
1 Introduction to the SAP Landscape

Transformation Replication Server

The SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (hereafter referred

to as SLT) is a data replication tool that supports the synchronization of

your business data in real time for your system while keeping data transfer

volume to a minimum. Its main benefits are the tight integration with the

SAP NetWeaver ABAP application stack and data model, and its ability to

move big data quickly. A growing number of SAP Business Suite scenarios

use this technology to consolidate data among distributed systems.

There are a number of potential use cases for SLT. These include:

» Populating analytical systems with up-to-date business information

from the production environment

» Supporting the acceleration of large volume transactions run in SAP


>> Enabling real-time reporting and minimizing transfer volume for SAP

Business Warehouse (SAP BW) and enabling the synchronization

between different systems

» Synchronizing data between two (or more) SAP ERP systems

» Replacing an existing solution that moves data between systems in

order to leverage real-time data replication

» Populating an additional ABAP system with real-time data


Introduction to the SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server I 1


Native DB

• SAP ASE, Orad e

• MS SOL. Max DB • IBM 082, 084, AS/400, lnfotmill

Support of LAN, WAN,

and cloud deployments 0


Replication Server

• Transformation and filter capabilities • lntcograttd data type mapping

• Sc~lab e Netweaver instance

• Replication s:ta&lng for HAIOR • Option to load ou t of archives

Fig ure 1 Sources and Targets for Data Replication with SL T


application·based .----.___~





• SAP Customer Activity Repository

• SAP HANA live

• SAP High Performance Applications

• Suite Accelerator and more apps

SLT facilitates the replication of data in real time. When SLT connects a

source system to a target system, the source system database operations

are instantly replicated to the target system (Figure 1).

Alternatively, scheduled replication with SLT involves the mass transfer

of database operations for a specific period. For example, you can replicate all source system database operations that occurred during a specific

period to a target system.

Below you will find a list of all the databases SLT supports:



» Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition

» Oracle Enterprise Edition


» IBM DB/2 zSeries

» IBM DB2 iSeries (formerly known as AS/400)

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