报错信息:configure: error: Jabber library not found

# apt-get install -y pkgconf             #已解决!


访问此链接: https://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=8769 ,选择对应的系统架构进行下载,亲测已解决;

configure: error: Jabber library not found相关推荐

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  6. configure: error: readline library not found 解决方法

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  7. configure: error: zlib library not found 解决方法

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  8. 安装postgreSQL出现configure:error:readline library not found解决方法

    要安装 readline , readline-dev 开发包,要么使用 --without-readline 选项关闭 readline 功能. #yum install readline; #yu ...

  9. configure: error: Curl library not found

    报错信息:configure: error: Curl library not found Ubuntu: # apt install -y libghc-curl-dev #已解决! Centos: ...

  10. configure: error: Curl library not foun

    yum -y install curl-devel 转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/lehao/p/3903189.html


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