在研究LZ77的细节之前,先看一个简单的例子(J. Weiss and D. Schremp, “Putting Data on a Diet”, IEEE Spectrum,August 1993)。考虑这样一句话: the brown fox jumped over the brown foxy jumping frog



  这个短语的长度总共是53个八位组 = 424 bit。算法从左向右处理这个文本。初始时,每个字符被映射成9 bit的编码,二进制的1跟着该字符的8 bit ASCII码。在处理进行时,算法查找重复的序列。当碰到一个重复时,算法继续扫描直到该重复序列终止。换句话说,每次出现一个重复时,算法包括尽可能多的字符。碰到的第一个这样的序列是the brown fox。这个序列被替换成指向前一个序列的指针和序列的长度。在这种情况下,前一个序列的thebrown fox出现在26个字符之前,序列的长度是13个字符。对于这个例子,假定存在两种编码选项:8 bit的指针和4 bit的长度,或者12 bit的指针和6 bit的长度。使用2 bit的首部来指示选择了哪种选项,00表示第一种选项,01表示第二种选项。因此,the brown fox的第二次出现被编码为 <00b><26d><13 d >,或者00 00011010 1101。

  压缩报文的剩余部分是字母y;序列<00b><27d><5 d >替换了由一个空格跟着jump组成的序列,以及字符序列ing frog。部分代码如下:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
my_str="""Ubuntu 14.04 LTS includes a wealth of smart filters to make it faster and easier to find the content you need, whether it’s stored on your computer or on the web.Type any query into the Dash home and the Smart Scopes server will determine which categories of content are the most relevant to your search, returning only the best results. The server constantly improves its results by learning which categories and results are most useful to you over time."""
compressed_str=""while (now_index<str_len):    #向后移动步长mystep=0#当前匹配长度now_len=dict_maxlenif now_len>str_len-now_index:now_len=str_len-now_index#查找到的码表索引,0表示没有找到cw_addr=0   while (now_len>0):cw_index=codeword_dictionary.get(my_str[now_index:now_index+now_len])if cw_index!=None:#找到码字cw_addr=cw_indexmystep=now_len  breaknow_len-=1    if cw_addr==0:#没有找到码字,增加新的码字max_index+=1mystep=1codeword_dictionary[my_str[now_index:now_index+mystep]]=max_indexprint "don't find the Code word,add Code word:%s index:%d"%(my_str[now_index:now_index+mystep],max_index)else:#找到码字,增加新的码字max_index+=1    codeword_dictionary[my_str[now_index:now_index+mystep+1]]=max_indexif mystep+1>dict_maxlen:dict_maxlen=mystep+1      print "find the Code word:%s  add Code word:%s index:%d"%(my_str[now_index:now_index+now_len],my_str[now_index:now_index+mystep+1],max_index)...........................................
don't find the Code word,add Code word:U index:1
don't find the Code word,add Code word:b index:2
don't find the Code word,add Code word:u index:3
don't find the Code word,add Code word:n index:4
don't find the Code word,add Code word:t index:5
find the Code word:u  add Code word:u  index:6
don't find the Code word,add Code word:1 index:7
don't find the Code word,add Code word:4 index:8
don't find the Code word,add Code word:. index:9
don't find the Code word,add Code word:0 index:10
find the Code word:4  add Code word:4  index:11
don't find the Code word,add Code word:L index:12
don't find the Code word,add Code word:T index:13
don't find the Code word,add Code word:S index:14
don't find the Code word,add Code word:  index:15
don't find the Code word,add Code word:i index:16
find the Code word:n  add Code word:nc index:17
don't find the Code word,add Code word:l index:18
find the Code word:u  add Code word:ud index:19
don't find the Code word,add Code word:e index:20
don't find the Code word,add Code word:s index:21
find the Code word:   add Code word: a index:22
find the Code word:   add Code word: w index:23
find the Code word:e  add Code word:ea index:24
find the Code word:l  add Code word:lt index:25
don't find the Code word,add Code word:h index:26
find the Code word:   add Code word: o index:27
don't find the Code word,add Code word:f index:28
find the Code word:   add Code word: s index:29
don't find the Code word,add Code word:m index:30
don't find the Code word,add Code word:a index:31
don't find the Code word,add Code word:r index:32
find the Code word:t  add Code word:t  index:33
find the Code word:f  add Code word:fi index:34
find the Code word:lt  add Code word:lte index:35
find the Code word:r  add Code word:rs index:36
find the Code word:   add Code word: t index:37
don't find the Code word,add Code word:o index:38
find the Code word:   add Code word: m index:39
find the Code word:a  add Code word:ak index:40
find the Code word:e  add Code word:e  index:41
find the Code word:i  add Code word:it index:42
find the Code word:   add Code word: f index:43
find the Code word:a  add Code word:as index:44
