,但您需要从个人品牌的角度来思考它们。

Many influencers and marketers prefer to use their own full names as their domain names. For example, SyedBalkhi.com.

许多网红和营销人员喜欢使用自己的全名作为域名。 例如,SyedBalkhi.com。

Next, you need to register a .com domain name. They are easier to remember and mobile phones have a dedicated .com key which makes them easier to type.

接下来,您需要注册一个.com域名。 它们更容易记住,并且手机具有专用的.com键,因此更易于键入。

If you have a common name, then a .com domain with your name may not be available. Instead of using hyphens, numbers, or incorrect spellings of your name, we recommend using something other than your own name.

如果您有一个常用名,则带有您的名字的.com域可能不可用。 建议不要使用自己的名字,而不要使用连字符,数字或名字的错误拼写。

Some beginners may go for an uncommon domain extension like .name, .me, or .info. We don’t recommend using these domain extensions and would urge you to stick with a .com domain name.

一些初学者可能会使用不常见的域名扩展名,例如.name,.me或.info。 我们不建议您使用这些域名扩展名,并敦促您坚持使用.com域名。

Once you have picked up a domain name and purchased hosting, you will need to install WordPress. Follow the instructions in our complete step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog, and you will be up and running in no time.

选择域名并购买主机后,您将需要安装WordPress 。 请按照我们完整的分步指南中有关如何启动WordPress博客的说明进行操作 ,您将很快就可以启动并运行。

Once your website is ready, the next step is to find a suitable WordPress resume theme and install it. If you need help, then see our guide on how to install a WordPress theme for detailed instructions.

网站准备就绪后,下一步就是找到合适的WordPress简历主题并进行安装。 如果您需要帮助,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress主题的指南以获取详细说明。

Having said that, here is our pick of the best WordPress resume themes on the market (both free and paid).


1.授权专业版 (1. Authority Pro)

Want to make a strong first impression as an influencer? Authority Pro is a WordPress theme made specifically for influencers to showcase their resume, expertise, and establish a strong personal brand.

想要给人留下深刻的第一印象? Authority Pro是一个WordPress主题,专门为有影响力的人展示他们的简历,专业知识并建立强大的个人品牌。

This theme is built on top of the Genesis framework which is known for high coding standards and performance. We built our WPBeginner website template on top of the Genesis framework as well.

该主题建立在以高编码标准和性能而闻名的Genesis框架的基础上。 我们还基于Genesis框架构建了WPBeginner网站模板。

Authority Pro theme homepage features a modern layout with a prominent call-to-action. It includes two navigation menus, social menu, flexible header layout, and page templates.

Authority Pro主题主页采用醒目的号召性用语的现代布局。 它包括两个导航菜单,社交菜单,灵活的标题布局和页面模板。

The theme is super easy to setup and most features work out of the box without any configuration required. For customizations, it comes with a theme options panel and full customizer support.

该主题非常易于设置,大多数功能均可直接使用,无需任何配置。 对于自定义,它带有主题选项面板和全面的自定义程序支持。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes if you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是最流行的托管WordPress托管公司WP Engine的一部分。 如果您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站,则可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get additional 30% off. Get started with WP Engine.

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可获得额外30%的折扣。 开始使用WP Engine 。

2. Divi (2. Divi)

Divi is a popular multipurpose WordPress theme. It comes with dozens of ready-made website templates that are perfect for building a personal website with your resume and online CV.

Divi是一个流行的多功能WordPress主题。 它带有许多现成的网站模板,非常适合使用简历和在线简历来建立个人网站。

Divi theme uses the powerful drag and drop Divi page builder plugin which allows you to just drag and drop items to create any custom layout that you want. You can also export a layout from one Divi installation into another.

Divi主题使用功能强大的拖放Divi 页面构建器插件 ,该插件可让您拖放项目以创建所需的任何自定义布局。 您也可以将布局从一个Divi安装导出到另一个。

It comes with tons of custom design elements that you can add to your layout including sliders, carousels, call to action buttons, galleries, and more.


3.阿斯特拉 (3. Astra)

Astra is an excellent all-purpose WordPress theme to build an online presence. It comes with flexible layout choices and works with all modern page builder plugins.

Astra是一个出色的通用WordPress主题,可建立在线形象。 它具有灵活的布局选择,可与所有现代页面构建器插件一起使用。

It looks beautiful on all devices with its mobile responsive design and beautiful typography. It comes with several page templates, social media integration, WooCommerce support, and more. It ships with ready to use website layouts that you can install with one-click.

凭借其移动响应式设计和精美的版式,它在所有设备上看起来都很漂亮。 它带有几个页面模板,社交媒体集成,WooCommerce支持等等。 它附带了可立即使用的网站布局,您可以一键安装。

These starter website templates allow you to setup a resume website for authors, photographers, designers, artists, financial advisors, and just about any other industry.


