






我的驱动器型号是simplefoc v0.2。采用内置电流采样,具体电流采样电路如下图:



// IN1     pwm1    9  27
// IN2     pwm2    6  26
// IN3     pwm3    5  25
// INH1   enable1  8  12
// INH2   enable2  7  13
// INH3   enable3  4  14
//in-line current sense - phase 1/A 35
//in-line current sense - phase 1/C 34#include <SimpleFOC.h>class LowPassFilte {public:LowPassFilte(float Tf);//低通滤波器时间常量~LowPassFilte() = default;float operator() (float x);float Tf; //!< 低通滤波器时间常量protected:unsigned long timestamp_prev;  //!< 上次执行时间戳float y_prev; //!< 经过上次执行后过滤到的值
};LowPassFilte::LowPassFilte(float time_constant): Tf(time_constant), y_prev(0.0f)
{timestamp_prev = micros();
}float LowPassFilte::operator() (float x)
{unsigned long timestamp = micros();float dt = (timestamp - timestamp_prev) * 1e-6f;if (dt < 0.0f || dt > 0.5f)dt = 1e-3f;float alpha = Tf / (Tf + dt);float y = alpha * y_prev + (1.0f - alpha) * x;y_prev = y;timestamp_prev = timestamp;return y;
}LowPassFilte LF_a(0.01);//原始数据滤波器
LowPassFilte LF_b(0.01);//A相电流滤波器
LowPassFilte LF_c(0.01);//C相电流滤波器//AS5600编码器支持spi,iic和模拟量三种数据传输方式,这里用iic(同时也是最常用的方式)
// magnetic sensor instance - I2C
MagneticSensorI2C sensor = MagneticSensorI2C(AS5600_I2C);
TwoWire I2Cone = TwoWire(0);// BLDC motor & driver instance
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(11);
BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(27, 26, 25, 12, 13, 14);InlineCurrentSense Cs_motor(0.001, 50.0, 35, 36, 34);// voltage set point variable
float target_voltage = 5.0;
// instantiate the commander
Commander command = Commander(Serial);
void doTarget(char* cmd) {command.scalar(&target_voltage, cmd);
}void setup() {// initialise magnetic sensor hardwareI2Cone.begin(18, 5, 400000);sensor.init(&I2Cone);// link the motor to the sensormotor.linkSensor(&sensor);// power supply voltagedriver.voltage_power_supply = 12;driver.init();motor.linkDriver(&driver);// aligning voltagemotor.voltage_sensor_align = 5;// choose FOC modulation (optional)motor.foc_modulation = FOCModulationType::SpaceVectorPWM;// set motion control loop to be usedmotor.controller = MotionControlType::torque;// use monitoring with serialSerial.begin(115200);// comment out if not neededmotor.useMonitoring(Serial);// initialize motormotor.init();// align sensor and start FOCmotor.initFOC();// add target command Tcommand.add('T', doTarget, "target voltage");Serial.println(F("Motor ready."));Serial.println(F("Set the target voltage using serial terminal:"));_delay(1000);Cs_motor.init();
}void loop() {// main FOC algorithm function// the faster you run this function the better// Arduino UNO loop  ~1kHz// Bluepill loop ~10kHzmotor.loopFOC();// Motion control function// velocity, position or voltage (defined in motor.controller)// this function can be run at much lower frequency than loopFOC() function// You can also use motor.move() and set the motor.target in the codemotor.move(target_voltage);// Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents();Serial.print(LF_b((Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents()).a));Serial.print(",");Serial.println(LF_c((Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents()).c));//  Serial.print(LF_a(analogRead(35)));
//  Serial.print(",");
//  Serial.print(LF_b((3.3 * ((float)analogRead(35) - 1930) / 4096.0) * 20.0));
//  Serial.print(",");
//  Serial.println(LF_c((-3.3 * ((float)analogRead(34) - 1930) / 4096.0) * 20.0));// user communicationcommand.run();



