1. 本发明公开了一种超3代(B3G)移动通信系统下的媒体接入控制层帧结构。包括9个字段,其顺序及每个字段的位数依次为:用户标识字段;业务标识字段,位数为3比特;分段标识字段,位数为3比特;标志字段,位数为1比特;偏移量字段,位数为6比特;长度字段,位数为8比特;保留字段,位数为3比特;帧头校验字段,位数根据采用的前向纠错编码算法而定;数据字段。

This invention discloses a frame structure of a MAC under a B3G mobile communication system including 9 fields, in which, the sequence and digit of each field is as follows: a UID field, a SID field in 3 bits, a SgID field with the digit of 3 bits, a F field: one bit, an offset field with the digit of 6 bits, a length field with the digit of 8 bits and a Rev field with the digit of 3 bits, a HEC field and the digit is decided according to the front correction code algorithm and a data field.

2. 帧头

2. 帧头包括接收方主机物理地址的定位以及其它网络信息。

The frame header contains the location of the physical address as well as other network data.

3. 在Fibre Channel中,如果数据帧或者报文中包含帧头或者报头以及填充字节等可选信息,那么这些信息不包括在有效负载之内。

In Fibre Channel, the payload excludes optional headers and fill bytes, if they are present.

4. 其GPS采用接收到字符即产生中断的方法,FIFO只起到缓冲作用,并在系统接收中断中,判断是否收到帧头。

Whose GPS adopt taking-over to be to produce interrupted method to the character, FIFO gets up only to buffer action, and in system taking-over be interrupted, judge receiving frame of head or not.

5. 该系统由遥测发射机、遥测接收机、笔记本计算机等三部分组成,工作在433MHz免申请的开放频段,能同时测试10名受试者的心音信号;遥测发射机由受试者随身携带,每次发射一个心动周期的心音信号,并以心电信号的R波同步脉冲作为数据包的帧头标记,这样作为系统主机的笔记本计算机只需采用简单算法就能快速而准确地从接收到的遥测心音信号中提取研究心肌变力性和变时性所需的心力数据和心率数据,而无需遥测心电信号;遥测接收机通过专用的USB接口转换模块,实现了与笔记本计算机的USB口之间的高速数据传输,同时又无需额外的工作电源。

Performance test shows that this telemetry system has reached the design requirement, and can be applied to study myocardial inotropism and chronotropism in mobile sites.

6. 在捕获阶段利用训练符号完成了数据帧头捕获,频偏粗估计,符号定时等任务,在跟踪阶段利用循环前缀,导频信号完成载波频率跟踪等任务。

In the acquire phase, it utilizes the training symbols to achieve packet header detection, frequency offset estimation and symbol timing. During the tracking phase, it makes use of the pilot signal and cycle prefix to fulfill the tasks of carrier frequency tracking.

7. 实现4路E1信号到1路二次群信号的复分接,主要包括全数字锁相环、HDB3-NRZ编解码、正码速调整、帧头检测和复分接等。

The author's main tasks includes: 1.Implement the multiplexer of 4 El signals, the main circuit includes all digital phase-locked loop (DPLL), HDB3 encode and decode, positive justification, the start of frame detect circuit, multiplex and demultiplex circuit.

8. 在AIS基带信号的处理过程中,还需要帧头检测、频偏估计、符号定时算法的辅助,在论文中,对各种算法也进行了详细的研究。

In the AIS baseband signal processing, we also need frame head detection, frequency shift estimation and symbol timing algorithm to assist our demodulation process. In this paper, we also conducted all the algorithms researched in detail.

9. 帧头

9. 以太帧头中有个16比特的帧类型区域控制此项。

To handle this there is a16-bit frame type field in the Ethernet header.

10. 简单数据链路协议(SDL)是一种新的且具有实现简单和低开销特点的数据链路协议,其同步方式采用了帧头循环冗余码(CRC)校验实现。

Simple data link (SDL) is a new data link protocol with simple processing and low overhead cost.

11. 本文针对全光路由控制的帧头复制、识别,以及光缓存技术进行了深入研究和探讨,取得的成果对于全光路由控制的实现和全光分组交换的发展有重要的参考价值。

This dissertation focuses on the header periodic replication, header recognition and payload optical buffer, and these conclusions achieved have important reference value for implementation of all-optical routing control and development of all-optical packet switching.

12. 帧头

12. PBT继承了以太网的转发策略,通过重新定义标准帧帧头后字段等方式技巧性地修改了帧的结构。

PBT inherits the forwarding strategies and modify the frame structure by redefining the standard frame header field after the way of tricks of Ethernet.

13. 其可控参数有:IQ路信息、帧头长度、帧同步码内容、帧同步误差容限(同步门限)、帧保护容限(锁定门限)、帧保护系数(失锁门限)、帧的长度。

The High-Speed Frame-Synchronizer can be controlled by changing parameter as followings: IQ routes information, the length of frame head, the content of frame-synchronization codes, frame-synchronization error sufferance, frame protect sufferance, frame protect coefficient, the length of frame.

14. 所谓电信级以太网,即在保留传统以太网的帧结构的基础上,通过扩展帧头和引入二层信令,在以太网上实现与电信网类似的可管理性和高可靠性。

The so-called carrier Ethernet is that keeping the original Ethernet frame structure unchanged, realize the telecommunications network management through the expansion of the Ethernet frame header and the layer two Signaling command.

15. 针对列车通信网中的特殊帧格式和信号表示方式,提出在列车通信网中使用帧头、长度、编码规则和校验码来共同检测数据帧的正确性。

The method of using frame head checking, length checking, coding rule checking and check code checking to examine the correctness of data frame in TCN aiming at the special format of frame and the expression mode of signal is proposed.

16. 超帧中的MSDU共用一个帧头,但是使用独立的校验和,因此接收方能够对每一个MSDU单独地进行解码。

All the MSDUs in a super frame share a single frame header, while having different frame check sequences, therefore, the receiver can decode each MSDU separately.

17. 单片机通过HCI指令控制蓝牙模块,对发出的数据进行附加蓝牙数据帧头处理,通过模拟串口发给蓝牙并发射出去。

MCU can control Bluetooth module by HCI command, and it dispose the sending data by frame head of additional Bluetooth data, then it will send the data to Bluetooth module and send them out through simulate serial port.

18. 该系统不但可以快速方便的传输、记录及显示雷达数据形成分机的数据,还具有判断数据帧头错误、帧长度错误的功能。

The system has great applicable value because it can not only transfer, record and display data of the radar data-forming equipment fast and conveniently, but also judge the errors of data frame head and frame length.

19. 该协议解决了在不同发送速率条件下,因MAC层帧头的传输范围不同而引起邻节点对信道状态认知产生差异的问题,从而降低了分组发送失败概率和提高了信道利用率。

RIEMS + can decrease the transmission failure probability and increase the channel utility factor, because it overcomes the drawback that nodes may have different cognitions on channel status, which arises from the differences in propagation ranges of frames with varying transmission rates.

20. 在捕获阶段,本方案利用短训练符号进行数据帧头捕获,并改进了延迟相关检测算法,提高了帧头定位性能。

In the Acquire Phase, it utilizes the training symbols to achieve packet header detection, frequency offset estimation and symbol timing.

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