You can use the free version or get their lifetime paid package to access all future templates and updates.


4.作者临 (4. Author Pro)

Author Pro is a beautiful WordPress theme designed for writers, bloggers, and authors. Its professional design and modern spacious layout make it a great choice to showcase your online CV and resume.

Author Pro是一个美丽的WordPress主题,专为作家,博客作者和作者设计。 它的专业设计和现代宽敞的布局使其成为展示您的在线简历和简历的绝佳选择。

Built on Genesis framework, Author Pro includes a themes options panel which helps you quickly set up your website. It is fully customizable using theme customizer and comes with flexible headers, page templates, custom widgets, and other easy to use features.

Author Pro基于Genesis框架构建,包括一个主题选项面板,可帮助您快速设置网站。 它可以使用主题定制器进行完全自定义,并带有灵活的标题,页面模板,自定义小部件以及其他易于使用的功能。

5.超 (5. Ultra)

If you are looking for a flexible theme to build your resume or portfolio website, then take a look at Ultra. This incredibly powerful multipurpose WordPress theme comes with a built-in drag and drop page builder.

如果您正在寻找一个灵活的主题来构建您的简历或投资组合网站,请查看Ultra。 这个功能强大的多功能WordPress主题带有内置的拖放页面构建器。

It also includes dozens of built-in designs, layouts, and templates that you can use as a starting point to build your resume website. Ultra is packed with features like parallax scrolling, animations, counters, Google maps, slider, and much more.

它还包括许多内置设计,布局和模板,您可以以此为起点来构建简历网站。 Ultra具有视差滚动 ,动画,计数器,Google地图,滑块等功能。

6. OceanWP (6. OceanWP)

OceanWP is an excellent free multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for all kind of websites including a resume or personal blog. Its flexible options allow you to make a stunning website without any coding skills.

OceanWP是一款出色的免费多功能WordPress主题,适用于各种网站,包括简历或个人博客。 其灵活的选项使您无需任何编码技巧即可创建一个令人惊叹的网站。

It works with all popular page builder plugins which allows you to create your own custom layouts within minutes. OceanWP is WooCommerce ready, multilingual compatible, and translation ready. Despite many features, it is very easy to use and customize.

它与所有流行的页面构建器插件一起使用,可让您在几分钟内创建自己的自定义布局。 OceanWP已支持WooCommerce,可与多种语言兼容并且已翻译。 尽管具有许多功能,但它非常易于使用和自定义。

OceanWP comes with one click Demo layouts that you can import to create any type of website including simple blogs, resumes, portfolio, and more.


7. OneEngine (7. OneEngine)

OneEngine is a creative one page WordPress theme for professionals. It has a beautiful layout builder and sections to add services and portfolio items.

OneEngine是面向专业人士的富有创意的一页WordPress主题。 它具有漂亮的布局生成器和可添加服务和项目组合项的部分。

The homepage features beautiful animated counters, a skills section, contact form, and social media integration. It is quite easy to setup with tons of customization options.

主页包含漂亮的动画柜台,技能部分, 联系表和社交媒体集成。 使用大量自定义选项进行设置非常容易。

8. ResumeX (8. ResumeX)

ResmeX is a modern WordPress theme for a resume website to showcase your portfolio and skills. This beautiful WordPress theme comes with an easy to set up homepage, unlimited colors, Google fonts, and more.

ResmeX是用于简历网站的现代WordPress主题,可展示您的投资组合和技能。 这个美丽的WordPress主题带有易于设置的首页,无限制的颜色,Google字体等。

It is fully responsive, translation ready, and can also be used to start an online store. It is optimized for speed and performance and supports all top WordPress plugins.

它具有全面的响应能力,可以翻译,也可以用于开设在线商店 。 它针对速度和性能进行了优化,并支持所有顶级WordPress插件。

9.镜头 (9. Lense)

Lense is a WordPress photography theme suitable to build an online portfolio, with your resume, and contact information. It features a beautiful mobile layout and multiple styles to display your portfolio and galleries.

Lense是一个WordPress摄影主题,适合与您的简历和联系信息一起建立在线投资组合。 它具有精美的移动版式和多种样式,可显示您的作品集和画廊。

It comes with unlimited color choices, super quick set up, and easy to use customization options. It has built-in social media integration and content discovery widgets that help you promote content acrosss your website.

它具有无限的颜色选择,超快速设置和易于使用的自定义选项。 它具有内置的社交媒体集成和内容发现小部件,可帮助您在整个网站上推广内容。

10.思想家 (10. The Thinker)

The Thinker is a WordPress personal website theme suitable for blogs, resume, and portfolios. It features a modern minimalist design with an emphasis on elegant typography and beautiful image display.