find the Code word:t  add Code word:te index:45
find the Code word:r  add Code word:r  index:46
find the Code word:a  add Code word:an index:47
don't find the Code word,add Code word:d index:48
find the Code word:   add Code word: e index:49
find the Code word:as  add Code word:asi index:50
find the Code word:e  add Code word:er index:51
find the Code word: t  add Code word: to index:52
find the Code word: f  add Code word: fi index:53
find the Code word:n  add Code word:nd index:54
find the Code word: t  add Code word: th index:55
find the Code word:e   add Code word:e c index:56
find the Code word:o  add Code word:on index:57
find the Code word:te  add Code word:ten index:58
find the Code word:t   add Code word:t y index:59
find the Code word:o  add Code word:ou index:60
find the Code word:   add Code word: n index:61
find the Code word:e  add Code word:ee index:62
find the Code word:d  add Code word:d, index:63
find the Code word: w  add Code word: wh index:64
find the Code word:e  add Code word:et index:65
find the Code word:h  add Code word:he index:66
find the Code word:r   add Code word:r i index:67
find the Code word:t  add Code word:tindex:68
don't find the Code word,add Code word:€ index:69
don't find the Code word,add Code word:index:70
find the Code word:s  add Code word:s  index:71
find the Code word:s  add Code word:st index:72
find the Code word:o  add Code word:or index:73
find the Code word:e  add Code word:ed index:74
find the Code word: o  add Code word: on index:75
find the Code word:   add Code word: y index:76
find the Code word:ou  add Code word:our index:77
find the Code word:   add Code word: c index:78
find the Code word:o  add Code word:om index:79
don't find the Code word,add Code word:p index:80
find the Code word:u  add Code word:ut index:81
find the Code word:er  add Code word:er  index:82
find the Code word:or  add Code word:or  index:83
find the Code word:on  add Code word:on  index:84
find the Code word:t  add Code word:th index:85
find the Code word:e   add Code word:e w index:86
find the Code word:e  add Code word:eb index:87
find the Code word:.  add Code word:.T index:88
don't find the Code word,add Code word:y index:89
find the Code word:p  add Code word:pe index:90
find the Code word: a  add Code word: an index:91
find the Code word:y  add Code word:y  index:92
don't find the Code word,add Code word:q index:93
find the Code word:u  add Code word:ue index:94
find the Code word:r  add Code word:ry index:95
find the Code word:   add Code word: i index:96
find the Code word:n  add Code word:nt index:97
find the Code word:o  add Code word:o  index:98
find the Code word:th  add Code word:the index:99
find the Code word:   add Code word: D index:100
find the Code word:as  add Code word:ash index:101
find the Code word:   add Code word: h index:102
find the Code word:om  add Code word:ome index:103
find the Code word: an  add Code word: and index:104
find the Code word: th  add Code word: the index:105
find the Code word:   add Code word: S index:106
find the Code word:m  add Code word:ma index:107
find the Code word:r  add Code word:rt index:108
find the Code word: S  add Code word: Sc index:109
find the Code word:o  add Code word:op index:110
find the Code word:e  add Code word:es index:111
find the Code word: s  add Code word: se index:112
find the Code word:r  add Code word:rv index:113
find the Code word:er   add Code word:er w index:114
find the Code word:i  add Code word:il index:115
find the Code word:l  add Code word:l  index:116
find the Code word:d  add Code word:de index:117
find the Code word:te  add Code word:ter index:118
find the Code word:m  add Code word:mi index:119
find the Code word:n  add Code word:ne index:120
find the Code word: wh  add Code word: whi index:121
don't find the Code word,add Code word:c index:122
find the Code word:h  add Code word:h  index:123
find the Code word:c  add Code word:ca index:124
find the Code word:te  add Code word:teg index:125
find the Code word:or  add Code word:ori index:126
find the Code word:es  add Code word:es  index:127
find the Code word:o  add Code word:of index:128
find the Code word: c  add Code word: co index:129
