
题意:给定三个整数a, b, c,求半径为a、b,圆心坐标为原点的两个同心圆上的整点间的距离为c的点对




#define pb push_back
#define ll long long
using namespace std;struct point{ll x, y;point(ll _x = 0, ll _y = 0){x = _x, y = _y;}void print1(){printf("%lld %lld ", x, y);}void print2(){printf("%lld %lld\n", x, y);}bool operator < (const point &other) const {if(x == other.x) return y < other.y;return x < other.x;}bool operator == (const point &other) const {return x == other.x && y == other.y;}
};vector<point>veca, vecb;ll dis(point a, point b){return (a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y);
}void solve(ll rr, ll r, ll d, vector<point>&A){for (ll i = 1;i*i<= rr; i++){///枚举rr内的平方数ll t = rr - i*i;ll j = sqrt(t);if(j*j != t) continue;///两个数都应该为平方数if(i >= j) break;///防止重复枚举if(__gcd(i*i, t) == 1){///这样求出来的整点都是第一象限的,然后旋转一下ll x = i*j*d;ll y = sqrt(r*r-x*x);A.pb(point(x, y));A.pb(point(-x, y));A.pb(point(x, -y));A.pb(point(-x, -y));}}
}void deal(vector<point>&A, ll r){///返回半径为r的圆上的整点A.pb(point(0, r));A.pb(point(0, -r));A.pb(point(-r, 0));A.pb(point(r, 0));r <<= 1;for (ll d = 1;d*d <= r; d++){///枚举因子if(r%d != 0) continue;solve(r/d, r>>1, d, A);if(d*d== r) break;solve(d, r>>1, r/d, A);}
}struct node{point A, B;node(point _A, point _B){A = _A; B = _B;}bool operator < (const node &other) const {if(A == other.A) return B < other.B;else return A < other.A;}
};vector<node>ans;int main(){int T;scanf("%d", &T);while(T--){veca.clear();vecb.clear();ans.clear();ll a, b, c;scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &a, &b, &c);deal(veca, a);deal(vecb, b);for(int i = 0; i < veca.size(); i++){for(int j = 0; j < vecb.size(); j++){if(dis(veca[i], vecb[j]) == c*c){ans.pb(node(veca[i], vecb[j]));}}}sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());printf("%d\n", ans.size());for(int i = 0; i < ans.size(); i++){ans[i].A.print1();ans[i].B.print2();}}

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