Thinker是一个WordPress个人网站主题,适用于博客,简历和投资组合。 它采用现代简约设计,强调优雅的版式和精美的图像显示。

It comes with full WooCommerce support, SEO optimized code, custom widgets, and premium Soliloquy slider plugin. It is easy to set up using theme customizer.

它具有完整的WooCommerce支持,SEO优化的代码,自定义小部件和高级Soliloquy滑块插件。 使用主题定制器很容易设置。

11.老板临 (11. Boss Pro)

Boss Pro is a multipurpose WordPress theme for businesses and professionals. It features a minimalist design with beautiful typography and lots of white space which makes your images pop out.

Boss Pro是针对企业和专业人士的多功能WordPress主题。 它具有简约的设计,精美的版式和大量的空白,可让您的图像弹出。

It can be used to create a professional resume website or to showcase your online CV. This WooCommerce ready WordPress theme is built on top of the Genesis theme framework. It is super easy to use and customize with theme customizer and theme settings panel.

它可用于创建专业的简历网站或展示您的在线简历。 这个支持WooCommerce的WordPress主题是建立在Genesis主题框架之上的。 通过主题定制器和主题设置面板,它非常易于使用和定制。

12.出席 (12. Presence)

Presence is a multi-purpose WordPress theme suitable for any kind of business or personal website. It comes with 10 ready-made website demos including a portfolio and a blog site, which are both suitable to display your resume and CV.

Presence是适用于任何类型的企业或个人网站的多功能WordPress主题。 它带有10个现成的网站演示,包括一个投资组合和一个博客网站,都适合显示您的简历和简历。

It comes with 1-click demo installer, easy theme settings page, and tons of customization options. It has a built-in slider, drag and drop widgets, and full WooCommerce support.

它带有一键式演示安装程序,简单的主题设置页面以及大量自定义选项。 它具有内置的滑块,拖放小部件以及完整的WooCommerce支持。

13.简历 (13. Resumee)

If you are looking for a minimal theme to simply display a resume page, then check out Resumee. This free WordPress theme is easy to use and features a minimalist design for your resume page.

如果您正在寻找一个最小的主题以仅显示简历页面,请查看简历。 这个免费的WordPress主题易于使用,并为您的简历页面提供了简约的设计。

This vCard resume theme comes with theme customizer support allowing you to customize resume without editing code. It is Gutenberg ready and can also be used as regular minimalist blogging theme.

此vCard简历主题带有主题定制器支持,使您无需编辑代码即可自定义简历。 Gutenberg已经准备好了,也可以用作常规的极简博客主题 。

14.滴滴 (14. Didi)

Didi is a WordPress theme designed specifically for fashion and lifestyle blogs. It features elegant typography with a stylish layout that puts your images in front and center.

Didi是一个WordPress主题,专门为时尚和生活方式博客设计。 它具有优雅的版式和时尚的布局,可将图像置于正面和中央。

It is perfect for a resume theme specifically for fashion photographers, models, designers, and artists. It is easy to use, even for absolute beginners. Most theme settings would just work out of the box, you can use customizer for addiitional options.

非常适合简历主题,特别适合时装摄影师,模特,设计师和艺术家。 即使对于绝对的初学者,它也易于使用。 大多数主题设置都可以直接使用,您可以将定制程序用于其他选项。

15.恢复 (15. Resume)

Resume is a bold WordPress theme for an online resume, cv, or a personal website. This beautiful online resume template comes with a built-in portfolio type and can be used as a one-page theme.

简历是用于在线简历,简历或个人网站的粗体WordPress主题。 这个漂亮的在线简历模板带有内置的投资组合类型,可以用作一页主题。

The homepage is made out of different sections like about, skills, projects, portfolio, blog, and contact form. It can be used for a multi-page website as well.

主页由关于,技能,项目,作品集,博客和联系表的不同部分组成 。 它也可以用于多页网站。

16.尼科 (16. Nico)

Nico is a beautifully designed WordPress theme for resume, photography, and portfolio websites. It has a beautiful filterable portfolio with a grid layout that helps you showcase the best of your work.

Nico是设计精美的WordPress主题,适用于简历,摄影和作品集网站。 它具有漂亮的可过滤产品组合和网格布局,可帮助您展示自己的最佳作品。

Nico is highly flexible with custom colors, background, header, and social media options. It comes with custom theme panel to help you quickly setup your website.

Nico具有高度自定义颜色,背景,标题和社交媒体选项的灵活性。 它带有自定义主题面板,可帮助您快速设置网站。

17.视差 (17. Parallax)

Parallax is a stunningly gorgeous WordPress theme with fullscreen parallax backgrounds and a unique layout. It comes in 40 different layouts and an easy to use drag and drop page builder.

