计算机专业英语郭敏 计算机专业英语Unit6



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Unit 6 Data Structure 《计算机专业英语》 郭敏 徐莹 杨阳 Unit 6 Data Structure? Section1 Situational Dialog n ACM/ICPC? Section 2 Passages n Passage A. Data Structure n Passage B. Linear Table? Section 3 Skill in Focus n Writing Skills Part 1: Business E-mails? Section 4 Extended Reading n Tree n The Queue ADT n Data Warehouse n Tips: How to Choose the Proper Data Structure? 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Data StructureSection 1 Situational Dialogue ACM/ICPC 1、你对国际大学生程序竞赛有了解吗,请查阅相关资料 向同学们做个简介。 2、了解一下你校所开展的和计算机编程有关的竞赛。 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 1 Zhang Qiang and Li Jie are talking about the coming ACM/ICPC. ? Zhang Qiang: Hi, Li Jie, I’m told that you are going to Beijing to take part in ACM/ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery/ International Collegiate Programming Contest).? Li Jie: Yes, out team are ready to start next month.? Zhang Qiang: I am also very interested in this. Can you give me some suggestions on the study?? Li Jie: Well, first, you have to learn courses about algorithm and data structure. They are the significant means that can improve your programming ability. 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 1? Zhang Qiang: Data structure? I’ve never heard that. What concepts are talked in this curriculum?? Li Jie: It refers to the relationship and organization between the data. We can store the objects in real life into computer in the form of data information by using it. It really can help us write efficient programs. May be you will study this course next semester.? Zhang Qiang: Ok, thank you, I will work hard to learn. I wish I will join your team as soon as possible and wish you achieve good results. ? Li Jie: Thanks a lot. 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 1? Qian Liang: I see. So in the part of project development that will be taught soon, the first step is to make a good requirements analysis. If only I had known its importance earlier, I wouldn’t have begun to write the programs hastily and wasted a lot my time.? Mr. Wu: Right. Requirements analysis is just the first step of software engineering, and the designing, encoding and testing are just as important. You can refer to a lot of relevant information available on Baidu, and furthermore, we’ll come to a systematic introduction in our future lessons. Go ahead with your website design contest. You can turn to me if you have any more questions.? Qian Liang: Thank you very much, Mr. Wu.? Mr. Wu: My pleasure. So long! 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Data StructureSection 2 Passage A:Data Structure 1、根据你的了解谈谈数据结构 2、数据结构的重要性 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 2 Passage A? algorithm ? FIFO? data structure ? hierarchy character? ? vertex? table? list ? edge? stack ? push? queue ? set? tree ? record array? ? retrieval? node? LIFO ? element? tail ? multi-dimensional 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 2 Passage A? The father of Pascal language had said that “Program = algorithm + data structure”, so the significance of data structure to program design is self-evident. It is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.? Nowadays, Computer has penetrated deeply into many fields of human society; the application is no longer limited into scientific computing, but more for manipulating of non- numerical computation. And the corresponding, the objects, which can be processed by computer, has progressed from pure number to data with certain structure such as character、 table and graphics and so on. Therefore, we must analyze the characteristic of these objects and the relationship between them. That is just the background of formation and development for data structure. 计算机专业英语 Unit 6 Section 2 Passage A? Abstract Data Type n Each data structure can be developed around the concept of an abstract data type that defines both data organization and data handling operations. Data abstraction is a tool that allows each data structure to be developed in relative isolation from the rest of the solution. The study of data structure is organized around

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本文标题:计算机专业英语郭敏 计算机专业英语Unit6



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