// IN1     pwm1    9  27
// IN2     pwm2    6  26
// IN3     pwm3    5  25
// INH1   enable1  8  12
// INH2   enable2  7  13
// INH3   enable3  4  14
//in-line current sense - phase 1/A 35
//in-line current sense - phase 1/C 34#include <SimpleFOC.h>class LowPassFilte {public:LowPassFilte(float Tf);//低通滤波器时间常量~LowPassFilte() = default;float operator() (float x);float Tf; //!< 低通滤波器时间常量protected:unsigned long timestamp_prev;  //!< 上次执行时间戳float y_prev; //!< 经过上次执行后过滤到的值
};LowPassFilte::LowPassFilte(float time_constant): Tf(time_constant), y_prev(0.0f)
{timestamp_prev = micros();
}float LowPassFilte::operator() (float x)
{unsigned long timestamp = micros();float dt = (timestamp - timestamp_prev) * 1e-6f;if (dt < 0.0f || dt > 0.5f)dt = 1e-3f;float alpha = Tf / (Tf + dt);float y = alpha * y_prev + (1.0f - alpha) * x;y_prev = y;timestamp_prev = timestamp;return y;
}LowPassFilte LF_a(0.01);//原始数据滤波器
LowPassFilte LF_b(0.01);//A相电流滤波器
LowPassFilte LF_c(0.01);//C相电流滤波器//AS5600编码器支持spi,iic和模拟量三种数据传输方式,这里用iic(同时也是最常用的方式)
// magnetic sensor instance - I2C
MagneticSensorI2C sensor = MagneticSensorI2C(AS5600_I2C);
TwoWire I2Cone = TwoWire(0);// BLDC motor & driver instance
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(11);
BLDCDriver3PWM driver = BLDCDriver3PWM(17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23);InlineCurrentSense Cs_motor(0.001, 50.0, 34, 35);// voltage set point variable
float target_voltage = 5.0;
// instantiate the commander
Commander command = Commander(Serial);
void doTarget(char* cmd) {command.scalar(&target_voltage, cmd);
}void setup() {// initialise magnetic sensor hardwareI2Cone.begin(26, 25, 400000);sensor.init(&I2Cone);// link the motor to the sensormotor.linkSensor(&sensor);// power supply voltagedriver.voltage_power_supply = 12;driver.init();motor.linkDriver(&driver);// aligning voltagemotor.voltage_sensor_align = 5;// choose FOC modulation (optional)motor.foc_modulation = FOCModulationType::SpaceVectorPWM;// set motion control loop to be usedmotor.controller = MotionControlType::torque;// use monitoring with serialSerial.begin(115200);// comment out if not neededmotor.useMonitoring(Serial);// initialize motormotor.init();// align sensor and start FOCmotor.initFOC();// add target command Tcommand.add('T', doTarget, "target voltage");Serial.println(F("Motor ready."));Serial.println(F("Set the target voltage using serial terminal:"));_delay(1000);Cs_motor.init();
}void loop() {// main FOC algorithm function// the faster you run this function the better// Arduino UNO loop  ~1kHz// Bluepill loop ~10kHzmotor.loopFOC();// Motion control function// velocity, position or voltage (defined in motor.controller)// this function can be run at much lower frequency than loopFOC() function// You can also use motor.move() and set the motor.target in the codemotor.move(target_voltage);// Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents();
//  Serial.print(LF_b((Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents()).a));
//  Serial.print(",");
//  Serial.println(LF_c((Cs_motor.getPhaseCurrents()).c));//  Serial.print(LF_a(analogRead(35)));
//  Serial.print(",");Serial.print(LF_b((3.3 * ((float)analogRead(35) - 1930) / 4096.0) * 20.0));Serial.print(",");Serial.println(LF_c((-3.3 * ((float)analogRead(34) - 1930) / 4096.0) * 20.0));// user communicationcommand.run();





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