视差是一个惊人的华丽WordPress主题,具有全屏视差背景和独特的布局。 它具有40种不同的布局,并具有易于使用的拖放页面构建器。

It also includes custom widgets for social media, portfolio section, and image filters. It can be used as a single page theme, a single page with infinite scroll, or as a regular multi-page theme.

它还包括用于社交媒体, 投资组合部分和图像过滤器的自定义小部件。 它可以用作单页主题,无限滚动的单页或常规的多页主题。

18.斯宾塞 (18. Spencer)

Spencer is a WordPress theme designed for businesses and professionals. It features a modern business website layout with a prominent call to actions, large header images, and elegant color schemes.

Spencer是为企业和专业人士设计的WordPress主题。 它以现代商业网站布局为特色,具有醒目的号召性用语,大标题图像和优雅的配色方案。

It also includes multiple page templates, full-width page template, custom widgets for social media and content discovery features. It can be easily set up using live customizer and supports all popular page builder plugins.

它还包括多个页面模板,全角页面模板,用于社交媒体的自定义窗口小部件和内容发现功能。 可以使用实时定制器轻松设置它,并支持所有流行的页面构建器插件。

19.Eclipse (19. Eclipse)

If you are looking for a simpler and sophisticated theme for your resume website, then check out Eclipse. This beautiful theme is designed to showcase your creative work with elegant typography, spacious layout, and earth tone color schemes.

如果您正在寻找简历网站的简单主题,那么请查看Eclipse。 这个美丽的主题旨在通过优雅的字体,宽敞的布局和大地色系来展示您的创意作品。

It includes a portfolio section, custom widgets for social media profiles and Instagram photos, and full WooCommerce support.


20.雇用 (20. Hired)

Hired is a free WordPress theme specifically designed to build an online resume website. It features a two column layout with social media menu on the left and a fullscreen header image on the right. The homepage displays a welcome message, address, email, and phone number.

Hired是一个免费的WordPress主题,专门用于构建在线简历网站。 它具有两列布局,左侧为社交媒体菜单,右侧为全屏标题图像。 主页显示欢迎消息,地址,电子邮件和电话号码。

Hired has different templates for important pages and a separate blog section. It is very quick to setup and easy to customize. The premium version of the theme also comes with additional page templates and more customization options.

Hired具有重要页面的不同模板和单独的博客部分。 这是非常快速的设置并且易于定制。 主题的高级版本还带有其他页面模板和更多自定义选项。

21. Xtron (21. Xtron)

Xtron is a free WordPress theme designed specifically for personal blogs, resume, and portfolios. It features a clean professional design with a slide-in navigation menu on top.

Xtron是一个免费的WordPress主题,专门为个人博客,简历和作品集设计。 它具有简洁的专业设计,顶部有一个滑入式导航菜单。

It is designed to work out of the box with minimal setup and can be extended using WordPress plugins. You can also use it with a page builder plugin to create custom layouts if needed.

它旨在通过最少的设置即可使用,并且可以使用WordPress插件进行扩展。 如果需要,还可以将其与页面构建器插件一起使用以创建自定义布局。

22.本森 (22. Benson)

Benson is a WordPress portfolio theme for designers, photographers, and other skilled professionals. It comes with video and image slideshow, dedicated portfolio section, multiple image gallery layouts, and more.

Benson是针对设计师,摄影师和其他熟练专业人员的WordPress产品组合主题。 它带有视频和图像幻灯片放映,专用的作品集部分,多种图像库布局等等。

It includes custom widgets for social media integration, content widgets, and more. All theme options are neatly organized under theme customizer, which makes it quite easy to use and customize.

它包括用于社交媒体集成的自定义小部件,内容小部件等。 所有主题选项都井井有条地组织在主题定制器下,这使得它的使用和自定义非常容易。

奖励插件 (Bonus Plugin)

23.简历生成器 (23. Resume Builder)

If you already have a WordPress site or a theme that you like and want to add a professional resume, then Resume Builder is the plugin for you. It comes with an easy to use interface to create your resume. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to create a professional online resume in WordPress.

如果您已经拥有自己喜欢的WordPress网站或主题并想要添加专业简历,那么Resume Builder将是您的插件。 它带有易于使用的界面来创建您的简历。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress中创建专业在线简历的指南。

We hope this article helped you find the best CV and resume theme for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our list of 24 must have WordPress plugins for business websites.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到WordPress网站的最佳简历和主题。 您可能还希望查看我们的24个列表, 这些列表必须具有用于商业网站的WordPress插件 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/17-best-wordpress-resume-themes-for-your-online-cv/



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