find the Code word:nt  add Code word:nte index:130
find the Code word:nt  add Code word:nt  index:131
find the Code word:a  add Code word:ar index:132
find the Code word:e   add Code word:e t index:133
find the Code word:he  add Code word:he  index:134
find the Code word:m  add Code word:mo index:135
find the Code word:st  add Code word:st  index:136
find the Code word:r  add Code word:re index:137
find the Code word:l  add Code word:le index:138
don't find the Code word,add Code word:v index:139
find the Code word:an  add Code word:ant index:140
find the Code word: to  add Code word: to  index:141
find the Code word:y  add Code word:yo index:142
find the Code word:u  add Code word:ur index:143
find the Code word: se  add Code word: sea index:144
find the Code word:r  add Code word:rc index:145
find the Code word:h  add Code word:h, index:146
find the Code word:   add Code word: r index:147
find the Code word:et  add Code word:etu index:148
find the Code word:r  add Code word:rn index:149
find the Code word:i  add Code word:in index:150
don't find the Code word,add Code word:g index:151
find the Code word: on  add Code word: onl index:152
find the Code word:y   add Code word:y t index:153
find the Code word:he   add Code word:he b index:154
find the Code word:es  add Code word:est index:155
find the Code word: r  add Code word: re index:156
find the Code word:s  add Code word:su index:157
find the Code word:lt  add Code word:lts index:158
find the Code word:.  add Code word:.  index:159
find the Code word:T  add Code word:Th index:160
find the Code word:e   add Code word:e s index:161
find the Code word:er  add Code word:erv index:162
find the Code word:er   add Code word:er c index:163
find the Code word:on  add Code word:ons index:164
find the Code word:t  add Code word:ta index:165
find the Code word:nt  add Code word:ntl index:166
find the Code word:y   add Code word:y i index:167
find the Code word:m  add Code word:mp index:168
find the Code word:r  add Code word:ro index:169
find the Code word:v  add Code word:ve index:170
find the Code word:s   add Code word:s i index:171
find the Code word:t  add Code word:ts index:172
find the Code word: re  add Code word: res index:173
find the Code word:u  add Code word:ul index:174
find the Code word:ts  add Code word:ts  index:175
find the Code word:b  add Code word:by index:176
find the Code word:   add Code word: l index:177
find the Code word:ea  add Code word:ear index:178
find the Code word:n  add Code word:ni index:179
find the Code word:n  add Code word:ng index:180
find the Code word: whi  add Code word: whic index:181
find the Code word:h   add Code word:h c index:182
find the Code word:a  add Code word:at index:183
find the Code word:e  add Code word:eg index:184
find the Code word:ori  add Code word:orie index:185
find the Code word:s   add Code word:s a index:186
find the Code word:nd  add Code word:nd  index:187
find the Code word:re  add Code word:res index:188
find the Code word:ul  add Code word:ult index:189
find the Code word:s a  add Code word:s ar index:190
find the Code word:e   add Code word:e m index:191
find the Code word:o  add Code word:os index:192
find the Code word:t   add Code word:t u index:193
find the Code word:s  add Code word:se index:194
find the Code word:f  add Code word:fu index:195
find the Code word:l   add Code word:l t index:196
find the Code word:o   add Code word:o y index:197
find the Code word:ou  add Code word:ou  index:198
find the Code word:o  add Code word:ov index:199
find the Code word:er   add Code word:er t index:200
find the Code word:i  add Code word:im index:201
find the Code word:e  add Code word:e. index:202
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS includes a wealth of smart filters to make it faster and easier to find the content you need, whether it’s stored on your computer or on the web.Type any query into the Dash home and the Smart Scopes server will determine which categories of content are the most relevant to your search, returning only the best results. The server constantly improves its results by learning which categories and results are most useful to you over time.
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